By her side, Forever

2045 Words
Valerie's POV I couldn't stop my tears from flowing down my face as realization dawned on me without sparing a little of my long time believe. My whole body trembled with fear as my hands found their way to my tummy, clutching it tight and protectively. I had no idea what to do next. I was helpless and restless and... "Kenneth, I can't be pregnant, I mean, I'm all alone, the person responsible for this clearly rejected me and banished me. I don't know what to do in this strange world. I, I" I stammered as more tears escaped my eyes. "It's okay, Valerie, you'll injure yourself" Kenneth tried holding me but I eluded his grasp. "It's not okay! Nothing's okay here. I have no idea how to navigate my way in this human world. It's my first time here, Mr. Kenneth" I found myself yelling in despair as I cried even harder. All my joints were aching, my head was splitting with unbearable headache but I'd rather just pass out and wake up from this terrible nightmare. I needed someone to wake me from this damn nightmare. "Wake me please, this isn't happening to me, it's, it's just a nightmare" I said more calmly, my eyes pleading to this strange guy standing very close to me. He took two more steps closer to me and took my hands in his. "Valerie, you just need to face reality and accept this. I know it's hard but you just have to" he started softly but my brain kept saying something else, even when deep down I knew that he was right. I shook my head gently, gasping slowly as I still wanted this to be all a dream. "Think about the innocent ones in your womb, you won't want to be so mean and cause them harm, would you?" He continued and a frown crept up my face. "It's not even a him or her... it's a 'they' I murmured and he nodded once rubbing the back of my hands with his thumbs. "It's a boy and a girl" he whispered and a teardrop escaped my eyes. "You're not alone, Valerie. I'm here, right beside you and I'll be here for as long as you want" he added and strangely I felt calm but more agitated as to how this strange guy could manage to get under my skin and make me feel so calm. "And if I don't want you to stay with me?" I suddenly asked trying to find out if truly I could trust him. If his reply was that he'll leave... then this is probably just a fling, just like it was with Adam. But them his reply came. "I'll still stay with you until you finally acknowledge my presence" he replied calmly, his eyes boring deep into my eyes, successfully knocking my breathe over. I couldn't help but still feel wary about him, but one sure thing is that I believe he wouldn't hurt me and it doesn't matter even if he does, as long as my unborn babies are perfectly safe. I knew for now I should only focus on knowing more of him and trying all my best to adjust to the human world and adapt properly. He guided me back to the bed and urged me to take in few deep breaths and I did. A little smile escaped my lips as my hands touched my tummy for the third time. "I'm going to keep you safe from any harm, no matter what" I said inwardly until Kenneth's voice interrupted me. "That's it! The smile I've wanted to see for the past one month, but I couldn't because you slipped into coma" he laughed and I blinked twice laughing in response. "Aren't you indirectly mocking how ugly I am?" I uttered quietly and he shook his head. "No sweetie, you're the prettiest thing I've ever set my eyes on and I kept wondering how blind that bastard is for tossing you away so easily. "You saved me on my way to the neighbouring pack, didn't you?" I suddenly asked and he nodded in response. "What were you doing there? I mean, it's rare to see a human alive at a Pack or even the borders" I added and he smiled shortly. "I'm a werewolf too. You think you're the only powerful being here?" He said in sarcasm and I laughed again. "Powerful, my foot" I said amidst laughter, though I couldn't explain the fact that I was merely a weak Omega. "Were you on the run from your pack when I saw you? What exactly happened to you?" He asked with a worried look on his face. I was taken aback a little by his sudden question and I wondered if I could trust him enough to share my past with him. I met his worried gaze and my fears dissipated immediately. He's just too irresistible! "I... I've been friends with the Alpha's son of my pack since we were children and I've heard this lingering crush on him since we were thirteen, but I didn't know how to tell him. On the night of his coronation I finally gathered a little confidence to reveal it to my other best friend, Analisse and she told me to not tell him about it yet since it might just spoil the coronation mood or something. I stupidly believed her without the slightest idea that she was already being intimate with him and she's only trying to make me keep it to myself forever! That same night I stupidly let him have his way with me and now this! The next day I was banished because I rejected the offer to be his w***e and then you saw me and miraculously saved me, the stupid Alpha's friend" I concluded and quickly dabbed at my unstoppable tears. "I'm so sorry, Valerie. I shouldn't have asked" he said with his thumb gently wiping my tears. "It's okay, I feel a little better after spilling it all out" I replied with a forced smile. "Also, don't call yourself stupid for falling in love with the wrong person, Val. You're a gem but you just didn't know how evil this Adam could be" he