Chapter 4: Not interested

1175 Words
Kenny is like a lost child, living in the uncertainty of chaos when he witnessed with his own eyes two plates of English roast meat being enjoyed by diners. And he knew that these two were not people to be offended. Kenny has worked at Home Sweet Home since the very beginning, so he understands the place and the 'food culture' of the Michelin-based elite very well. Just one bad review from reviewers can drag a whole restaurant brand to hell. And Kenny felt so scared, he had to ask someone to help him back to the kitchen and couldn't do anything but tremble. At this time, Marcel came in from the outside. He just saw Krik and Kenny's white faces, then he approached and asked what had happened. Marcel's acumen easily sent the two young men into a panic. Kenny couldn't say anything but hummed for a moment and then fell silent, while Krik burst into tears. After sobbing for a while, Krik dared to narrate everything from beginning to end to Marcel. He didn't say a word, just turned and walked quickly out of the restaurant's reception hall. Marcel's face gradually lost consciousness and became white as powder as he stood hesitantly at the reception counter without seeing the figure of the woman in purple ao dai. The receptionist said that the woman had just finished eating the first piece of meat, then paid and left the restaurant with an annoyed face. After hearing that, Marcel sighed, he instructed the receptionist to continue working while he went into the management room and closed the door tightly. Marcel quietly sat down on the chair, his desk now very cold and empty. Marcel didn't know what to do next, where to start… he gradually panicked at the prospect of his second Michelin star being taken away. For Marcel, Katherine and the Home Sweet Home restaurant are all the most precious things in his life, so any harm done to his lovely daughter and the beloved restaurant is a big deal. Deep wound for him. Marcel knows that the food critic will definitely take away the restaurant's Michelin star and he is slowly learning to face it bravely. But right at this moment, he needed a little quiet, a little privacy for himself to be selfish with his emotions. The kitchen of Home Sweet Home restaurant is still operating at full capacity because of the continuous flow of orders. Krik and Kenny could not complete the kitchen assistant position, so they switched to washing dishes to avoid getting in the way of others. Everyone just focused on doing the current task well, no one mentioned what just happened. After a few minutes of silence, Katherine returned to the kitchen. She immediately recognized the strange atmosphere that was pervading the kitchen. Everyone seems to be working very hard on the surface, but Krik and Kenny have never had to stand washing dishes. Katherine asked everyone to stop and asked what was going on. Krik stood in front of Katherine, clenched his fists, took a deep breath, apologized and recounted everything to her. Krik suddenly knelt on the ground in everyone's astonishment. He said he would accept any form of reprimand and agreed to compensate Katherine. She stood still, looking at Krik for a long time, and then slowly patted him on the shoulder: "If it's already gone, that's fine. Nothing you can do now can change the past." Katherine's words surprised everyone. Nobody thought that a hot-tempered person like her could say such a thoughtful sentence. Katherine waved, urging everyone to do a good job serving today's customers. She didn't seem to care about what had just happened, but inside she was about to collapse right now. Katherine knew that her father would be very sad, so the entire Home Sweet Home restaurant was left alone. In the midst of this fierce storm that was about to hit, Katherine had to be the toughest. Everyone has the right to fall, except her. Everyone saw Katherine like that, so they did not dare to discuss or express their opinion. They understand that Home Sweet Home restaurant is literally a real home for all employees, so they always know how to share with each other in any situation. Katherine instructs Kenny to focus on the new dish and then turns to Krik to instruct him to make the special sauce again. The kitchen of the Home Sweet Home restaurant is still operating normally, as if there was not any dust that crept into that place. Katherine focused on work. The sound of the oil pan, the smell of food once again revived the positive emotions inside her. Suddenly, a male waiter came in from outside and said with an excited face, maybe he didn't know what had happened just now: "Chef, the VIP area wants to invite Chef. Come out and talk." “I am not a flight attendant. Kenny you go out." Katherine frowned, trying to speak in the quietest, quietest voice she could. Kenny hastily transferred a hot pan of food to a male kitchen assistant nearby, then took off his apron to follow the male waiter to the VIP area. However, he shook his head in refusal: “Chef, this is the restaurant's practice as well as our Michelin standard. I dare not do wrong. When VIP guests have a request to meet the chef, except in urgent cases, the chef cannot refuse. In addition, this is also one of the Michelin scoring criteria. I know the Chef is busy but we can't afford to lose points.” “Finally, it's still me!!! Finally, that damn Michelin star! I'll slit your face with a knife and the three or four star VIP customers! As much as I want, I will give as much!!!” Katherine threw the knife to the ground and began to howl in rage. Everyone held their breath at the same time until she angrily walked out. Kenny hastily reminded the male waiter to follow Katherine to prevent her being scolded or by the customer. Katherine quickly arrived in the VIP area with an extremely condescending attitude. She bowed to everyone coldly: “Hello everyone, nice to meet you. I don't know if today's food is to your taste?" Freddy saw Katherine's face and was happy: "Very good! The English roast is a dish I absolutely hate, but since the chef has personally made it, I still try to enjoy it.” In her heart at that moment, Katherine could only turn a blind eye and leave immediately. She had no need, much less interest in talking to Freddy's group. He noticed her discomfort. Freddy has a hobby of causing trouble, so he immediately provokes Katherine: "You are a Chef, but you don't understand the most basic standards when welcoming VIP guests?" Katherine took a deep breath, and everyone around immediately felt the tension between her and Freddy. She looked him straight in the eye and said slowly: "It depends on the guest!"
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