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EIGHT YEARS LATER~~ Valerie's POV Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, sweeties! Happy birthday to you!!!! "Hurray, my cutie pies are seven today" I said in excitement, taking turns to hug Jaden and Jordan as a cute smile formed on their faces making them look irresistible. Tears welled up in my eyes as I recalled eight years ago when I had clearly denied the fact that I was pregnant. Back then I never knew I could pull it off but I did, thanks to Kenneth by our side. "Kenneth planted a little kiss on my lips before scooping up Jaden in his arms. Jordan pouted as he clung jealously to my legs. "Should I do the honor of lifting you up, Mr. Jordan?" I teased and he stretched out his arm, nodding quickly with a smile. Seven years ago, the scan said I'll be giving birth to a boy and a girl but it seems fate had something else in store for me. It turned out to be two beautiful boys and as they grew I couldn't fail to notice the strange similarities between them and their biological father. "Uncle, what did you get for me as my birthday gift?" Jaden asked with a smile, showing off his pretty dimples. "Isn't that supposed to be a surprise?" Kenneth replied and he huffed in frustration. "I hate surprises" he whined and I giggled as I watched the two exchange real conversation. "Why?" "Because, it gets your expectations too high... or too low. And at the end you'll lose the game to the surprise. I don't like to lose" he explained and Kenneth laughed in delight. "Wow... really?" Kenneth inquired and he nodded in affirmation. "Jordan is a pro, though. He never loses to any surprises. It's always as if he was expecting what would come" Jaden continued and Kenneth shot Jordan a wink. He smiled brightly, also revealing his deep and pretty dimples. They're just too adorable and I can't ask for more. "Don't worry about losing, boys. I got something really huge to meet your expectations" Kenneth said loudly and they clapped and chuckled in response. "Yayyy!!! " they shouted and Kenneth led the way to their gift room, where he placed all the gifts they had received from both of us, their nanny and even our co-workers from Kenneth's company. Kenneth unlocked the door as we placed them down in front of the door. He flung it wide open and they ran into the piled up room in excitement. "The biggest box is from me, buddies" Kenneth announced and they rushed to the biggest box. "The next bigger one is from me" I muttered and Jordan left to open my box. "This is all I ever wanted!" Jaden and Jordan chorused and they rushed back to hug us tight. "Thanks Mommy" "Thank you, Uncle" they said consecutively before rushing back to the boxes. "We'll be heading out for a while, if you need anything, don't hesitate to tell Lily or call me" I whispered to the inattentive boys but they nodded regardless. "You remember my number right?" "8224-1254-3495" they said in unison and I gave them a bear hug before leaving hand in hand with Kenneth. "We don't even have tickets to watch the movie but we're going for the date?" I said, doubt clouding my mind. "We're heading out, Lily" I yelled from the porch and I heard her distant reply. "Don't open the door for anyone except us" Kenneth warned and she ran towards the porch. "Yes sir" she replied with a deep bow before locking the door after us. "I rented the whole movie house in return for a ticket" Kenneth reassured and a whispered a 'wow' "What are we watching?" I asked and he passed me the ticket. "Horror, this time... werewolves to be precise" he explained as he ignited the engine and drove off quickly. He wasn't a slow driver, so we were ten minutes faster to get to the empty movie room. The movie started soon after and I watched how wicked the Lycan king seemed to turn out. "How could he be so ruthless? He'd kill her before he realizes how harsh he's treating her" I muttered with a pained expression. I felt Kenneth's hand on mine as it enveloped my small hands warmly. I looked straight up into his eyes, my next lamentation hanging in my throat as his lips found mine... hard in a long kiss. His lips teasing mine hotly, his tongue playing around mine while I sucked him gently, a moan leaving my aroused lips. I grabbed his collar, deepening the already heated kiss and his fingers slowly undid my buttons. He undid three buttons and his demanding lips and teeth found its way to the most sensitive part of my neck and earlobes and I moaned as he sucked and bit me gently. The sound of a distant door shutting loud interrupted us both and I redid my buttons before focusing on the TV again. "Why don't you let the boys know about their lineage and true identity?" Kenneth said casually but then a deafening silence followed. "I don't think I'm ready to do that, Kenneth. I don't want them to feel any kind of pain just yet. They're still too young" I explained and he squeezed my hand in reassurance. "Besides, I need to do everything in my power to shield them from any danger that came from being the sons of a well-known Alpha king like Adam who is popular even to the human world. "Rest assured, babe. I respect your decisions no matter what it is" Kenneth said and I hugged him gently. "Thanks honey" I whispered and he kissed my forehead. "I love you" he murmured against my hair but I couldn't reply. Just as much as I feel like I'm fully in love with Kenneth, I still couldn't ignore the lingering feelings for Adam, which I claimed to have buried