Chapter 10 (He's leaving on a jet plane)

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I woke up very early. So. I quickly helped. So mom and our Luna. Then. So to start and set up the going away party for Alex and then off to school, only to be back to start the party. This is a big thing for Luna Des. Seeing Alex is her only blood, son and the future Alpha of our pack ,so we are sad for her, but glad the bad boy will be off training night and day or, whatever, he had to go there and only return when he. He turned 18 and if his father sees him fit , he will take the pack over from his dad and then also get the chance to choose his Beta and gamma and begin his reign as leader. His grandma also believes he will become the next Alpha King , so we will have to see about that. Not that I agree, but yeah, so after walking back and forth with chairs and linen, I see a big old sexy bike coming into the driveway and, heavens behold, it is Liam in all his manly glory and, yes, he is also still a boy but big and full of muscles , a bit smaller then Alex but still very appealing to the female eye. So I take my bag and say goodbye to mom to go greet him and yes, he is on time, nicely done for a boy. "Hey pretty girl, you ready to go?" Liam smiles, handing a helmet to me. "Yes I am , and I must say I like that you are on time too, it's really good to know". He smiles and holds his hand to help me on the bike and I gladly take it. "Thought you might". He said and as soon as I was ready, we were off to school and could hold on to him. I can't stop wondering why I am a school nerd and so unpopular, so why would he have an interest in me at all? . As we enter the school grounds, I see Alex and Will standing with Melissa and some other popular girls and Melissa is once again hanging all over Alex. So I think Liam sees my reaction and as we climb of the bike he looks at me questioning. "Do you fancy him too like the rest of them?", he says ."No it's not like that and him we were best friends when we were kids but sins starting high school he changed and well I sort of became the nerd and he well he is our packs future Alpha so yeah that's all". "O I see , well to bad for him then", Liam looks at me and this is when I take my chance to just ask what I have been wanting to know. "so can I ask you something too?" I say and he smiles and man he is also very handsome, but in a dramatic way. "Sure princess, ask away but let's go in while you ask ok", so we walk in and as we do I see Alex look over and he has this strange look in his eyes and I can see he is turning madder as ever,. So me and Liam enter school but I decided to ignore Alex and so I asked Liam, " asked so seeing I am the nerd and all , why do you do this with me, fetching me from home and taking me home and, well, what I mean is , why are you nice to me Liam, I'm not even pretty and so not popular at all "... "Mia really, I like you and by the way you are very pretty and if no other guy can see it it's his loss and my win. I like that you gave me a chance ". "A chance , what do you mean?", I say and as we stop at my locker, he smirks, putting his hands on either side of my head, startling me a bit with him being a bit, to close. " To get to know you Mia and to show these asses that you are amazing and also to be your friend". he says and just when I wanna talk , in walks the bad boy looking smoking hot with Will and some of our packs warriors and stops right next to us, the way Alex looks at Liam makes me a bit worried and wondering what they want now. "So I see you met our school nerdo!!" Alex spits out and the air just got thicker. "Yeah man and she is smoking wouldn't you say ? , I mean look at her man and then she is clever too, …why do we have a problem ?" , Liam bickers back and I can see Alex eyes are getting dark and I know this is not good so I step in between then . "We are friends, Alex and we are going to class now". But as we want to leave, Alex stops me and Liam gives off a small roar and in seconds him and Alex are on top of each other's space, but luckily, the principal steps in and it is over just as soon as it started , and I know it's not. I'm just glad Alex is leaving soon. As we walk away, Alex shouts at Liam. "It's not over, pretty boy"., but Liam just smirks at him, putting his arm around my neck and then I hear a loud growl again and so I ask Liam to just keep walking fast. The rest of the day me and Stella kept a low profile and luckily for me the Luna had me and Stella out of school earlier than the rest to still help her with the party and well Liam was also making friends with the other boys so I knew he would be ok and with our strict principal ,Alex won't make a move because our principal is also a werewolf and good friends with Alexi's dad . "Mia , Stella please can you help with the silver and red balloons", the Luna asks us and so we take it and after about twenty we were stopping to have some lemonade and if I must say the décor was looking so nice and I just hope Alex will appreciate his mom's efforts by showing she loves him and that she will miss him dearly and in a strange way I will to , I can still see the one magical night when me and him were about seven and sitting in the tree house, he said that we would always be friends and that if this day of him going to Alpha camp came he would miss me so much