Chapter 12 (Life)

1521 Words
Every day I get to know Snow a bit better and she is so much like me , reminding me who I was ones, I was playful, I was not scared of stuff, I was daring and I was me, the fun one and now the last few years I became silent in a way, I became a girl I still don't know and a girl that slay away from others being scared they would hurt me or be mean but having Snow in my live now I feel like I need to break open again and smell life again, be bold and try new things . So the first thing I want to change was my glasses, so I take out the contact lenses and swap it with my glasses and man it fits like a glove, just perfection and I also decide to wear a bit more tighter cloths and to do my hair and not just put it into a ponytail and maybe just a bit of makeup too, to finish up the picture and as I step back and look at my reflection in my mirror my mind is blown, I am not that bad looking at all, "I told you Mia you are a stunner my darling just like me ", Snow says and I wish she would tell me what we look like but she says it's a surprise so I need to wait a bit longer.  I have grown up a bit since Alex left, I got a bit more weight in the right places and everything about me got a bit fuller and it seems I am turning into a nicer version of myself now and a lot has to do with getting my wolf, the elders say that if your wolf is awaken it gives you not only strength and agility but beauty too and man it is so the truth, just look at me I am actually glowing. "Let's get ready for school Snow" I whisper and start to get all my stuff to leave. "Yeah and remember Mia be..." . "Yeah I know , no one must know" I say back knowing all too well to keep myself save. So of to Stella's I go and then to school . As I stop infront of Stella's she opens the door and the first thing she says is, "damn Mia what the hell, you look so hot and your hair and glasses?". I can only smile at her enthusiasm. "Yeah I thought it would be time for a change or two, so do I look fine other than to hot?". "O my friend you look so good and believe me there is nothing wrong with more hot, you really shine, now I want to lose my glasses too!". I smile and so I get out one more pair of contacts witch I also got for her and as I give it she smiles and hugs me. "You little fox you, you got me a pair too? ,thanks Mia , come help me put them in". So I go in and help her too and man she also looks so nice with it and now we are set because other then me Stella actually don't dress to badly and her hair always looks nice too, so the two of us head to school wondering if anyone would notice us.  "Mia is that you and Stella ?, you two look so hot today, man welcome to life!!" , two werewolf boys shout as we pass them in the hallway on our way to class and for the rest of the day everyone was looking at us and Melissa and her gang just looked at us like every other day but today it's like she has more hate in her eyes for us but we try and ignore it till its time to run track. "So you two losers' think if you dress better and take of those awful glasses that we will except you? , ha then you are sadly mistaken and believe me when Alex comes home I'll be his mate and then I will make him send you two to another pack ,mark my words", she bitches and while she does I see Will standing next to his blond girlfriend and only stare at us but it gives me the creeps at the way he looks at me so I take Stella so we can get out of there hair and hurry on home. Life in school just got a bit more complicated so I decide to rather forget about it and focus on my schoolwork.  Liam called me today and he said he was sick at home and that he would be back in a week so I was a bit shocked and when I asked if I could visit he was a bit off and cold and said I mustn't come , he doesn't want me getting sick but that is the thing us werewolf's don't really get sick at all accept if he is getting his wolf and shifting so I decide to call him later but leave him like he asked me, I just hope it's not another boy I am loosing. "Mia what's wrong dear you look a bit worried , did something happen at school again?' Mom asks. " No mom just tired that's all where is dad?" . " He is with the Alpha they are visiting the neighboring packs, why?" . "just asking, so has the Luna said anything about Alex?". "Yes she said he was having a blast but the traing is hard and that he will soon be home and so she is busy with the welcome party and the Alpha ceremony too , so how do you feel about him coming back and also getting your wolf?" Mom says very excited and childlike happy. "Mom I don't care what he does and yes I can't wait, I think she will be very cool". "Thanks Mia and so are you , for a human that is!". Snow says in my head and I just can't help to smile so mom look at me frowning and then she smiles patting me on the back. "You will have the best wolf my love of that I am very sure, because you my child are amazing and she will be too you will see, now leave me I have work to do or ells our Luna might explode soon from all the work that still needs attention". Mom says. "Fine just let me know if I can help mom". "Thanks hun but I'm fine go do your homework . see you at dinner ok". So as I walk out I can see why my mother is the Beta female, she is dedicated and very smart too and the best mom ever.  Liam (Pov)  Today Mia called asking were I was so I needed to lie and tell her I was sick this week and well I am a bit, I am starting to shift and my body is feeling so sore but she doesn't need to see this and well I also want to go spy a bit on dear old Mrs.Grey and try and find out were that damn book could be hiding and then I need to go see my father the rogue king , not that I wanted to ,but he is forsing me, you see my father was the old Beta of my pack and because he wanted to be Alpha and rule over them all he got me and so he took me to a witch to enhance my powers and so she put a spell on me to make me something ells , a werewolf warlock a hybrid and that only to overtake all the packs and make them mine but for now my father wants me to be his right hand and I need that crystal and that book to help me grow into a powerful wolf and that is also why I want Mia she has a connection to that book , she found it and she was the one to lift it from it's magic in that cave, I know this because I was also there that day seeing my mother is the sister of the gamma ,but my father killed her soon after that day because she didn't want him turning me to a monster and taking over as king one day so he killed his own mate and that day that witch made me something I never wanted, someone to know, so now my shifting might be a bit different then theirs. I never wanted this but the older I get the more my father pushes me and if I don't do this he will kill my little sister or worse sell her to the vampire lord and that I will not let happen , I would rather take over and be the king and in the proses have Mia, she will be good for me and Life will be better I hope.
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