Chapter 13 ( The Date with Liam)

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Liam decided to make up for not being at school or calling Mia so he called her and asked her if she would go to the movies with him and have dinner with him tonight and her being Mia she agreed because she missed him in some weird way and wanted to see him and it was the weekend also so she was feeling a bit board too at the Packhouse. "So you wanna go on a date pretty lady?". Liam asks and it makes Mia a bit giddy too. "Yes I would love to Liam". "Great then I'll pick you up at around let's say seven". "Sure that would be nice, I'll see you then".  We hanged up and I was so excited about the date seeing I never really went on one before so I was happy and was looking forward to see him after a week almost of not seeing him at all and Stella was also busy going to some art fanatic that wants to give her a part time job in her art gallery and I was happy for her because I knew this was what she wanted to do with her live and hey ,who did not want to have extra cash to spend so today I will be helping the Luna and my mom at the orphanage again and so I was feeling a bit out of place but this taught me to  be open to others and well the kids actually liked me a lot from what I have heard so I decided to bake some cookies and take it with us to spoil them a bit. "Mia you spoil them , your taking  cookies again?" the Luna ask me smiling getting her stuff ready to go . "Yes I promised them I would so last night I baked them ". "That is so nice of you , no wonder they love you and you know that is one of the traits of a great Luna". She laughs and I know she wants me and Alex to be mates, ever since we were small but I think she will be heartbroken when she finds out that Malissa might be his mate all along so I just smile taking the nice compliment and so as we stand ready mom also comes down to join us and so we take the car and off we go to surprise those kids. On the way there it was as if something was watching my every move … As we got there the kids were so happy to see us and they loved the cookies like I thought they would so I poured us some milk and we all enjoyed it and the Luna also ended up reading a very nice story to them about a dragon and his princess and soon some were fast asleep on some of the cautions  they layed on and it was so peaceful to watch so after the nice day we went home because I needed to get ready for my date with Liam. Stella was home too and she was waiting in my room as always. "Welcome back , so the date, where is he taking you?" . "I have no clue and hello to you to", I say smiling at my now bestie and she just smiles back and I see she wants to tell me something too. "And how was your first day at the art gallery?" . "It was so nice Mia you should see her work , she is really good and she showed me around and we talked a lot and I showed her my work and guess what?". "What?". She smiles so brightly feeling proud of herself. "She loves my work Mia and she wants me to paint more for her and she said if it's good she will show it in her art gallery for everyone to see ". She shouts happily and we jump up and down from the exciting news. "I'm so happy for you Stella you deserve it ", I say to her really meaning it. "Ok enough about me let's get you stunning Mia, you need to blow this boy away tonight and also not to much, you don't want to scare him", she says and I just smile at her as she open my wardrobe to fish out the perfect outfit for me.  After trying  on dress after dress we finally get one that will fit just nice and it's also not to revealing to my taste but according to Stella I need to show off my perfect body , but I don't feel to right to do that , not with him even though I find him very existing and handsome, I always wanted to leave it for my mate , but what the heck I might as well try and be a girly girl for ones and show the males in my pack and around that I am pretty too not just a nerdo like most call me. So I take the pretty sleeveless green dress and put it on and Stella being Stella whistles at me making me so shy but I know she is always on my side letting me see how pretty I really am on the outside too. so I take my shoes and she does my makeup too and I must say I look really nice. "You look hot Mia and Liam will be blown away, believe me", she announces and before long I hear Liam's bike and so I take my small purse and Stella gives me a final heads up and lookover and so I go down to meet him and hope it goes well.  "Wow Mia you look stunning , man I wished I came with my car instead", Liam climbs of his bike looking into my eyes smiling like he won the jackpot ."Thanx you look good too , and it's fine the bike is nice and do not worry about my hair at all they have a live of their own in anyway ". "Nice to know beautiful so let's get going then ". So he helps me on the bike and as we ride to the movies ,it's so nice to hold on to someone again and if I have to say it , I kind off missed him this week. At the movies we chose something funny witch I was so happy about, not being in the mood for love stories, because every male wolf loves to get freaky and well me I was not and action would also have worked but at least this will be more normal. We took our seats and typical male he chose the seats in the back and this made me think he was up to something but I was willing to find out what , he did get my heart rising so we sit and he hands me some popcorn and a drink and some jelly babes and while the movie played I would see him look at me and so he finally took my hand holding it in his and man it felt so nice and warm and it made me a bit giddy ."Your hands as so soft Mia and It's so nice to look at". He says making me blush . "Thanks Liam yours too.  The whole time he held my hand and it was like we did this a lot and so as the movie was done we headed out and outside the night air was a bit chilly so he saw it and handed me his jacket and it was so nice and warm, smelling like him , so manly and that is when I knew he would be the only boy that could make me forget Alex if only for a while and the thought crept in my head that he could be my mate and Snow was to quiet so I thought she was just being careful not to let Liam pick her up. " So how about a burger?", he asks. "That would be so nice. I am kind of hungry". So we walk to the nearby diner and go sit down but Liam scoots in next to me and he is smelling so nice and my heart is in overdrive again, damn hormones. "Mia can I kiss you",? he blurts out and I can feel my cheeks redden. "I … yes if you want", I say not really knowing what to say to that statement. "You look so pretty tonight and well I have to confess Mia I like you more than I should and I know I want you and like I said to you my wolf like you to and well I have a good feeling", and as he says it he comes closer and in seconds our lips are imploded into each other and the kiss is so... so sweet and nice and for a while I am knocked of my shoes but the kiss doesn't feel like Alex , but at least a boy like him wants' to kiss me so we part again for air and he smiles. "Wow that was nice but I reckon we should eat before I eat you up Mia" ,he says moving a bit away from me and so the waiter brings our food and I am just on cloud nine and we talk and talk and then I realize this date was really nice and romantic and well maybe he could be my true mate but I don't wanna jinx it yet so I just smile as we continue talking and then as we walk to his bike he stops me again kissing me and that was a bit more heated but it was nice feeling wanted so I kissed him back and before long we were really making out but he stopped and so we decided to rather get home. "Thanks pretty girl for this great night and I will see you Monday then?". "Yes , thanks for tonight it was so nice and yeah I'll text you later ok". "Sleep well princess", He says kissing me one last time and then I watched as he drove away feeling so sexy and wanted . This date was the best and I think I might like the Beta Liam a lot more now. ..I might wanna kiss him again and the only thing I hear from Snow is, "Not to bad but he is not a good boy", "Why" I ask her but no reply so I just ignore it thinking of our great chemistry and the date that went too well...
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