Chapter 3

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-Summer- I threw my jacket onto a chair before turning to my mate. He wasn’t speaking. He hadn’t uttered a word the entire way home, and barely another word for the rest of the dinner. Josh was doing that nervous twitch again with the ring, spinning it around and around as he stared at the ground. I walked over to him and placed my hands over his. He turned his head, almost looking lost. “It went better than expected.” “Let’s not sugarcoat it, Summer,” Josh sighed. “It went horribly! Even this, even my child, he can somehow find a way to criticize. Somehow, I got you pregnant wrong!” “Don’t say that!” I insisted, holding onto his hands. “I’m pregnant, aren’t I?” A small smile spread across his lips. “Yes,” he finally acknowledged. “Good. Can we stop focusing on the rest?” I implored. “Don’t bring him home with you.” “It’s hard not to.” “I know. I know he is hard on you. I see it all the time, but you’re strong. My mate is strong, and I know you won’t let this bring you down.” “I’m just tired of it.” “I understand.” “No, I don’t think you do!” he exclaimed, throwing his arms out to the side. “He loves you, and you’re not even related!” “No, I know.” “Why is that?” “Maybe because we are not related, he does not have the same expectations toward me, but there are expectations toward me,” I explained. “Yes, get pregnant, and you succeeded.” I drew back a little, shocked, and he walked over to pour himself a drink. That stung. Help him! my wolf urged. How? You know how! It works every time! Right, I knew the way to shift his focus. I quickly reached for the tie in my dress, the only thing keeping it together. It was black and elegant, and while it was short, it didn’t show much. I grabbed the pins from my blond hair and let all the long, curly strands fall down my back. Then I let the dress fall and let it all drop to the ground. I quickly got undressed before stepping out of my heels as well. I walked over to Josh and ran my hands down his back. He hadn’t even noticed I was naked. “Summer, I…” he trailed off as he turned around and saw that I wore nothing. I smiled as his eyes wandered down my body. The body he knew so well by now. There had only ever been him, though, and it felt good to know only my mate knew me so intimately. I knew it was different for him. He had not had many partners, but there had been one or two he had told me. I didn’t let it bother me. He was mine now. “How about we forget the night? How about we do what we should probably have done instead of going to that dinner?” I asked. “That eh…” He always lost his voice when I got naked, and it felt good to have that power over him. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, leaning closer to kiss his neck. “I think that’s a much better idea, don’t you?” “I... Definitely.” I opened his shirt and ran my hands down his hard body until I reached his pants. “Summer…” “I love how you say my name,” I whispered as I unfastened his belt. I had only unfastened his belt when he grabbed me and picked me up, carrying me back to bed, before he laid me down on it, disregarding the rest of his clothes. He leaned over me and kissed me. In these moments, he needed me fast, and he wrapped my legs around his as he positioned himself and slid in. I gasped, not quite warmed up to have him, but my body was tuned into him, and soon the pain turned into pleasure as he moved, the bed creaking a bit. “I like this idea much better,” I whispered in his ear. “f**k,” he breathed. “Me too.” He continued to make love to me harder and harder, the pleasure building and the sound of our pleasurable noises filling the room. We both reached climax, clinging to each other and, afterward, basking in the aftereffects of it all. He felt much calmer now, and I ran my hands down his naked back, smiling. I had quickly learned the tricks to help him and get him back to his happy mood, and he began kissing and adoring the skin on my neck. *** I woke up the next day, stretching my body and smiling, but when I turned, I found an empty spot beside me. I lifted my head. “Josh?” I called. He wasn’t in the room, though. I wondered if last night might still linger in his mind, but when I tried searching for him through our bond, it was strangely quiet. It wasn’t the first time he shut me out. He often did so in his meetings, not wanting any distractions. We are quite the distraction, my wolf chuckled proudly, and I smiled. “Easy now,” I said, getting out of bed before showering and dressing. We are a delightful distraction, or did our mate not come three times last night? I laughed again, shaking my head as I left the room and walked downstairs to get something to eat. All the other wolves from the pack were up as well and greeted me as I descended. I was up later than most that day, and I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. “Oh, Luna,” a pack member said, finding me in the kitchen. “Yes?” “Alpha wanted me to let you know that he will be home late. He has a lot to do today,” she informed me. I sighed, feeling a little disheartened, but it was the reality of being mated to the future king. “Thank you, that’s very kind of you,” I said, noticing her smiling, happy to have fulfilled her duty. Pleasing the Alpha and Luna always brought smiles to the pack members’ lips, so I always made them feel appreciated for their efforts. I quickly ate my food before relaxing a little, enjoying my morning tea. It had a hint of ginger in it, the only thing that seemed to help with the nausea. I smiled as I sipped it slowly, relishing the sweet aroma. Hm… “What?” I questioned, hearing the strange little sound from my wolf. I don’t know. “What?” I was only more confused. It feels… “Feels?” But my wolf fell silent, and then suddenly, my hand began shaking. I looked down and saw it tremble uncontrollably, causing me to spill the scalding tea on my hand, yet I felt nothing. My nerves were numb, and soon the rest of my body shook as I felt my throat constrict. I reached for it, as if I could somehow claw my way to air. I slipped off my chair and collapsed to the ground. The world turned blurry around me as I struggled to draw air into my lungs. I tried screaming for help, but no sound emerged. All I could think about was my child. My pup! Save my pup! The world only grew darker and darker, and then…
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