Chapter 3 (Friends)

1360 Words
The day after the party, everything was cleaned up and taken away and even though I loved most parts of it, I was glad to see it be cleaned because it only reminded me of what happened. Mom and dad had meetings with other Alphas today, so mom asked one of the omegas to keep me home and help me with my painting lessons and also probably because she knew I was still a bit mad at Alex and the rest , so only me and Stella, probably at the house probably I know Alex will most propobily wonder where I am, if he even does. I thought he would come and say sorry last night ,but his mom sent him straight to bed and Will, too, is very disappointed in her two sons, and she also told them to come and apologise today, but so far no sign of them. So much for friends. Stella was good at painting just like me and I think that is why we are friends and because, apart from pretty things, we also are kind of nerdy and that might be why the other girls in the pack never really liked us much. "Mia your painting is so pretty", Stella says and I know hers is better ,but I take the compliment and also give her the same compliment. "Thanx Stella yours are too." Come let's go play at the tree house a bit " ,I say and she agrees . The tree house was our own special place and it also was like a hide out some days when we wanted to be alone or hide. We played with our dolls pretending we were moms and we were feeding our baby their bottle and that is when I heard someone shout from outside. "Mia, are you up there " ?, So I looked down, "Yes I am Alex why?" , I said still feeling a bit angry about yesterday. "I wanna talk to you Mia please !" , he shouts and Stella smiles shoving me to go down to talk to him ,so I do only to hear his explanation and of course to get a sorry out of him. "Fine Alex I am coming down". Sliding down the fireman pole dad put in the tree house making it easy to get out I slide down like a pro having done this a lot these last years "Fine I'm here now Alex what do you want?". "I want to ask where you were today ?, but I can see you were with Stella today and not at Nana's house like the rest of us , so I thought you were sick or something", Alex nervously says. "Yes I was home, I felt sick". "Sick ?, you don't look sick Mia ?, and you never get sick !, are you hiding something from me?, I thought we were best friends ?", he says and ones again making me so mad at him. "Who says, I can't get sick too, you never know !, but yes my mom let us stay because I did not want to be there were everyone could laugh again at me like when my cake blew up yesterday , or have you forgotten?". " Oh so that's it, and no I did not forget I am grounded for it". "Well it suits you all just right it wasn't nice Alex!". I shouted, wanting him to see how I felt and still not say sorry. "I am sorry Mia, the boys did not want to listen when I told them not to do it , so they went and did it anyway, I did nothing I swear". "Yes Alex you did nothing, you stood there laughing at me and at what they did, you are my best friend, or so I though, but you played along no matter what it did to me", I cry while saying that to him. Alex looked at me and I felt like an i***t. "Mia, You are right , I did nothing to help and I am sorry ,I made you cry and spoiled your cake too, please forgive me , can we still be friends if I promise to be good again?", he, and what can I do but to accept his apology and move on . "Fine but don't ever do that to me again ok". I say, and we hug like old buddies. After that, he joined me and Stella playing in the tree house and being friends again with him meant the world to me. We were called to dinner and this was quite normal for us as werewolves to eat as a pack together or to eat with the Alpha and Gamma families and we also loved food. If there is one thing about us, it was the amount of food we ate, and we needed to, because every shifting and running and fighting took a lot of energy , a lot more then for a normal human , so it was a must. We did not mind though, we would eat our plates empty every time and Alex and I had a pact. If one of us does not like what's on our plate, we will swap it with the other who doesn't eat food they did not like. This worked sixty percent of the time because Will always ratted us out and I think it's because he was jealous of our friendship. Will is two years older than me and one year older than Alex and one would think he is in line to be the next Alpha, but he is not ,because he is not a pure blood wolf ,only half wolf, and he was adopted into our pack when he was found as a baby next to the road that ends at our border , so the Luna gave him a home thinking because she could not get pregnant that this was a gift from the moon goddess ,but after a year she fell pregnant with Alex and so he for fitted the tital as next Alpha of The Silver moon pack. Instead, he was to be the new Beta. Will knew about his past ,but we never found his missing parents, so he was brought up as part of the Alpha family and they also love him like a son . I think he has some evil in him because sometimes I see him being mean to girls and he is the one that planted that so-called candle on my cake which ended up being blown up and he is always in trouble, sneaking off into the woods alone at night. After yet another dinner, me ,Alex and Stella went to play some games in the big living room right next to the old fireplace. After playing with snakes and ladders, old Mrs. Grey ( Alex's grandma) would take out a big old dusty looking book and read all the best stories out of it. The story was so mythical and full of wonderful adventures that we kind of always thought it might be our ancestors' stories ,but Mrs. Grey said, "No children, these are only fairy tales written to be understood by those who listen with a whole heart while falling into a deep sleep", so we just lay down on the world's softest rugs , feasting our ears, then listened to the unforgettable tales of werewolves, vampire's and more that lived long ago. Things like vampires still existed, but no one knew where they were and it was told by some they made a pact with the werewolves to keep them to their lawyers and we to ours. The story she told us today was about two friends going too far into the woods and while reading we all fell asleep only dreaming of the world they, stepped in and also about friendship, being the one thing binding one to another, friendship being also like a bond making you a better version of yourself and letting yourself be who you are and knowing it's ok because your friend has your back always.
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