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Freya POV 'I'm so mad at him and myself. How could our father be so bad.' One good thing about having a wolf is they can always understand what you are feeling. Right now I'm so grateful for Astrid. 'I don't know what I would do without you either. Don't beat yourself up over other people's issues and faults, You can only choose how it affects you. Warrick has had enough impact on us. We are strong. We have family who loves us. We are a god dame Alpha Freya, let's heal and stop this from happening to anyone else. No female should suffer what Sarah and our fate.' 'You realise you would make one hell of an inspirational speaker Astrid' 'I'm only speaking the truth' Astrid is right I could sit here in this bath for the next year crying and wondering why me why us? or I could get up dust

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