Chapter 7 (The Bad Boy)

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Time has passed since the fight, when Alex pushed me to the ground and him and his friends laughed at me , calling me names. And to tell the truth, I was trying my best to keep out of his way and so was Stella. After that day, we still had classes together and it was so hard because every day he and his group of followers ganged up on me again, still calling me names. Alex has become cold and distant too. I don't even see him a lot after school anymore, seeing that he is now also playing football more and then attending training. During breaks, they throw me and Stella with food and they are just being mean, like it's some compliment if they even notice us. This was, however, liked by the popular girls and Melissa, and let's just say Alex and the popular girl Melissa from the neighboring pack are now a couple and she is on him like a damn leash every day. There are rumors saying that she is our pack's future Luna and Alex's mate , so ya, that is not good news because she is a mean girl and a real brat because the other day when she visited Alex , some of the pups were playing with him and she shooed them away growling at them, he saw it ,but then she said she was only joking, playing , but I saw her for who she was and that was being mean. Yesterday, Alex and his friends wrote 'nerdo' and 'Sl*t' on my locker again, Will being the one guiding them. So then again, Stella helped me to wash it of and after school it was there again, my life was turning into misery's and it ended up on me not even wanting to go to our pack school or training grounds because the less I saw him and Will (being my other bully when Alex was not there) , was to much,... so me and Stella went to her mom and told her what was happening and well she helped us to train alone and for that I will always be grateful to her ,but she is the Gamma female and she told me to go and speak to the Alpha about his son's but I declined, saying I will handle it and besides next year Alex will be of to Alpha school and only return when he is ready to claim his place as the new Alpha and to look for his mate so then I would most likely have my life back and hopefully when he comes back he will be all grown up, maybe even nice again. Werewolf's tend to find their mates after 18 years and so, hopefully, I will and him as well. No more bad boy drama for me then. In werewolf culture, all the new Alphas must attend Alpha school , it's a part of who they are and it is a big must. Some say it's how they learn special fighting skills and learn new stuff about being a pack leader , an Alpha , but it's also to shape them into men that can stand up as a warrior and, so every new Alpha must attend according to our law and our elders. Mrs. Grey is one of the top elders and that being so ,it means bad boy Alex must go too ,for his grandma believes him to be the future Alpha King, but,, Me ,well, let's just say I don't think a future King should behave like a bad boy every damn day to impress his friends and girlfriend from hell ,he should be kind, strong and helping others not breaking them down like he does to me. Some days I wonder why ? What the hell did I ever do to him? Alex wasn't always like this .Stella said it's because he thinks I spread rumors about him and his minions, but I don't. We used to be so close, so why would I? and now it's like he is from a distant land and put on earth to hate me instead. He was now known to me as the Bad boy alpha. Luckily, my dad got me my own little pick-up truck and, well, I guess it was because I was also older now. I was so happy about it and driving to school today was so nice and so I decided to pick Stella up also. "Mia, this is so cool girl, I love it , your dad is so nice", Stella shouted, looking all smiles at me. "Ya it's my birthday present.". "Well come on then show me if all my moms driving lessons paid of, lets drive !!". So I put it in, drive and off to school we go and, while driving, Stella puts' on some of our music and just for a while we felt normal, but as I stop in front of the school on a open parking spot, I see Alex and Melissa and their gang around Alex's car and they all look over to us and just like I thought the bad boy has something lame to say again. "Oh no really Mia, is that what you see as a ride?" , he says and the rest of the minions start laughing at us. "Yes Alex , at least I work for my stuff ", I say and take Stella by the arm to walk into the school. Peace was short-lived that day-"You better watch that mouth of yours Mia"!!. Alex shouts after me and Stella too, but we just walk faster to avoid his words. Not a good idea. Suddenly, as I stood by my locker getting my books out, I felt this strange feeling and the next moment Alex hits my locker door shut, showing me hard,, into it standing in front of me so close that I could smell his manly sent and his hot breath on my neck, but he is mad and I know why, because I challenged him infront of his gang. "well ,well little Mia, it seems you have gotten a big mouth , don't you ?, still challenging me I see?". "what do you mean? Alex, I don't". "you talked back to me, and that was not nice, Mia", he says, and while he stands close, he