The Last choice

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*Valerie * "Did you get them?" I inquired, immediately facing Kenneth as he walked into the hallway where I had been parading. "No Valerie. They were stronger than I thought and when I tried attacking, they threatened with the boy's lives" he explained and I turned away immediately. "God.. this is absurd, totally unthinkable. Who would want to do this to me?" I cried and I felt Kenneth's arm around me. He pulled me out of the hallway, picking up my phone with his free hand as he guided me to the van. He made me sit at the front seat and he clasped the seat belt around me before hopping into the driver's seat. "All would be fine, Valerie" he whispered, glancing towards me every now and then. This isn't about being fine. My sons life are in danger and I'm here being soothed that everything would turn out well. "I really hope so, too" I clasped my two hands tightly, gazing out of the window as I started recalling how I had lived my life.. and if I mistakenly made an enemy that'll eventually be the death of me. I could think of none! I never acted harsh to anyone, even after being guilty of some mistakes, I'd rather correct such person politely and forget about it in an instant. I didn't recall any outrageous behavior of mine that could push someone into taking my children. The car came to an abrupt stop but I didn't notice. I was too lost in thought that I didn't even notice Kenneth alight the car. He walked over to my window standing directly in my view but I still didn't see him. Though my eyes were wide open but my mind and brain were calculating things far from my eyes. A loud knock on the window interrupted my long thought and I pushed myself away from the door, while he pulled the door open. He extended his hand towards me and I took it hesitantly before stepping out slowly. If only he knew how I wanted to scream at him for being too caring and too nice to me, his behavior towards me is something I'm regretting wholeheartedly now. If he wasn't just too caring and loving, maybe I'd have noticed that I did something wrong to annoy someone... maybe I wouldn't feel too guilty for not protecting my sons properly that they got kidnapped. While I was busy spending romantic time with Kenneth and fantasizing on the movie we were watching, my children were being kidnapped. I felt so guilty and hopeless that I didn't even feel my eyes water frantically. I bent my head to adjust the hem of my gown and then it fell. The tears I've been trying to keep at bay. I laughed shortly, trying to assure Kenneth that I'll be fine, just like he always says "I'm not crying, my eyes are just sweaty" I assured him as another tear drops escaped my eyes. I cleaned them off, sniffing severally as I walked into the disarrayed mansion. By the time we got in, it has been arranged and back to order. I made my way to Jaden and Jordan's room which was just five feet away from mine. Their meek scent filled my nostrils and suddenly made me want to shed more tears, but now I made up my mind not to subject to any sort of tears. I would do whatever it takes to get my children back. "Where was the border those rogues passed?" I asked as I felt Kenneth's presence behind me. "What are you thinking?" He asked in response, disregarding my question. "Nothing out of ordinary, Kenneth. Just tell me where that border is" I'd go there and break in even if it means risking my life for the safety of my children. "It's not far from the desolate underpass a little after your favorite mall... You're not planning to go there, are you?" asked Kenneth in a distraught voice. I fisted my hands, meeting his eyes, my jaw clenched as I explained how useless I was believed to be all before I met him and how I don't intend for that to happen again. We're talking about my babies here! They're my world, my entire life, the sole reason why I choose to live. "But... " he tried protesting "There's a sudden conference meeting happening at the company" "I told Luke to try pushing it forward by some hours until we're done and in sure it's time for you to go now" I explained and as Jade emperor would have it, his phone rang and Luke was the caller. I looked away, waiting for him to end the call and leave while I find my way to their so-called border. "I'll be right there" I heard him say before ending the call. "Valerie, don't make any rash moved you're going to regret" he muttered once, dropping a peck on my lips before heading out with his car keys. I rushed into my room like bolt, my eyes tremendously searching for comfy clothes in my wardrobe in line with some comfy shoes. I found one and changed into them quickly before leaving for the kitchen. I pulled out the golden sharp edged knife, sticking it into a safe place behind my back. To hell with the fools that kidnapped my sons. I took a car key and walked out to the parking lot, where I took the small, red sports car and drove off wildly. On getting to the underpass, I finally understood why it is described desolate. I couldn't hear even the slightest sound of a bird screech. I couldn't find any opening that looked like a border. With confusion filling my delicate brain I walked towards the rigid walls of the underpass, trailing my finger across the walls and my sons scent hit my nostrils. I pressed my hands tightly into the wall and then realization dawned on me that it wasn't possible to see the border without shifting. But I couldn't shift. I just couldn't shift. I sat on the floor helplessly, curling up to the wall as tears escaped my eyes once again. I really am a useless being. I