Moon Stone Pack

1630 Words
Next Morning~~ Kenneth's Mansion *Valerie * It was 6am and I was almost done packing my things. The time change here is different from the Pack's, so it would be better to leave very early to meet up before night falls at Moon Stone Pack. "Mommy!" I heard suddenly and I look back quickly to see Jaden's beautiful morning face and Jordan's smile right behind him. I made to touch them, hoping they are really here and everything that happened was a mere nightmare but I was wrong. Their lingering images vanished almost immediately. I dabbed at my tears, turning back to continue packing my bags. I was done in ten minutes and I walked downstairs, waiting for Kenneth to come downstairs but then I heard some sounds in the kitchen. I went there in a hurry, only to see Kenneth fixing something for breakfast. You can't face your enemies without strength" he said, smiling as I gaped at him. He has always made sure I didn't skip any meals. What more could I ask for in a man? He has it all! A short smile formed itself at the corner of my lips as I watched him do everything so smoothly. I just hope that this visit to Moon Stone Pack will help me get my sons back. I hope my sons are okay and this just wouldn't just be in vain. Before I could process Kenneth's movement, he already placed an apron over my head then leaned in to tie the knot behind my waist. "Wh..." I was about asking when he interrupted me with a short kiss on my lips. He pulled me over to the cabinet and gave me the cabbage to peel off while he did the slicing. Soon after, I forgot my worries momentarily and focused on helping him with the cooking. "Thanks for helping out, milady. Have one bite" he muttered as we completed the main steak. "You're welcome, sire" I said in reply and he chuckled in response, lifting a spoonful in his hand and towards my mouth. I ate from the spoon and I felt relieved to have tasted something so good. Everything about his cooking was always perfect. "Yummy" I muttered. He smiled, placing the spoon down as he helped me out of the apron. He pulled me to the dining table and made me wait, while he served both of us. Then I remembered Lily at the hospital. "Don't you think we should leave a message for Lily? It won't be nice if she gets back home and meets only an empty house. She'd be worried sick" I suggested. Kenneth stopped what he was doing for a little while before nodding thoughtfully to my suggestion. "I could draft a letter and send a duplicate to her phone" I added and he shrugged. "All good" he muttered and I went to pick up a pen and a piece of paper. I returned to the table and drafted all I could, without mentioning anything about Packs or werewolves. It would do us no good to confuse her already chaotic brain. I simply explained that the twins would be fine as we have a clue about where they could be and we'll be in search for them and also, the house would be in her care until our arrival. I brought out my phone and took a picture of the letter before sending it to her mail. I folded the hard copy and placed it at the little space behind the doorknob. She will see it first thing after entering the mansion. Within an interval of twenty minutes, we were done eating and ready to take the long ride to suburbs of Washington state where Moon Stone Pack is located. Kenneth lifted the bags into the booth and we hopped in at once, clasping our seat belt tight as he drove off quickly. Once again, fear and nervousness filled me, knocking my breath away as I began thinking to the negative sides of the whole show. What if Adam won't be able to find a lead despite being influential? What if this kidnapper is just using this as a trap to get us all? My fingers tugged at each other as I struggled inwardly to steady my breath. "Are you nervous?" Kenneth's voice rang in my ears, making she smile weirdly. "Hell no, Nervous is an understatement, I'm freaking scared! And full of doubts" I replied calmly and he placed his hand on top of mine, using the free hand to drive. "I promise you my unwavering support, Valerie. Together by your side, throughout this ordeal, we will find your sons" he muttered in an assuring tone and I couldn't help but smile. Kenneth passed me a sunshade and I glanced at him in confusion, however, he kept urging me to take it and I did. "What's with the shades, Sir Ken?" I asked jokingly and almost immediately the top of the car flipped open, relishing fresh air into the car and a little ray of sunlight. I finally understood why he handed the shades to me. "Thanks buddy" I mumbled and adjusted the shades to my eyes while letting my hair loose, so it could flow freely in rhythm with the breeze. "This is so refreshing!" I screamed as he drove even faster, putting on a fast beat music to match the spirity vibe until we got to the Pack. I immediately noticed how little the pack changed over the past years. Everything seemed exactly the same, except for a few little changes at the surroundings. I glanced around swiftly inhaling the nice scent of home. My eyes suddenly drifted to the pathway leading to Adam's Pack house and I was even more surprised that I didn't forget anything about the Pack house. The way to the pack house was still warm and vivid to my brain. "This way" I muttered as I walked towards the huge Pack house with Kenneth following closely behind. My feet led me through all hooks and cranny and a sad smile escaped my lips. I suddenly started fidgeting as I thought of Adam's reaction to the news I was about to present to him. What if he reacts nonchalantly to the news and declares that he has no business in that? What if he declares again that our s*x that night was a fling and he didn't care about the outcome? I stopped walking as the thought took over my common bravery. I shook my head gently, staring right ahead at the Pack house but I couldn't bring myself to walk in there. I fisted my hands tightly and I didn't realize that I have been holding my breath until Kenneth's hand found mine. He squeezed gently, urging me to take a few deep breaths and think only about the twins. I did, and with his help we got to the entrance of the Pack house. "Who do you ask for?" The friendly looking doorkeeper asked. "I... I ask to see Adam... I mean, Alpha Adam" I mumbled almost immediately. "Do you have an appointment with him?" He asked with a little frown and I shook my head but Kenneth immediately interrupted me. "Yes, we do" he replied instead. I was about to protest when I felt his hand squeezing mine in a gesture to play along. "You have an appointment with Alpha Adam?" He asked again to confirm and I nodded in affirmation. "Okay, I need to find that out his office first, you can come in and sit at the reception" he said, immediately leading us to the reception. "We took our seats and watched him leave for the staircases. The ulterior view of the pack didn't change much but there was a big change on the inside. Some little additions... like the staircases leading to his office. I glanced around slowly, my eyes finally resting on the entrance of the inner pack house, where my doom had began eight years ago. After a while of waiting patiently, Adam finally showed up, hand in hand with Analisse who looked as sophisticated as ever. I stood up slowly, feeling the pang of pain that thug at my heart from seeing the two people who meant the world to me... and the same two people who betrayed me mercilessly without thinking about what would become of me. If only I didn't meet Kenneth along the line... I could have been found dead somewhere or even worse, suffering from beings I don't know. If Kenneth hadn't saved me from those rogues, I would have felt so useless and empty and probably end my own life. Adam and Analisse had pushed me into killing someone eight years ago, however, I couldn't stop blaming myself for being a murderer even though it was just an act of self defense. Right now, my emotions were mixed. I don't know what to feel and how to feel. I don't know if I should be glad I finally saw them and they were doing great or if I should feel vengeful. As if reading my thoughts, Kenneth immediately took my hand in his. If things hadn't turned out the way it did, we could still be friends. I wished that had been the case but it wasn't! Deep within me, I wish things could go back to the way we used to be My gaze finally settled on Adam, and I couldn't explain the expression he had on his face, but I could see his eyes widen crazily and I could tell that he recognized me in an instant. A longing I couldn't explain filled my heart at the sight of him as the tension between four of us grew intense.
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