comes close and I wonder what the hell he wants now, it almost looks like he wants to... no he would not dare kiss me. "Leave her be man" , the new boy Liam and his friends and Alpha says, But then out of spite Alex slaps my books out of my hands once again and when I try to stop him he catches my hand and roughly put it above my head , hurting me in the proses, so I start to cry and that is the first time in such a long time I see worry in his eyes, and so he shoves me aside and walk away while Melissa takes his hand kissing him while the rest follows and Will smirks kicking my books also walking away as if glad at what had happened to me. Liam looks at me worried, but his Alpha ushers them away. My hand felt almost broken and sore but my heart was the one that suffered most and so I just went to class with Stella, trying to forget what just happened, reminding me to just ignore them. And thank Liam later if I see him alone. In class I saw the teacher look at my now swollen red hand and so she came over to my table taking my hand in hers. "Mia what happened to your hand?" she ask and I know she is a wolf from our pack so to lie was my plan. "I fell mam , but it's fine now. she looks at me smiling, "Go to the school nurse and let her look at your hand Mia I don't want you father on my back if I just send you home like this, and then wait for me after school in my office so you and I can talk ok", she says and so I gather my stuff walking to the school nurse but on my way there Melissa sees me and ones again shoves me and just as she wants to slap me Alex came out of the bathroom where I assume the two are busy making out. "Melissa no!! leave her!". he says startling me , so I was holding my hand at my back but Melissa looked at Alex . "Why babe she mustn't be here"?. "I am just going to the nurse miss Gibens send me that's all Melissa". "why, for what?', Alex interrupts looking a bit nervous and looking at my swollen hand. "Nothing", I say hoping they will just let me be and just like I wished Alex looks over to Melissa, "Come sexy lets head to class ,leave the loser to go for now we will get her tomorrow, come" he says and as she and him walk away I am stunned and then he turns his head smirikng at me and licking her ear and I felt so humiliated I just walked home instead of the nurse, with a hand that was very sore. I went home with my truck to bandage it up because even though I am a werewolf I don't have my wolf yet to help me heal faster, so for now I just have to take pain killers and rest while telling Stella not to worry. "Mia, how is you hand?" ,Stella asks and knowing her she is in town still with her mom getting me a latte to help me feel better but as soon as we end our call dad calls me through mind link and he sounds mad?, worried and I wonder why?, does he know something?, oh s**t I'm in trouble. The teacher!. "Mia, come on, I know you are passing in front of my office", dad says through mindlink. So I opened the door and as I stepped in, he looked directly at my hand, so I just went down, looking at the floor, because if dad is in Beta mode, then one had better show respect. "What happened at school Mia ?, miss Gibens called me today saying she is worried about you, why?". "Dad I'm fine it was an accident, I fell that's all and I did not see a need to go to the nurse so I came home". I said, but my dad came closer, taking my hand, looking it over, and then went back to his table. "Mia, you did not fall , you got hurt, so tell me what is going on, you have been acting strange these last few weeks and for a reason I do not know and you and Alex don't even speak or eat together with us all like you used to , so tell me why?". Now. I know my dad must know something and if I tell him Alex is bullying me there will be big trouble that I do not want. "Dad. Like I said, I am fine OK and well, Alex hangs out with the popular kids and me and Stella are not like that, that's all I promise dad". "Fine ,I'll let it go for now. But I tell you now, if this was Alex's doing, then I will not leave it. You were my first daughter before I was Beta of Silvermoon, so I will not stand. Luckily, he is leaving soon, so then you will have peace. Now go to the pack doctor to have him look at your hand please or your mom will kill me Mia"., dad says, and so I just nod, knowing he could or could never be fooled. He knows and so I just hope he will let it go , so I kissed dad on the cheek and headed to the doctor's. The doctor was so nice and he wrapped my hand again seeing it was starting to heal and so I went home and Stella being so nice left me my Latte on my nightstand with a letter saying ,("for you bestie and also to say she is going training with our moms"). I drank my Latte while running a nice hot bath for my sore body and hand and as I do I sit on my bed wondering why all this is happening , because not to long ago Alex and I was best friends, playing together, pranking Nana and just doing stuff together like going to the tree house with the firefly's but now I don't even go there anymore and it now seems like a run down place. How the best friend turned into the bad boy I will never know...Mabey I should fix the tree house up again.
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