years ago. "It's okay if you can't tell me now, I'll wait. The door of my heart is always open for you" Kenneth murmured and I sighed inwardly. If only I could just say the word 'I love you too' then everything would remain perfect but I couldn't bring myself to say it despite how much I loved him... maybe it isn't love? "Then what more could be love if this wasn't? I've never seen a relationship so perfect in my entire years of living. For eight good years, we never grow on each other. We cared for each other just as we did at the entire beginning. Nothing changed. "And that's love from my perspective, but why couldn't I admit it through the words of my mouth?" "Thank you, Ken" I murmured and he smiled shortly. "For what?" He asked and I shrugged. "For everything! Just everything" I said with tears glinting the corner of my eyes. Regardless of my lingering forbidden feelings, which Kenneth was obviously aware of, he still didn't give up on me. He still cared for me without working me up and forcing me to love him. I gave him credit for that. He's a rare gem, a person you can get only once in a lifetime. He stayed by my side for the whole nine months before I gave birth to my son's and even after I brought them to this world, he never let them lack anything. Be it fatherly care and financial care, he made them live like the prince's they were. I concentrated on the movie, holding on to his hands as I watched the rejection scene which was very similar to mine. From there, I became totally interested in seeing the movie to the end. The female lead was also rejected for being weak unlike her stepsister and she was made to do all the work in the pack under her stepsister's command. This would have probably been my fate if I had agreed to make Adam protect me while I become his w***e. Protection my foot! I shivered at the disgusting feeling of being a slave to the two people I trusted with my life who betrayed me without thinking it over. Just at the point where the female lead got into trouble at the new location where she ran off to, to start a new life.... My phone rang, interrupting the tension I was getting from the movie. I excused myself quickly and went out of the movie room to pick the strange call, before the movie ends in my absence. "Hi, who's on the line?" I said quickly but the caller hung up before saying anything. I tried calling the number back but the same thing happened all over. Picking the call and ending before muttering a word. "Maybe it was a mistake from the caller's end" I concluded and made to rush back in but a call from the same number interrupted me. I picked up quickly with the aim catching on to a word but I heard nothing before the caller hung up again. Now my entire body was full of worry. It was certainly not a mistake dial but why is this anonymous hanging up every call when he or she called first? It doesn't make sense, yet it got me agitated that something bad might have happened somewhere... at home? Or in the company? Something in me kept praying and hoping that it was the latter, if at all something was wrong. I had no idea who the caller could be and I tried searching the number up online but it says it isn't registered. "Maybe it was a prank call then?" I tried convincing myself but something seems off to my guts. After the series of calls in and out of my phone, I decided to go back in and ignore other calls from this number but I felt terribly uneasy as I sit back to continue the movie. I badly wanted to watch what becomes of the female lead at the end but right now, my mind was far away from my body. I spaced out for too long that Kenneth noticed it with ease. "Is everything okay, Valerie?" He asked worriedly but I nodded. "Hopefully" I mumbled in response and a frown crept up his handsome face. "What do you mean? Is it a call from home or the company?" He asked but I shook my head. "Then who was it that called you" he asked again and I shook my head in confusion. "I have no idea, Ken" I replied and he shot me a questioning look. "I don't know who called, it was an unknown number and when I took the call, I heard nothing. The caller hangs up before uttering a single word" I explained and he smiled. "it's probably a spam call, don't worry too much" he assured and I nodded trying to force a smile. Now my gaze was fixed to the huge screen yet my mind couldn't ignore the bad feeling that kept showing up. I took my phone again and quickly, I texted Lily. "Please check up on Jaden and Jordan" I texted and it shows that she read it but she didn't send a reply, which was very unlike her. "Excuse me, I'll be right back" I muttered once before heading out of the room once again. I dialed her number and it went through almost immediately but she never picked up. She took the call on the second ring and I sighed in relief before asking her to check up on the boys. I frowned at the silence from her end. "Lily?" I called but I got no reply. "Lily!!" I called even louder but all I could hear was the sound of someone struggling to breathe. A sound of a female on the verge of death! It suddenly dawned on me that the only female in the house was Lily... what about my sons? They're very sensitive to sounds and they'd have rushed to her sides if she's hurt and probably call me if it was bad but there was no single call from them. My heart picked up a mad race and I dialed the mansion's general line but still, there was no answer!
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