Chapter 4

1563 Words
-Summer- It was strange. It was as if I wasn’t fully conscious, yet I could hear something. A door slammed against the wall, followed by mumbling voices. I felt the world tilt around me. What was happening? Why was everything so dark? “F*ck, I want you so much,” a dark voice whispered in my ear. Want me? Who wanted me? Why was this voice speaking to me? I wasn’t even sure who it was. I didn’t recognize the sound. But I couldn’t ignore how it seemed to caress my skin as he spoke in that dark and needy tone. I heard a whimper. Wait, did that come from me? “Don’t worry, I will be right there,” he whispered. Right where? Why did I suddenly feel like I was burning up? I moaned this time. I was sure it came from me because the vibrations traveled through me, and then I felt it. Hands on my body. Why did they ignite a fire like that? What was happening? Why were my thoughts all muddled together? It felt like I could only think about one thing: mating. I had to mate. But why couldn’t I see? I felt those firm hands pull me closer, and I gasped. My eyes sprung open, and I realized I had them closed. However, I still couldn’t quite see. The world was hazy and blurry, but I saw the outline of a powerful and muscular naked body. I moaned again, just at the sight of it, and I felt myself wet and dripping. Why was I reacting like this? It felt like... The powerful figure moved over me and then settled between my legs. I gasped as his hard c*ck slid inside me. By Goddess, that was what I had needed. I couldn’t focus anymore on all the confusion. As he began to move, grabbing me hard and f*cking me deeper, I was lost in the pleasure he brought me. I leaned my head back, clinging to him, growing louder and begging for more. I could barely take it. It was so intense, and I came hard, clinging to the warm body above me and loving the way I shook in his arms as he held me close as well. He continued to move, driven by the pleasure as much as me, and then he released himself, groaning deeply in my ear. It was the most satisfying sound I had ever heard. I thought maybe we might relax a bit, because that was the most intense round I had ever experienced. But no, it wasn’t over. I could feel my body yearning for more of him, and he didn’t wait for long before he continued to mate with me, kissing my skin and then my lips, making me feel so loved and adored. He didn’t need to speak for me to feel his love. It streamed through me. He spoke through his body, and I wanted to continue to cling to that because I had never felt a more powerful love. It seemed to almost burn me, but the haze that I was trapped in drew me deeper into the darkness, and I lost myself in it. When I woke up again, it was because a small stream of sunlight snuck through the curtains and hit my eyes. I groaned, feeling quite sore, but in such a satisfying way. I sighed contentedly before noticing the powerful arm around me. Josh and I must have really enjoyed ourselves last night, I thought. I didn’t remember him ever losing himself like that or for me to get so lost in what he was doing. It had always been good between us. But last night… fireworks! Yet I couldn’t remember much. Why couldn’t I remember? The arm surrounding me suddenly pulled me closer, and I sighed, pleased, feeling my mate calm my racing thoughts. He buried his face in my neck, kissing it. “Still here?” he whispered in my ear, and my eyes sprung open. That was not Josh’s voice! Startled, I turned my head, locking eyes with a stranger whose expression mirrored my own shock. What was happening? This wasn’t my bedroom! I instinctively pushed the stranger away and glanced around, my mind racing to make sense of the situation. Memories flooded back—waking up alone, heading to the kitchen for breakfast—and then... choking. Someone must have found me, right? That would explain why I was here, in this bed. I was alive! “Sienna?” “Sienna?” I repeated, meeting the stranger’s bewildered gaze. Something was terribly wrong. I leaped from the bed, clutching the sheets around me as I dashed into the bathroom. A voice inside me urged me to find a mirror. I flicked on the lights and rushed to the sink, my heart pounding. My eyes widened as I stared at the reflection before me. That wasn’t me! I reached out to touch the mirror, but the cold surface only confirmed what I saw. I studied my hand, noticing the longer fingers and more slender shape. My eyes were green, not brown, and my hair was darker, a rich brown. Opening the sheets a fraction, I caught a glimpse of my body and gasped, quickly covering myself again. What was happening? I felt like I was looking at someone else, yet I knew it was me. How had this happened? “Want the shower first?” The stranger appeared in the doorway, now at least wearing some sweatpants. “What?” I questioned, hearing the overly sweet voice coming from me, but with a dark and alluring undertone that could be used for some serious flirting. “The shower,” he said, nodding toward the shower behind me. “You want it first? You often do.” “I do?” I replied, feeling perplexed. He looked at me with a puzzled expression. “Are you all right?” Who was he? He was incredibly handsome. Blue eyes, dark hair, sharp features, and an unbelievable body—all hard muscles and a little tanned. He had a slightly more golden color, whereas I was very fair. Could he have some southern genes? What was I doing? I was not here to learn about his heritage. I said nothing as I slipped past him and looked for some clothes. I found a walk-in closet with the door open and quickly hurried inside. He must have been in here, I concluded, and I grabbed the first pieces of clothing I could find—some underwear and jeans. However, he appeared again, arms crossed, a strangely distant look on his face, leaning against the doorframe as he watched me. I let out a little scream when I realized I hadn’t put on a bra yet. “I have seen you many times,” he said. “Yeah, uh... I’m sure you have,” I replied, feeling flustered. “In a hurry to leave now?” he asked, his tone caring a hint of hurt. “I just... um...” What did I say? Where was I even going? I needed answers, but could I find them? Right now, I just knew I needed to get away from him. “You know our deal,” he said. Deal? “You share your heat with me,” he reminded me. Oh, so that was why I could barely remember anything. I had thought it might have been a heat I was experiencing because it reminded me of the ones I had gone through. Yet this one had just been so intense. How could it be more intense with this stranger than with my own mate? “We shared it,” I said, pulling a shirt on. “You must be tired. I can get you some food,” he offered. “No need. I can grab it on the way,” I replied. “On the way to someone else’s place? Or should I say bed?” he questioned. I froze halfway through buttoning my shirt, slowly turning to face the handsome stranger. He looked as though he was being tortured and was ready to murder someone. “Sorry?” He shook his head slightly. “Just... let me bring you some food. Besides, you only just left your heat. You might still be a bit fertile.” “I might... what?” I asked, shocked. “You know this. Wait a little, at least. The pup will be mine, we agreed.” “Agreed?” “At least wait until nightfall, then you can go. I won’t stop you.” “What?” I was so confused. Stop me from what? Where did he think I was going? “Sienna, we agreed,” he repeated. “I...” “No one else gets to get you pregnant,” he kept reminding me, as if he thought I had forgotten this important arrangement. I didn’t even know what arrangement he was talking about! “So, can it wait?” he asked. “I... okay,” I ended up saying, unsure of what else to do. “Good. Just relax a little. I’ll shower and then get you some food, okay?” “I... okay,” I repeated. He nodded slightly and then disappeared from sight. What the hell did I do now?
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