Chapter 6 (Friendships lost)

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Alex(Pov) It's not easy,, being me, and it's like Mia doesn't understand that a boy like me has it hard because my father is trying to shape me into a future Alpha, which I will be one day, and my friends want me doing stuff with them and then my mom the Luna wants me to be Mia's shadow and well Mia just want me when she sees fit and now she is even friends with some of the nerd boys too in our school and she and Stella have become better friends now to and it's like she doesn't see me for me anymore ,so damn it then, she talks behind my back too I heard from Will , and at least the popular girls like me and then there is Will he and I were getting along too but now the popular girl likes me and he likes her and I'm in the middle so I just do not wane fight my brother so no girl for me not worth it to lose my mates for. Mia also seems to have grown up nicely and I can see my friends look at her more, seeing we are fifteen now and she is now 14 in the highschool stages of school, ( time flies),but I always tell them that she doesn't like boys and that she was not as friendly as when we were ten years old, so at least that keeps them away thinking she is a weirdo and a nerd. Today at school, me and the boys are wearing our leather jackets and I must say it looks rad. No more being nice to a liar.Will warned me but I was blind, but now I see it.. She ignores me and Will hears her talk bad about me. So much for being friends. At least I have Will. It was a bit of a cold day, so the popular boys wore their signature black leather jackets to school, making them look like some bad boy gang , but it was just all cool and well-fashioned-forward like it is said to be. Mia was, after all, turning into a very beautiful young lady, as did Stella and the rest too, seeing Wolf's genes are very nice, making us the perfect specimen and they say it's the way of finding your mate ,so who are we to argue about ours. "Mia wait up girl". Stella shouts in the lobby while going to her locker. "Hi Stella my bestie, and yes, I studied last night and man never in my life will I eat like that again, #toomuch chocolate for this girl". Yes, me and Stella were now like me and Alex used to be way back, very close, and we hung out mostly every day and last night she said we needed chocolate, so we ate and ate and, man, I ended up feeling so sick, but I still studied. "Ya I get you , so I see Alex is looking so damn hot in his black jacket and Will too, lets just say the moon goddess did a good job with those two". Stella giggled and I just shook my head ."Did you see the new boy Liam, he is smoking hot too?". Stella said, laughing. In class, the teacher asked us to pair up, but not with our bestie, so because everyone was feeling the pressure , the teacher ended up choosing us and, yes, I was the lucky one to be paired and seated next to Alex, the newly-doubted bad boy hunk. My mind was overthinking and his smell and blue eyes were clouding my brain. What the hell am I thinking? He was my best friend once and now, well, he is turning into this handsome, but rude and mean, god-like boy and me. Well, I am still in glasses and a bit short for my age. I wanted to appeal to the teacher, but then Alex looked at me smirking . "Mia, Mia, why so worried, I won't bite, well not, too hard." "Fine Alex, but just stay on your side. So, I need this grade". "Ya fine me too partners?", he asked, holding his hand out as if making a deal and so I shook, on it, but when I touched his hand it was cold ,yet so soft, so I reclined as fast as I can and open my books to hear the teacher explain the work. Mia (Pov) The whole period was horrible, sitting next to a boy that was my best friend but now felt like a stranger to me. Thinking he did not like me anymore for some reason I did not even know, was weird to say the least, and when the bell went off I was so glad and Stella walked and just smiled like the i***t she sometimes was and, man, I just wanted to hide or walked off while she joked with me and walked out the school Alex and his boys walks up to us and I can see he is mad. Something has happened again. "Look nerd, I don't know why you tell everyone we are best friends and that I want you to be my girlfriend, and you tell them I think too much of myself?I will never want to be your boyfriend or your friend and next time ,before telling lies about me and us ask me first ,ok nerdo!!" he says and slaps my books out of my hands while his gang laughs calling me a boobless nerdo and I am so shocked at this outburst of his. "I.. I didn't do it, Alex. Why would I spread lies? I know we are friends, but I never said I wanna be your Girlfriend or that you think too much of yourself…please Alex". I said I wanted to touch him, but he shoveled me back and as I stumbled backwards I fell and every single kid in that hallway,,, started to laugh at me except Stella and the new boy, Liam, who was helping me up and that is when I decided I would never forgive him for this, never. Alex high fived Will and Will padded him on the back, while Melissa (the popular girl) and the rest said words like, ",weirdo's just go home and words like little sl#t and four eyes ,and I just cried while they walked away leaving me wishing I was not even hear now, so Stella helped me home and when we approached the house I asked Stella to keep this a secrets between us and she agreed, no one needed to know this about their future Alpha, no one needed to know he was a bad boy now. "Mia you need to tell your dad , he needs to put that i***t in his place!" Stella says and I know she is right but for some reason I still protect him like when we were kids so I tell her that I am Ok now . Alex was misinformed, lied to, but inside my heart got ripped out and stamped on by the boy I saw as my bestie for so long and now I know we will most definitely never get that back after today, so much for working together in class. "Thanx but I am fine Stella he was just mad at the rumers". "Ya but why did he need to do that to you infront of everyone in school ?". "I don't know ,I just know this becoming Alpha soon is getting to him, but ya I have homework and your mom wants us to train with her, but I don't feel up to it today ,can you help a girl out and cover for me ?", I say and knowing her she smiles and hugs me. "Sure Mia just promise you will speak when you are ready ok and I will tell my mom you had homework or some stuff to do ok, just be careful. I love you bestie ", she says and hugs me, and then out she goes, leaving me and my broken heart to a good friendship lost.
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