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*Valerie * "This isn't a mark from any weapon, Kenneth" I said, taking a closer look at the marks on her wounded arms and neck. "Yeah, it isn't. It's probably from the instigation of a person's nails or worse... claws" he replied with hesitation and my eyes widened. Kenneth touched the injured part of her neck and it stopped bleeding immediately. He couldn't heal her completely, probably because he wasn't a healing breed of the werewolves. He only shared a bit of his energy with her. She opened her eyes slowly with fear evident in her eyes. "You'll be okay, Lily" I encouraged, holding tightly to her hands. "What happened?" Kenneth inquired without much patience. "Jaden and Jordan told me they craved for noodles and I came in here to make it for them as they kept checking out their gifts but all of a sudden some unarmed men barged into the kitchen... one with Jaden's limp body and another with Jordan. "I was scared and I immediately tried to dial your number but the phone flew out of my hands before I could press the dial button" she explained. "I threatened to report them to the police but the next thing was a strange transformation into dogs. They turned to dogs right before my eyes" Lily cried. Kenneth and I exchanged surprised glances as we immediately understands that the so called dogs she was referring to were wolves. But the question is, why is a werewolf in the human world without caring whether people see them transform or not? It makes no sense at all! "They attacked me and took the boys away without saying anything" she continued and I buried my face in my palms. "I had no business with the werewolf world, Adam doesn't know that I was pregnant for him so who the hell would dare to take my children away from me?" I mumbled inaudibly as my tears fell freely. "Can you describe how these dogs looks like? Any significant thing about them?" Kenneth asked and she hesitated before finally speaking up. "They have lots of furs unlike normal dogs. They seem very huge and some had silver eyes while some dark red eyes" she described, leaving no doubts that the predators are werewolves. If they kidnapped Jaden and Jordan through a preplanned medium they could have gotten back to the wolf world but if it is a normal kidnapping activities, then they should be somewhere around the human world. I dialed the police and explained the fact that there's an abduction and attempted murder scene but the criminal wasn't caught on scene. Knowing Kenneth's influence, the police officers came rushing to the scene and I could tell right away that one of them is also a werewolf, like us. "People tend to call him smart because he's like a genius. He catches criminals without stress as long as his nose and strength aren't betraying him. "I think they're off to their residence" the strange officer murmured and I caught on immediately. What he meant was that were already heading back to their pack and we understood, taking he hint as he continued his explanation. "Please do everything in your power to stop them and bring them to me. My sons life are in danger" I heard him whisper to the officer but that didn't stop me from panicking. "They'll be fine, Valerie" Kenneth tries to console me but my worries remained glued to my face like an everlasting stamp. "We can't be sure that they'll be okay, Ken. Jaden is very sensitive to his environment and so is Jordan. Even if the abductors tries taking care of them, they'll fall sick, regardless of any kind of care" I said in tears. "They're allergic to nuts and shrimps but the abductors doesn't know that. What if they were fed nuts?" I added, heartbroken. "Why don't you take you mind off all these negative thoughts and be positive. It helps!" Kenneth muttered. I exhaled, trying to put his advices into consideration but I couldn't just stop thinking about the deadly possibilities. The other officers cleaned up the scenes and tried collecting footprints and fingerprints but it wouldn't be of any help because the footprints are basically a combination of a human and wolf limbs. I was pretty sure the officers here won't be able to do anything, they'll only get confused and finally they'll give up. Then my sons... "Get your s**t together, Valerie" I reminded myself as I tried to think positively. If those werewolves could claw at a human and make her bleed so profusely, there was no doubt that they'd kill the werewolf that has just left to stop them from entering the border separating the packs and the human world "Kenneth, I think you should go with the officer, I suggested and he agreed. "Stay safe" he whispered, kissing my forehead before leaving through a close corner. I lifted the injured Lily in my arms and pulled her towards Kenneth's van. She struggled to lift her weight but she failed. She couldn't lift herself and I wasn't all that strong to lift her up, but I tried my best until we got into the car. I drove swiftly to the hospital to get her treated and on getting there, the nurses sent out the stretchers immediately. Lily was placed on the stretcher and dragged to a ward for treatment. I followed dejectedly, then took my seat at the bench in front of the ward. I felt so useless and helpless that I couldn't do anything to find my sons. Maybe Adam was right after all? All I could do know was to believe that Kenneth's demand that officer will find them. I buried my face in my palms, trying hard not to cry until my phone beeped. It was a message from the company. A sudden conference meeting was scheduled and Kenneth's attention was needed but they tried calling him severally without a result. 'There's a big problem at the mansion, Luke. Try to reschedule the time for the meeting, even if it means pushing it forward by a few hours' I texted back and made to call Kenneth but I changed my mind. What if he's already in a heated fight and my call will be responsible for distracting him? I can't let that happen. My babies must be safe and sound! I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happens to them. Ninety minutes has passed and there was no feedback from Kenneth. I paced around the hallway, silently praying for their safety. If only the moon goddess will be considerate to me just this once, then I'll be thankful.
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