and so we made a pact that day, that he would call every day telling me about what had happened , but buy now seeing were we are I realize that it will not happen anymore seeing we are not friends anymore like we used to be and that itself gave me this lump in my through, I really loved him back then and well even if he is so mean to me every day he will always have a peace of me with him even if he knows it or not, he was my first best friend and some days I still see a bit of that boy when he talks to his mom or his grandma or when he plays with some pups and think I don't see him. This is a must for him and I pray to the moon goddess to bring him home a better man for the sake of the pack. "Thanks, you two, you helped me a lot today so you can go get ready for the party too, as am I ", the Luna says, kissing us both on the heads, walking to the pack house smiling as her plan came together nicely. " Come, Mia, lets get ourselves ready ", Stella says making me smile because I know even though we are nerdo's we love dresses and party's so I walk with her hand in hand to go look for the perfect dresses. "Mia look at this, it is so the perfect dress, believe me bad boy Alex won't know where to look at when he sees you in this girl!". I look at it and agree it is pretty, so I take the pink floral dress with wild flowers and man, it fits me so nicely, but because I am shy still, I put on a small little jacket to even the look out and some sandals and I look pretty. so now it is Stella's turn ,"I love that Stella , so nice, you need that yes", So Stella takes the blue dress that also looks like mine and so we are finally ready to say goodbye. Alex (Pov) Seeing her with that boy made my blood boil. I mean, who he is to take her h is mine and I don't like to share, so I asked Will to keep a eye on the dude while I am gone ,seeing Will joined me on the last two months because I, want my Beta to train with me, in Alpha camp too, and grandma said she agreed so it was done. tonight is my going away party and even though I can't wait to go away I am a bit sad leaving my pack but hopefully when I come back Melissa will be here still and man I will miss those lips and hips but now it's focus time first. Getting dressed. I put on a nice shirt and some jeans and. I must say it's good to be growing up from a boy to a man and dad said this camp is going to be hard and tough, so I try and prepare myself. But it is hard to wonder if Mia would even say goodbye to me. I know she hates me but, though , I'll be back and she just had better behave. Yes, we were best friends, but ever since she decided to clamp up in high school I destined myself from her , I mean I am popular and I have a reputation , I need to be the most feared Alpha around, I can't be all nice all the time and well the girls love a strong male and that is what I will always be. So, as I go out to the bonfire where my party will be starting. I see her, Mia is so pretty and even though she is too weak for me, she is still Mia and that dress looks fine. It's just a shame I didn't get to see her, so I see Melissa and I'm glad ,so I make my way to her and then I see that it was fuc*king Liam , beta and I am not happy, why is he hear I ask my mother and she simply says that dad had invited him and his Alpha and she also said that I must behave and so I promised against my will, I don't like the guy and acpesially not when he is around Mia like a puppy dog. The night was a big success and so the Silvermoon pack celebrated their future Alpha, going away only to come back stronger and, this in turn, was nice to know that the pack is only as strong as it's Alpha and Alex had a lot of growing still to do and it was tradition also. All the pack were having fun, eating and wishing Alex all the best and so the moon was at its peak and more and more wolves, went home and so Alex and Will were still sitting at his table laughing with the Luna while Mia and Stella were dancing and every now and again they would look at each other and this was strange but they Both kept on being stubborn and just after Mia said goodnight seeing Liam off she also went to bed but was stunned when Alex stood infront of her bedroom door. "Alex, what are you doing here?" she ask . "I came to say goodbye nerdo !, seeing you did not, because I guess you were busy saying goodbye to lover boy Liam", he says and he looks hurt in a way. "O , yes well he was a guest Alex, and well now I am here so, take care Alex'. He looked at her and in some way the children they were , the friends they were sneaked looked cheap, in a weird way. "Goodbye Mia, take care and remember not to be to cheep with the boys ok". " Really Alex that is all you can say?". "Yes Mia what ells, that I will miss you or stay good?" "Yes Alex , but you know I am so glad you are leaving ,goodbye". She says, while slamming and locking her door, feeling so mad and hurt that she doesn't even notice he left. While walking away, Alex was mad, mad at her for wanting that beta and for not wanting him like the rest of the girls, like how Melissa wants him, so he gets into the car and leaves for the airport to begin his Alpha camp journey. Leaving on a jet plane, leaving his pack and the only girl that ever loved him, but he'll come back and then Mia and Liam better be nothing...
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