regret the day I was gifted to my parents by the moon goddess. I regret the day I was born! I couldn't bring myself to leave even after confirming that I wouldn't be able to see the border. I stood there rooted throughout the evening. I felt a presence after a long while. The night blinded me but I could still feel that this presence belonged to Kenneth. "What have you been doing, Valerie?" He inquired and I smiled wryly. "Mourning my existence and relishing how useless I am" I replied simply and he swept me up from the ground in one swift movement. My hand went around his neck as he walked back to his car. "You should let me drive my useless ass back to the mansion, Ken" I slurred and a sigh left his uptight lips. I'm pretty sure it was a sigh of frustration. "Don't worry about the car, and just focus on getting home" he said calmly. "Getting home, he say? While my children suffer in a strange world?" I screamed within myself but I could only watch him adjust my little frame in the car. The drive was a silent one. No one was talking, making sounds or anything. All that could be heard was a sound of he car engine jeering and our steady breathes. We got home and I made to go into the room while I take a shower and think about my sons throughout the night but Kenneth was quick to stop me. "I have a very good idea that could help us get your sons back" he finally revealed and my eyes widened with agitation. "A very good idea?" I mouthed as if hearing the word for the first time but he nodded. "You can do absolutely anything to get them back, right?" He asked and I nodded quickly "Then you'll have to eat and regain your strength before I reveal this idea to you" he stated firmly. I pressed my lips into a thin line, glaring hard at him as if trying to pry his throat open by force. "How do I know you're not using this as a trick to just make me eat?" I asked all of a sudden. His soft gaze peered into mine, giving me an assurance that there's really something in this head of his. "I promise, Val" he mouthed and I agreed to eat. He pulled me into the kitchen and made me watch him cook. He threw an apron to me, then walked up to me with a smile and gesturing for me to put it on for him and I did. I couldn't help but smile at his charismatic moves all over the kitchen as he prepared dinner for us. "I'm done here!" He muttered after few minutes. "That was fast" I commented. He shot me a wink as he lifted two plates in his hands before heading to the dining table. He served the entire dishes without making me touch a single thing. "You're making me feel even more useless with this" I pouted and he flicked my nose. "You should feel special and not useless" he replied and I digged in immediately desperate to find out what this idea is. "Can you break the yolk now?" I muttered after few minutes and I heard his low chuckle. "What if I say I don't have anything to say?" He mumbled and I felt my heart evaporate into thin air. "I'll bury you alive" I threatened with a weird smile and he shook his head. "Why don't you contact Adam and ask him for help?" He suddenly said and I felt blood drain from my face. 'The moon goddess forbids whatever would make me go back into that dungeon' I whispered but he said nothing. "Adam knows nothing about the existence of my twins and what now? I should go in there and just tell him? I can't do that Ken. I want to keep it this way!" I said hotly and he sighed. "I don't want to go back to that pack after all that happened to me, no, never!" I added and I could see him exhale patiently. This isn't about you, Valerie. You have to endure anything for the safety of those children, Valerie. That's the only way. The last choice in front of you" he replied. I don't want anything to do with the devil that ruined me. I really don't want to go back, talk more of asking for his help. "Adam is very influential, he might have some insights about the kidnappers and searching for those kids would be faster with his help, Val" he added. My eyes watered as realization hit me. Kenneth was right but I didn't want to admit it. Going back to the pack freaks me out but going to ask Adam for help freaks me out even more. "The kidnappers are werewolves. There's no use looking for them in the city of Seattle. That's a total waste of time and strength" he continued, riling my brains up even more. "You want to make sure the twins are safe. You promised you could do anything to save them, Valerie. Will you change your mind now?" He urged as he sees my hesitation. "You just have to ask him for his help, Valerie. Nothing more nothing less" a voice said in my head and I agreed. "Nothing more, nothing less" I said aloud before meeting Kenneth's gaze. "I'll go back to Moon Stone Pack tomorrow unfailingly" I muttered in determination. Kenneth smiled at my sudden spirits and before I knew it, his lips came hard on mine, as if scared to lose me. "Will you go with me, Ken?" I asked suddenly after ending the long kiss. He had this uncertain look on his face before saying, "Do you want me to go with you?" "Yes" I said simply. "Really?" He teased. I giggled silently with a big nod. "Yeah" I laughed and he ate up the remaining food in his plate. I got lost in time for a moment until I felt something cold at the top of my nose. I shifted my gaze and I saw the silver spoon Kenneth had on my nose. "Come here" Kenneth said and I obeyed, walking across the table and he pulled me to his laps. "You think too much, cara Mia" he said huskily as he stroked my hair delicately. "Everything would be fine" he added. "I hope so, too"
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