Chapter 11 ( Alpha camp/training)

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Hard is a understatement when it came to Alpha training , it was brutal, it was tougher than anything ells and there was no mercy for the weak, Alex came in all bad boy, thinking this will be a breeze, but instead it was hell, turning this new Alphas into men and into the best leaders they could be, it was like the marine's but way worse and it meant in this time they will turn 18 and that means getting their wolfs and turning for the very first time and that was the one thing that kept them going every day. Evil knew this and was also brewing... As time pass,Alex was getting bigger, faster and stronger and every night before they all went to bed they would have a bonfire meeting and also eat as one team even though they came from all over the globe and every one was perfect in their own way carrying the pride of their own pack with them and so as the days went past Alex not only grew as a man ,but he was now nearing his birthday and that was big . Some boys already turned into there wolfs and man they were big and strong wolfs so on the day of Alex's Birthday he felt the most pain he ever did and suddenly while still in bed  his wolf started to talk to him , in his head and then Alex knew he was no longer that spoiled brat, no he was becoming more, so much more.  "So mister Bad boy are you ready to shift?" ,The voice says and this makes Alex jump out of bed heading downstairs and into the garden were the two elders stood waiting as if knowing he was about to turn. "Yeah I am, so what's your name?", Alex asks his wolf. "My name is Blade ,...Alex and I am your Alpha wolf , the future King of the werewolf's". he say and this makes Alex very happy but unsure of what the wolf meant but before Alex could ponder more he suddenly feel sharp pains shoot all over his body and his bones start to brake and turn into fur and in a few seconds here in the garden like forest stands the biggest werewolf the elders had ever seen in a very long time, he was bigger than the normal Alpha and his coat was pure midnight black with this amazing brown ring shape on his chest and as soon as he stood in all his glory he was now in the back and Blade was in charge and the elders were just standing in aweeee!!  "You wanna run human, see what I can do?" Blade roars in Alex's ears . "Ya lets run buddy show me ". So Blade ran and as he came to a stop on a hill he howled and enjoyed himself but Alex had some questions as did Blade. "So you said you are a king Alpha?". "Yes Alex we are , we are the future Alpha King , but for now we must hide it even to the elders because we might have enemies we don't yet know about and they would wane kill you and well lets just say you must first find our mate because only then can it be known and she is the key to us being the new King and Queen Alphas, you see Alex there is a special book with a diamond and only she has the power gifted by her amazing wolf to activate its power and help us retake the throne that has stood empty for many a years", Blade says and Alex is just blown away about all the info but he agrees. "Fine blade , fine as long as you guide us I trust you". "You better because the moon goddess chose us, you and our mate to be just that and we cant let her down man", Blade says . "But the rest will see we are bigger than normal Alphas". "yes they will be suspicious but just tell them it is nothing and then just let it be ,ok, we got this, now the real training will begin Alex", Blade says and so he turns back and Alex is in control again running back to camp were there are luckily two more boy's busy shifting witch takes the eyes off Alex for now.   Meanwhile live was going as normal as it could be in the pack but Mrs. Grey came to see our Alpha and it had something to do with the crystal in that old book she always carries around shining this morning and it being Alex's birthday was a bit strange ,but I did not care so I went to school in my newly fixed truck, I was so happy it was back to normal again and driving on my own had it perks too so it was nice being able to do something on my own for ones not worried about school or some bad boy wanting to hurt or humiliate me except for Will and the minions but for them I was ready and having Liam and Stella now was like my saving too so as I stopped Stella came running hugging me also being happy that my truck is back and so we walk into school but for some strange reason I look at the empty spot were Alex would have parked and not seeing him was weird and even though he has been gone a while now today was the first day back in school again. "Mia you look nice today but why are you so quiet girl, the school is almost normal now and you still look gloomy". Stella says and she is right again, I should be happy. but it was short lived because Melissa came walking to me bumping into me on purpose ,but I just ignored it when suddenly I hear a faint voice, "Mia you should have bumped her back". So I come to a stand still and then I realize the voice is in my head, can it be, no ,'s to soon I think. "No Mia it's not, you are special". So now I am freaking out so I tell Stella I need to go to the bathroom and so she takes my bag and wait for me while I go inside, inside I take some water and splash it on my face but I do not feel sick or anything . "Mia are you even there?", the voice says again and that is when I know I was not going crazy at all. "Yeah I can hear you, are you..., are you my wolf?" I ask and for a few seconds it's dead quiet. "Yes..", O my word I think ,and she laughs at my silly thoughts. "Yes I am your wolf but do not panic you are not shifting yet, the moon goddess woke me up early to get to know you better Mia, I am Snow, I am your wolf", She says and I can almost see her smile. "Hi nice to meet you Snow , so why come early ?". "Like I said to get to know my human, you ,but Mia I must warn you also not to tell anyone about me yet ok , it's for safety but I will explain later for now go out and go on as normal ok". she says and so I do as she says, wondering why , but I guess we will soon know so Stella looks at me with frowned eyes ."Sorry just felt thirsty, lets go to class". "Fine if you say so, ya lets go before the teacher calls for us". So we go to class and the day go by fast but Snow is quiet again and I like it.   Liam(Pov)  For some reason my inner beast did not want me going near Mia today and I think it is because of that story my grandpa used to tell us, saying that 'ones she is born the bond will be but the good will keep the evil away' and seeing I have big plans I think that might also be why but that was only stories he told , I think it's because she has so much good in her it freaks me out and annoys me some days too but If I want my plans to work I need her and so I just pretend to be with the boys and decide to play the nice boy a bit later on , not that I want to I would rather hang out with my lover not her, I just need to get closer to her I need that damn book that, that old lady had , and my only ticket is the nerdo!. Being her friend is a must... Alex (Pov) Alpha camp was fun and everything was going just great, Alex made new friends with some of the other Alpha's and also learned about Liam 's story and his bad blood , so Alex new he was right to worry about him making to many waves, but soon he will go back and then Liam will be delt with in a proper way . Alex and Blade were getting along just great and every day Blade was getting stronger too and once in a while the camp head and elder would let all the Alphas call home  and that made this camp so much easier because they got to connect to their packs and families too.  Today Alex was practicing fighting with the warriors and it went so well that Alex ended up sending the other wolf to the informatory and he felt so bad but Elder Graham said Alex had power even bigger than his father when he was young and this made him happy, but one thing about this training , it was not just for the body but for the mind to , growing as a individual and as a man, learning how to open up to love, working alongside sociologists and healers and even visiting the village of the temple of the goddess herself to pray and give thanks to her , it was all about being better and in this I have learned about my faults and the boy I was ,had to be put down, no more being mean, only if needed and hopefully one day ask Mia to forgive me and to go back to my Melissa whom I think will be my special Luna and to finally see that book again witch could change my live and my packs lives for ever and also to be ready to fight of any danger that may come alongside it.  Alpha camp is really transforming me to a man I never thought I would be, still the bad boy image but with the heart of a leader. 
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