
449 Words

Jensens POV After everyone had left my father's office. My father looked right at me with concern. "Could you feel her aura? She needs to learn how to reign it in. She can not go around hurting people when she gets mad" She was strong. I don't remember josh being this strong. "how is Josh not this strong?" I say as if I'm just thinking to myself "Oh he is, his aura when he was 14/15 was bad when he first got here. Almost gave you a run for your money. furthermore, Female twins tend to have a stronger pull as they are more dominant than their counterparts, Whereas the Male has more brute strength. Being both Alpha's would add more into the mix. She has spent so long being submissive against her father, now she can be more herself" Make sense. I ponder for a moment not realising Josh s

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