3. His soft side

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Vienna's POV After putting a bandage on my wood I grabbed my bag that contains my clothes for the shoot. When I go downstairs I am limping but I kept on walking and ignored my aching knee. "Where are you going?" I jumped when I heard Simoun's voice I thought he is still asleep. We decided to use a separate room in sleeping since he couldn't stand my presence and I don't want to piss him off so I agreed. "Shoot," I answered shortly and kept on walking. "Who told you that you can leave this house?" He asked me and raised his right eyebrow. "But I have work," I told him but he just smirk. "You ruined your work remember?" I bowed my head and played with my fingers when guilt crept into my system again. "But Samantha told me that the issue will subside and my career will bloom again," I answered in a small voice. "If you want the issue to subside you should stop putting yourself in the spotlight. For them to forget the issue they have to forget you." Tears fall in my eyes. I can't give up acting that is my life. "I can't give up acting," I confessed but he laughed mocking my answer. "Well, you just did. When you uploaded that video that was the moment you give up your career." I played with my fingers and bit my lower lip to stop myself from sobbing. "Can't you let this slide?" I lifted my head and look at him but I didn't receive any pity I saw disgust and anger in his dark grey eyes. "No." He answered coldly and walked out. I sat on the stairs when I felt my knees weaken and bowed my head. "Stop crying and prepare my breakfast. You wanted to be my wife right?" I heard him shouting in the kitchen. There is no point in crying. My tears won't change anything so might as well live this life that I wanted in the first place but now I regretted having. I wiped my tears and stood up. I walked towards the kitchen and I saw him there sitting at the center. "Prepare my food," he commanded so I nod my head without uttering any words. I am not good at cooking but I should try maybe in this way he will treat me differently. Maybe if I acted like a good wife he can his mind. I started cracking the egg directly into the pan but it was a fail because the shell fell as well. I started to panic and quickly grabbed a spoon to scoop the shell but it is too hard. The egg is burning so without thinking I grabbed the pan using my bare hands. "Ahh! s**t!" I cursed when it was too hot. I let go of the pan so it fell on the floor which created a loud sound. Simoun heard it so he walked to my side. "i***t," he whispered but I manage to hear it. "I'm sorry," I apologized and turned off the fire. "I am tired of hearing your sorries Vienna. Clean your mess." He uttered in gritting teeth and walked out. I kneeled on the floor and using a piece of cloth I grabbed the pan and put it in the sink. I wipe the floor and when I am done I sat on the chair. I felt my hands burning which I didn't notice earlier because of too much fear. My hands are red and I can feel them burning so I blew air on them but the pain didn't subside. I wanted to go to the hospital to have it checked but I couldn't drive with my hands. Swallowing my pride I ran outside hoping that Simoun is not yet leaving and I was right. I saw him in the parking checking his tires and when he saw me he stood up and put his hands in his pocket. "What do you want?" He asked coldly. "Can you drive me to the hospital?" I asked shyly. "I am late for work. I don't have time for your drama," he answered and get inside his car. He drove off and as I saw him leave without even helping me I realized that I am nothing to him. I know that but it still hurts when he treats me that way. Silly me asking to be loved by a person that I ruined. You ruined his life Vienna so why do you still hope that one day he will look at you differently. That one day you will be loved by him. He won't look at you the way he looked at Sabrina. He won't love you because he is madly in love with Sabrina. And for the first time in my life, I wish I was someone else. I wish I am Sabrina. Simoun's POV While I am driving face of Vienna kept on crossing my mind. I kept on remembering her pitiful state which made me wanna go back but I refused. "Stop feeling guilty Simoun. That woman isn't your responsibility. " I whispered to myself and kept on driving. I reached the office but I am still contemplating if I should go back or not. "Good morning Sir, the meeting will start in five minutes," my secretary informed me so I stood up and fixed my tie. I walked towards the meeting room and when I enter I saw their judging look but I won't let them belittle me just because of that video. I am still Simoun Lask Montague. I am still the CEO of this company. "Start the presentation," I uttered coldly and occupied the seat at the center. They started presenting the sales for the past few months and discussed the profit that the company had gained. "That number is too little," I commented on the profit that we have gained. "Why? How much do you want Mr. Montague the same number of shares and reactions your video had gained?" I clenched my fist hearing that question from one of our investors. I looked at him and smirk. "Looks like you have watched my video, Mr. Peterson, did you enjoy it?" I asked and stared at him intently. He smiled at me and nod his head with a smirk plastered on his face. "Vienna is f*****g hot I couldn't resist watching that video," I didn't know but something inside me snap when I heard Vienna's name. "What did you just say?" I asked with gritted teeth and walked in his direction. Some tried stopping me but I removed their hold and kept on walking. When I reached Mr. Peterson's seat I grabbed his collar and forcefully stand him up. "Vienna is f*****g hot. Those rounded boobs and butt, massaging it must be relaxing Mr. Montague," a strong punch landed on his face as he finished his words. "Don't you dare insult my wife or I will f*****g rip that mouth of yours," he just laughed so another punch landed on his face. "Klint!" I shouted my secretary's name and Klint immediately go to my side. "Start finding another investor and removed Mr. Peterson's name from my company," I uttered and I saw the fear cross Mr. Peterson's face when he heard my words. "Let's see if your small company could grow without my company's help, Mr. Peterson. Remember that my company is leading in the business world. I am excited to see where your joke will get you," I stood up and wiped my hands. "I am more powerful than you Mr. Peterson so next time know where you are standing," those are my last words before leaving the meeting room. I don't think I can work properly in this state so I decided to go home to take a rest. When I arrived I saw Vienna putting toothpaste on his burnt hands. " What are you doing? " I asked and stole the toothpaste from her hands. "I googled some home remedy for burnt skin and I found an article that says toothpaste could help," she explained and kept on putting toothpaste on her hands while whimpering in pain. "Let's go," I spoke and carefully grabbed her wrist. "Where are we going?" she asked. "Hospital," I answered getting impatient. "I think it's already fine." I am too tired to insist so I just walk out and throw the toothpaste on the sofa beside her. I walked inside my room and took a nap but my nap became long hours of sleep because when I woke up it was already evening. Maybe it's because I didn't get enough sleep last night. My body is trying to recover from sleep deprivation. "Vienna," I called her name as I go downstairs but there is no response when I reached the sala I saw her sleeping covered in a blanket. I walked towards her and I felt fear when I saw how pale she is. I immediately touch her forehead and she is burning. I carefully scooped her and carry her until we reach my car. I laid her down in the backseat and when I entered the car I started driving like I was in a race. In just a minute we reached the hospital. I carried her in a bridal style until we reach the emergency room. "My wife, she's burning," panic can be heard in my voice. The nurses asked to lay her down on the bed so they can start checking her condition. I oblige and waited for them patiently to be done. After a while, the results came. "Sir your wife has a fever caused by her burnt hands but she will be fine in three-six days of resting. We already put some ointment in her hands." I thanked the nurse before walking toward Vienna's bed. I occupied the chair beside her and caressed her hair. " Loving you would be easy if you didn't act desperately," I whispered and kissed her forehead.
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