2. Start of Vienna's misery

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Vienna's POV After signing the contract they forced us to live together in Simoun's house. When I scanned the whole place I saw pictures of him with Sabrina. "You built this house for Sabrina?" I asked and hold the picture frame. "Don't f*****g touch anything," he threatened and took the frame from my hold. The edges of the frame were sharp so when he pulled it harshly my finger was cut. "Aww," I complained and looked at my finger. I saw blood in it. Simoun looked at it as well but he didn't say anything he just walked out and left me in the room dumbfounded. After a few seconds, I followed him, and when I entered the sala all of them are seated on the sofa talking about things. "Can I ask a question?" I asked and all the attention is now on me. "What is it?" Simoun's father replied and looked at me intently. "Can we file for a divorce after a year?" My voice sounded hopeful and when I looked in Simoun's direction I saw hope in his eyes that maybe he can still get out of this marriage. "No." Simoun's father answered coldly. Fear was written on Simoun's face when he heard his father's answer. "But Dad," he was about to object but his father stopped him. "I almost lost the company because of your stupidity. Investors backed out because of that f*****g video," Simoun's father gritted his teeth and his fists are clenched showing how enraged he is. "Our family's integrity and honor were tarnished and you thought you can escape the mess you created that easily?" Simoun's father shifted his vision on me. "File a divorce and I will make sure you will pay for the damages you had been done Vienna. I'm sure the penny that you get from acting and modeling will be enough to pay that." I bit my lower lip to stop my tears from falling. Samantha took my hand and held it tightly. " As for you Simoun, " he brought his head back to Simoun's direction," you won't get anything from me if this marriage became unsuccessful and you will lose your name." I know that wasn't a threat but a promise. Simoun nods his head accepting his defeat. Simoun's head turned to me and throws a dagger look. "Is everything settled?" Simoun's father asked Samantha and his lawyer, both nod their head so he walked out without saying a proper goodbye. "Just wait for your things, I already asked someone to deliver them here," Samantha informed me and later on excused herself because she had to settle other things in my management. When we are all alone my tears started falling and my sobs became loud. "Will you please stop crying? Stopped acting as if this isn't your intention, desperate slut," those words are like knives that cut my heart into tiny pieces. "This isn't my plan," I defended but Simoun just laugh at me mocking my answer. "And I should believe you because?" I bowed my head unable to find some answer. "I saw you leaving the venue with tears in your eyes Vienna. You didn't want me to be married to Sabrina so you uploaded that f*****g video!" Simoun shouted so loud which made me jump. His voice is scary and I couldn't look him in the eye because I know all I can see is anger. " I didn't mean to upload that video, it was an accident, " I explained but he looked at me like I am a liar, well I couldn't blame him because I look like a desperate woman who is deeply in love with him. "I told you to delete that. I told you numerous times to delete that s*x video but you didn't listen! Now I understand why? It's your asset in making things work the way you wanted, you f*****g manipulative b***h!" After insulting me he left. I tried following him asking where he will go but I received another insult. I chose to wait for Simoun patiently but a few hours passed he didn't come back and I was left in the house alone crying. Simoun is right everything is my fault. If I deleted that video none of this have happened. But am I a b***h if some part of me is happy for the outcome? Maybe his right I am a desperate slut because even though it is wrong I am thankful that his marriage with Sabrina didn't happen and he ended up with me. "You kept on denying that you weren't desperate but your actions show it Vienna," I whispered to myself and watched the hands of the clock move before dozing off to sleep. Simoun's POV I waited outside Sabrina's door patiently but she won't come out. It's been an hour but she didn't bother to check me. " Love, " I knock on his door again but all I heard was her sobbing. "Love I'm sorry," my tears fall in my eyes when I realized that I am losing Sabrina. Our eighth relationship was gone just because of that drunken mistake. "Leave please," Sabrina uttered in a weak voice. I wanted to hug her and wrapped her around my arms but I couldn't do that because she won't allow me. "I promised I will solve this. I will come back to you Love," I spoke but she didn't reply. "Wait for me okay?" I asked but still no reply. I stayed outside her unit without realizing that I fall asleep. A slight tap on my cheek woke me up. "Sir," I opened my eyes and I saw a guard trying to wake me up. "Sir you need to leave," he informed me and assisted me in standing up. "Sabrina?" I asked him and opened Sabrina's door and gladly it wasn't locked. "Love," I called her when I successfully entered her unit. The guard tried to stop me but I am too strong to be controlled by him. "Sir she left a few hours ago," the guard informed me as he followed me in looking at every corner of the unit. "Where did she go?" I asked. "I have no idea, Sir," my knees weaken when I heard his answer. Where did you go, Sabrina? I run off and when I reach my car I immediately drive off without any place in my mind. If I have to drive this whole city just to find her I will. It was already afternoon but there is still no trace of Sabrina I am already losing hope and it worsened when I received a text message from her. From: Sabrina Don't look for me. I dialed her number but it is now out of reach. "f**k! f**k!" I kept on banging my head on the steering wheel until I felt blood dripping down my forehead. My outburst stopped when I received a call from my father. "Come home or I will remove your riches." He threatened. I wanted to shout at my father but I respect him and it's my fault so I have to face the consequences no matter how hard it is. I started driving home and when I reach the house I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of liquor. Before I could even sit Vienna interrupted me. "You're home," I ignored her and gulped the bottle of liquor I am holding. "Do you want to eat something?" She asked using her sweet voice but it irritates the hell out of me. "Just shut up!" I shouted and slammed my hands on the table. "I'm sorry," she uttered and bowed her head. Her presence enraged me. Seeing her makes me mad. I stood up in her direction. "You're just sorry?" I asked clenching my fast fighting the urge to slap her. "You ruined my life and you are just sorry?!" Her body started to shake upon hearing my shout. "Kneel Vienna," I uttered but she didn't oblige. "f*****g kneel!" I shout again and throw the bottle to the floor. Broken glasses scattered on the cold floor and when she kneeled I saw how his knee landed on broken glass. She whimpered in pain but she kept on kneeling without any complaint. I felt guilty seeing her blood dripping on the floor but I kept on convincing myself that it was nothing compared to the damages she had done. "You made my life a living hell so I will make yours too. Let's both suffer in this marriage," I uttered before walking taking out another bottle of liquor. I go back to my sit and took another sip. Vienna is still kneeling on the ground and I bet her knees hurt. " Clean the mess, " I commanded and she obeyed without any questions. When she turned her back I watched her movement. I saw her limping and guilt crept into my system seeing her in that situation but I stopped myself from helping her. "I won't fall for your dirty schemes," I whispered and ignored her presence completely.
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