Chapter 5 ( School)

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Today was a good day for Alex and some of the other kids would start school again. Mia too, but in the kindergarten class, which was nice but still a bit scary, walking into the unknown, at least walking in with friends and your brother, was the best way to do it. Our school was for werewolves, but there were also a lot of human kids because some had human parents and werewolf parents and, well, let's just say everyone gets along just great if you obey the rules. Alex and I did not see too much of each other recently and in school he would play with the boys and I played with Stella most of the time (in separate playgrounds). Stella liked all the things I did and being friends with her kind of made it easy to forget about my bestie. Alex is a bit older than me and the teachers were very strict too , so we just did what we had to and, at least, me and Alex still played after school at home or at Nana's home when we needed to stay there and we ate every meal together, so it was OK in a sense of knowing he is close. Stella and I liked to paint and draw and she was quite good at it. I was also, but not as much as her , but it did not matter to me because she sometimes helped me out and I helped her with math, so we were a good team. Every day was mostly the same and school was nice ,but soon after ,the more I tried to play with Alex at school when we were loud, the more he said no ,wanting to play with the boys his age and older, and so, as time went past us, we grew even more apart and before long we were all growing up becoming a different version of ourselves,. Time went fast now.. we grew up...we wanted different things …. Also, going into puberty, we were turning into little women and the boys we knew started to get more muscles on them while me and Stella got reading glasses , but hers are permanent and mine is just for reading. And Mrs. Grey said once our wolves develop or come to the surface we won't be needing them, so we stuck with it and, well, looked a bit like nerds, but at least we are that clever and it helped us a lot too. Lucky for us, werewolves grow fast ."Mia, let's go to gym class ", Stella says, looking tired already and,, well, I was not one for sports at all, not anymore since growing up. Girls become too aware of their growth and that spoils it, so we just go hoping it will be over soon. On the field, the girls and boys were separate and the boys were playing football while us girls had to run track with the bloody son, but mom always says it's like packing practice, just not as brutal , so we run and while we run, we see some of the more popular girls standing around Alex and his friends (Middle school) and it makes me think that his puberty really did go to his head, even though being twelve now and looking forward to adulthood still seemed like a endless road of girls wanting to win the price and the price that seems to still be my best friend just love himself now ,being the popular boy in school too. Alex could still walk home with me, but as soon as he sees the boys or Will, he sort of makes excuses to go to them and I just leave it, giving him space like his grandma said I should do. Growing up, me and Alex were inseparable, always playing and going on some adventures, so today Stella and her mom are going to her aunt's in town and she is sick, so now I guess I will be doing homework on my own and then just take a book and go read in the tree house. As I walk to the tree house I can see it's nice and quiet , just what I need and the perfect, to read my book and write in my diary .Reading always makes me relax and after today's running I can do some rest, not that dad minds it because he always wants me to keep fit , saying a young lady must keep up with the world and always be ready because there can always be a war breaking out and then you would need to be fit to run away. A fit body houses a fit mind. I was so lost in my book that I did not hear footsteps coming up the tree house and when I did, I assumed it would be Stella being back, because Alex rarely comes to hear now. He said he was getting too big for this, so I just left him to do as he pleased ,but I was dumbstruck when I heard the all too familiar voice. "Hay Mia what your doing?, up here alone?", Alex, said, making me jump to the realization that he is actually in the tree with me. "Alex hi, ya I'm just reading and waiting for Stella , and you, how are you?". He looks a bit shy ," Oh Ok nice, I've been good just you know school stuff and football practice and dad is making me train after school with the top warrior , but not too much", he says sitting infront of me and man he is growing up to be quite handsome. "Ya me too, I mean I'm busy to with school and painting and running track and stuff too". "So what book are you reading there?", he smiles while taking my book and I must say this is strange because at school he sort of ignores me ,and now ,and now he wants to know what book I am reading, really?. " Well it's the story about some boy named Tom and his friend Huck , not to exiting". I quickly say and he gives it back to me smiling, dragging his one hand through his black hair, and this just makes me nervous , why I don't know. "Nice book. I read it, too, a while ago, do you wanna go to the river later and I don't know ,look for frogs or fireflies" or just talk? This is typical Alex, well the one my best friend that I knew growing up, but why now?. "Sure Alex why not , it's just that why now suddenly "?. "What do you mean Mia , by saying that?". "Because you ignore me at school and I rarely see you anymore Alex and now you wanna be friends again?, I just don't understand that's all. " I argue and I can see he knows I'm right ,but he keeps fighting our friendship, and for what, why I wonder?". "I'm sorry ok I've just been busy that's all ok , so will I see you later then?". "Fine I'll be there at six." After talking a bit he slid down the pole and walked to training and I was still a bit shocked and as I watch him I see him turn around looking up giving my a wink, a wink, what the hell!?. Six o'clock came sooner than I thought and so would mom would make me promise to come home at eight and, because I am only eleven now, it would be almost twelve. I was still a kid that had to go to bed early on school nights and my mom was hectic about rules, so I said my peace and left hoping this would go just right. It was starting to get dark outside and walking to the river , one could hear the water and it was my favorite spot to be at night, even though it was a bit creepy sometimes. The river was slowly flowing on its way and, well, I was still waiting for Alex. When I got there, I waited and waited until it was ten past eight and because mom was already worried most probably, I decided to call it and just go home, thinking this was too good to be true anyway. He stood me up again 1. "Why are you late, Mia ? I said be home at eight!", Mom said and I think she saw I was off, so she looked at me with her asking face as if understanding . "He did not pitch did he?" she says. "No mom , maybe he was busy". "Fine love ask him tomorrow OK ,now go wash and get ready for bed ok". So I walked up to my room and as I walked out I saw Alex laughing with Will and they didn't see me at all, but I saw them and then I knew him. But me, and here I thought we were friends for life, seems he's got new friends now.....
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