added and my fingers instinctively tightened around his strong hands. I could see the pain in his eyes and I couldn't feel more grateful that he shared my pain as well. Wholeheartedly, starting this moment, I made my choice to trust him completely without holding back. "I have nothing here, Kenneth and I don't know how I'm going to raise my unborn pups in this strange place, this world that isn't built for people like me" I found myself saying again. "I'm pretty popular with the human world. You could stay at my place" he offered and I cleared my throat funnily. "You mean we'll live together?" I asked to be sure but he nodded simply. "Who was he kidding?" I screamed inwardly as I studied his expression for a moment. He seemed amused. Amused to be teasing me this much? "No harm, girl. It's a big mansion. We'll stay in different rooms if you want" he started but I immediately raised my hand for him to stop. "If I want?" "Of course, what else would I want?" I murmured, eyeing him suspiciously. "You just imagined something naughty, didn't you?" He whispered, leaning too close. I leaned back slowly, blinking rapidly as I thought of how to ward him off. "Of course not!" I whispered, still leaning back... but then his arm went around my waist pulling me into his hard chest. "Your eyes says a different thing" he says silently and I immediately hit my head hard against his. His hand immediately left my waist as he groaned in pain. "I guess I don't have to worry about your safety. You're very fine on your own!" He almost yelled and I giggled at how funny he looked. "Serves you right for trying to get naughty with me" I mocked and he shot me a deadly glare. "I'll get back at you" he threatened but I rolled my eyes in sarcasm. "Spare me, your majesty" I said with a fake gasp and he laughed. A laugh that comes from his heart. My heart raced everytime I saw him laugh, or smile. His charm disrespectfully evaded my clouded mind and I found myself smiling sheepishly. "Get it together, Valerie. You don't want to remain stupid for the rest of your life" a voice warned in my head and I nodded quickly, pinching myself hard. I winced painfully at the tingle of pain that shot through my red arm. "Are you okay?" He asked rushing to her side. She looked into his worried eyes but immediately looked away. 'How can I be fine when you're being this caring and sweet and... ' 'Oh s**t!' "I, I'm fine" I managed to say and he sighed in relief. "Mr. Brown, the doctor needs your attention" the nurse called from the door and I snapped out of my forbidden thoughts. "Be good" he murmured before going out to see the doctor. "Is everything okay with her now?" The doctor asked immediately he got to the office. "Yes she's better emotionally but you should know more about that health wise" he replied almost immediately and the doctor nodded once before heading to the ward to check up on her. I was given extra care, with convenience at the VIP lounge for three more days. "When am I going to be discharged? I've been in here for too long, don't you think?" I asked and he nodded once in consideration. "I'm okay now. I'm very agile" I added and he nodded even deeper. "I know that, Valerie. No one knows that better than me. My head still aches from the contact of the rock in your head with my normal head" he replied and I pressed my lips into a thin line. "It's not my fault" I whined as she gestured for him to move a little closer. One would think I wanted to help in soothing the pain but I did the exact opposite. I flicked the exact same spot and he winced painfully, pushing himself away from me. "You'll be staying here until you learn to control those fast fingers of yours" he yelled and I pouted cutely, turning his insides with butterflies. "Hey, don't do that" he warned but the stubborn me wouldn't listen. "Fine fine, I'll request for a discharge today" he said quickly but I didn't let the pout waver from my lips. "When will it be processed?" I inquired, batting my eyelids seductively. "In three days?" He started but I gave him an irresistible puppy face, which made him give in immediately. "Okay fine, you'll be discharged today" he said at last amidst his own laughter. "You're really something else, aren't you?" He said in amusement and I shrugged. "That's it! Yayyy, I'm finally leaving the hospital after one month and few days in the human world" I cooed happily as I looked around for her luggages. "Let me help with that" Kenneth offered, referring to the stuffs I was trying to pack. "I can do this!" I declined and immediately wrapped up my bags. "Won't you go tell the doctor that we'll be leaving?" I asked in anxiously and he laughed, heading out quickly before I decided to flick his brain this time. Two hours was all it took to get to Kenneth's so-called mansion and my jaw dropped at the mesmerizing beauty of the entire building. "I've never seen anything like it" I mumbled inaudibly as I blindly stepped out of the car. "This is... blindfoldingly amazing!" I muttered as I stretched out my hands feeling the cool breeze and the fresh smell of home. "Do you like it?" He asked, shifting me off balance. "Like it? I love it!" I replied with a bright smile. "I'm glad you do" And from that moment on, I vowed and promised myself to relinquish my heritage as a werewolf as I proceed to embracing the human world for the rest of my entire life with this strangely caring guy as my guide.
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