Chapter 5: We all need a break!

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The VIP room of the Home Sweet Home restaurant momentarily became a battleground between Katherine Manson and Freddy Howling. The employees on the outside are no strangers to Katherine Manson's frank, outspoken, and sometimes rude personality. And the guests accompanying Freddy also more or less understood how he was a naughty person and liked to provoke others. Katherine is very tired of what just happened. Someday or later the restaurant will be robbed of its Michelin star, not even a star stuck on the outside door. Freddy still tries to challenge Katherine when he thinks everyone's food today doesn't have enough of the sweet, warm taste it needs. Freddy used a fork to slowly draw on the white porcelain plate. His actions caught Katherine's eyes, causing her to begin to feel extremely uncomfortable. But Freddy did not stop there, his other hand suddenly touched the knife on the table. He carefully inserted the blades into the groove of the fork at an angle of about forty-five degrees and then placed them on the plate. Freddy deliberately turned the plate slightly so that the sharp angle formed by the tip of the knife and fork was pointed directly at Katherine. She was so angry that her face turned purple. Katherine clenched her fists. The male waiter, who saw Katherine's actions, widened his eyes in horror. He gently grabbed her apron to remind her. The guests accompanying Freddy were also quite surprised by his 'foolish act'. The sign created by Freddy is the declaration that 'the food is not appetizing', an extremely clever reminder of his skillfulness to the talented female Chef standing in front of him. Katherine tried to calm down even though she had only one urge in her heart right now, to punch Freddy in the face. Never had she wanted to hit someone so much? Katherine's gaze was like a sharp knife across Freddy's dark face. Even though it was only for a brief moment, both of them realized that the opposite person was their natural enemy. Katherine growled in her throat in a rather scary voice: "I thought you didn't like this dish?" Katherine's words surprised Freddy. He never thought she would respond like that. Because it is not in line with the standards of behavior of people working in the service industry. Freddy looked disappointed even though the sly smile at the corner of his lips was evident. He slowly placed the napkin on the table and looked Katherine straight in the eye: "I had high hopes for this meal, but it was nothing like I had imagined. Isn't this restaurant called Home Sweet Home? Then why can't I feel any warmth and sweetness of that family?" Freddy's way of talking is quite harsh, even though his voice is gentle and witty. The tense atmosphere was also pushed to the c****x. It seemed that everyone around became spectators in the confrontation between Freddy and Katherine. It wasn't until she began to speak up that they realized the seriousness of the matter. The male waiter surreptitiously grabbed Katherine's apron several times, but she pushed his hand away. Katherine growled, she reached for Freddy's plate and gave it to the male waiter in the eyes of everyone's amazement. Katherine smiled, and out of place, forced smile at Freddy, who looked like a character from a cheap horror movie. Katherine spoke quickly: "Then let's see what your family is like. I'm sorry for you because I can't help other people feel feelings they haven't had." Katherine's words changed Freddy's face completely. Freddy's face was as hard as cold steel and his eyes weren't as mischievous as they used to be: "What do you mean?" The surrounding guests all became surprised when Freddy's voice deepened. Only Deborah realized the approaching danger. She winked at the male employee to stop Katherine, but his efforts were completely useless against Katherine's anger. She continued to ask Freddy: "Do you want me to give you some food to bring home to eat with the whole family?" "Be careful what you say, Katherine." Freddy growled, Deborah hurried over and took his hand gently. Deborah's gaze touched Katherine lightly. Both girls looked at each other, each with different emotions. Deborah tried to make eye contact with Katherine. Seeing the pleading in Deborah's eyes, Katherine gradually lowered her voice: "You should too. I suggest you go to McDonald's next time to prove your ego. At least they'll give you some coupons." Freddy felt that Katherine was slowly cooling down and giving way when he quickly overpowered her to gain the upper hand. Perhaps this was the action that he would spend the rest of the evening regretting. Freddy snapped at Katherine's hand to stop her from clearing his plate. Freddy said in a hateful voice with a haunted face: "You will regret your words. Katherine, did you know that I was… Oh my God! What are you doing?" Freddy's scream-like voice rang out as Katherine dumped the leftovers on his plate at him. Everyone was so shocked that everyone gasped, no one dared to say a word. Especially Deborah, she not only stopped Freddy but also laughed at Katherine's actions. The talented female chef immediately pointed her finger in Freddy's face and said, "You'll spend the rest of your life regretting coming here today with that smug, condescending attitude." After the revolutionary declaration, Katherine scurried away to everyone's horror. The male waiter hurriedly helped Freddy clean the food on his body and apologized profusely. Freddy felt the hot blood rush to his ears, the top of his head was as hot as if it was about to smoke. For the first time in his life, Freddy felt so unfairly and rudely treated. He was just about to get up to follow Katherine when Deborah grabbed his arm and stopped him. She knew that if he ran after Katherine, something big would happen. Deborah was used to the behavior of the Howling boys: "She's tougher than steel, isn't she? Freddy, you've got the wrong guy." Freddy frowned, he gently pushed the male waiter aside and walked straight out with a very unsightly face. Freddy said to Deborah, "Let's go home." The story of Katherine's war with a VIP customer immediately spread hotly within the Home Sweet Home restaurant. Although this was not the first time that had happened, everyone was amazed at Katherine's excessively rude behavior. But anyway, she acted like a hero in the eyes of the staff here. Katherine has never been afraid or humbled before anyone, especially the grumpy, overbearing guests, who often make it difficult for the staff. And the most important thing right now is that Katherine has just had to go through an extremely large event created by Krik himself. Everyone sympathizes with her, they understand the terrible pressure she has been carrying on her shoulders in the past. The whole evening, Katherine just focused on cooking to avoid any other thoughts until the restaurant closed, then she sat absentmindedly in the corner of the kitchen with a blank face. Kenny also refused to come home. He stayed to talk to her. Kenny made a plate of spaghetti and gave it to Katherine because he knew it was her favorite dish. Kenny smiled at her: "Katherine, I heard… in the VIP room… you… really… what to say?" "Say no more, Kenny." Katherine took the plate of spaghetti and waved it to Kenny to be quiet. However, he still refused to stop but grinned: "Good job! You did a great job!" Kenny's mocking voice made Katherine laugh. Kenny's posture is exactly like Macken Manson - Katherine's father. Perhaps his signature body language became a form of daily entertainment for the restaurant staff. Katherine twirled her fork lightly, the aroma of tomatoes wafting through her nose, she said: "This kid! I've already started talking like your father. But until now, have you seen him anywhere?" "Looks like Uncle Macken has been sitting in his room the whole time. I dare not call him." Kenny sighed. He was a little worried about Macken, whom he considered to be his kindest, most respectful teacher. Although Macken and Katherine are father and son, their personalities are quite different. If Katherine is a molten lava fire ready to burn anything in its path, Macken is bare, as hard as a boulder. He is taciturn and rather intimidating at times, but never loudly yells or gets angry at others. But more than all the bad habits of Macken and Katherine, the two of them always care and take care of every employee at the restaurant. Both of them always bring a warm family atmosphere to everyone, so this place becomes a true home for any diners. The dishes are made with the genuine feelings and love they have for each other. That's the special thing about Home Sweet Home - a value that no other restaurant in Queens, New York can bring to diners, restaurant staff, and the people here.
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