Missing twins

1132 Words
*Valerie * My whole brain was in turmoil, I couldn't think straight as I feared that something out of ordinary might have happened to Lily and my sons. I hope not! I really hope not. I dialed Lily's number still and this time I could hear her breathless voice on the line. "What's happening, Lily?" I asked with fear-clouded mind and she struggled to catch her voice for a second or two , making me lose anything they called patience. "What the hell is going on!" I yelled as my tears threatened to fall. Nothing must happen to my sons and their nanny. Nothing at all! "The man... the mansion was raided by some unknown people" she managed to say and my heart raced hard against my ribcage, sending tremors and waves of fear down my bloodstream. "And?" I asked as calmly as I could but all I could hear was an inaudible stammer. "Then what the hell happened to you? Where are my sons?" I yelled again but I couldn't hear a single more sound. "Jaden, Jordan... Lily, please be okay" I muttered desperately before rushing back into the theatre. I took several deep breaths as I tried explaining everything to Kenneth without breaking down in tears. "Kenneth, I think something is wrong" I said, the moment I got back to my chair. I couldn't even bring myself to sit down and I could only stand and explain before I die of a heart seizure. "What's wrong, what's with the teary eyes?" Kenneth asked in shock as he saw the look on my face. "Lily just told me that some bandits broke into the mansion" I blurted nervously, still trying hard to keep my tears at bay. "What? Broke into the mansion? How is that possible?" Kenneth exclaimed at once and I frowned. "Exactly, how is it possible? The security at the mansion was top notch and the guards? They're the strongest I've ever seen" Now, my confusion knew no bound as I wondered who would break into the mansion despite all the security guards around the entire building. "What else did Lily say?" Kenneth inquired but I could only shake my head in response. "She couldn't say anything anymore, she sounds hurt" I replied. The frown on his face deepened as he brought out his phone and tried calling one of the guards. It kept ringing, but there was no answer no matter how much he dialed the number. "I think we need to go back, Ken" I urged quickly and he nodded in response, grabbing his car keys and his coat before helping me with mine. We hurriedly left the theater and went straight into the car. Not without Kenneth still dialing the guards phone number. He has called those on duty around the mansion but there was no single reply from them. My hands were trembling so vividly and I felt weak at the thought of seeing them get hurt. It would kill me! I placed my shaky hands on top of each other as I tried calming them down failingly. Kenneth's hand found mine and he held on tightly, secretly telling me to calm down but I couldn't. Not the least bit. His second hand was fixed on the steering wheel as he stepped on his already fast pace. We arrived at the mansion in thirty minutes and I could hear the sound of my racing heart as I sighted the main gate, widely open... then two guard's unconscious body on the ground. "I bent to check their pulse and luckily, I found one. A little sigh left my lips and I moved further into the house. I unlocked the door with my ID card and we both went different directions in search for Lily, Jaden and Jordan. "Lily?" I called aloud but all I could hear was dead silence and the sound of something boiling through the kitchen. I rushed to see what was boiling and who placed it on the cooker. I saw a pot of noodles on the heater and it only made sense that the boys had requested for it and she came to prepare it for them. But where was she while this has started burning out? "Lily!" I called out again but there was still zero reply and it was driving me crazy completely. I ran back out shouting her name over again as I checked out her room and the boy's room and every other corners in the house. I bumped into Kenneth on my way back into the last room. "Any signs?" I asked and he shook his head. "No one's in the other rooms and I also can't find Lily anywhere around" he said and I felt cold sweat build around my forehead. "Did you check the kitchen?" He asked and I nodded but he went there regardless, checking for any single lead but we got none. "Maybe we should inform the police?" I suggested but Kenneth was too busy to head me. "The roof top!" I suddenly recalled and I rushed to the staircase that led to the rooftop, with Kenneth following closely behind. Everything was dead silent as usual. It made me cringe to think that someone could have fell off the rooftop but I still checked for possibilities. I held tight to the railing and looked straight down but I saw nothing... no one! Not my sons... nor their nanny whom I just spoke to. I went back downstairs dejectedly as another idea flashed through my mind. She didn't sound like she was abducted or anything when I called. If she was... she could have talked about it first. I tried her number again and as expected, it rang from the kitchen. I rushed back there with Kenneth, my eyes searching desperately for her ringing phone. "Lily?" I called once again as I walked further into the kitchen. The ringing noise got closer and closer with every steps I took. I wasn't watching my steps and I ended up tripping on something but luckily, I caught myself before falling. "Lil..." I wanted to call again but it got stuck with the sight before my eyes. A scream broke out of my lips as I sighted Lily's half dead body lying helplessly and lifelessly in the pool of her own blood on the ground in the kitchen. My phone fell of my hands and I fell to my knees, checking for a pulse. I got one, but it was very faint. Kenneth rushed to my side and he seemed petrified by the sight before him. I saw him shift the hair beside a deep cut by the side of her neck and then realization dawned on me. This was certainly preplanned and totally out of ordinary!
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