4. His First Love

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Vienna's POV I woke up with a heavy head and as I completely opened my eyes a white ceiling welcomed me. I slowly get up while holding my head. "Good morning Ma'am," I turned my head on my side where the voice came from. I saw a nurse with a smile plastered on her face while holding a chart. "Why am I here?" I asked still holding my head. "Your husband brought you here last night Ma'am," she replied politely and wrote something on the chart she is holding. "Where is he?" I asked and roamed my eyes around the room but I couldn't see Simoun's trace. "He left a few hours ago Ma'am." I nod my head and sighed heavily. Why do I expect that he would stay here and wait for me to wake up? "When can I go home?" I asked again. The nurse read something on her chart before looking at me. "Your fever subsided so you can go home this afternoon Ma'am. Doctor Lazaro will prescribe you some ointment to heal your burns," she responded. When she was done checking me up she excused herself and left me alone in the room. I decided to open the TV and there I saw some news about me. About my marriage with Simoun and speculations that I might quit showbiz. While I am in the middle of watching the news the door swung open revealing a familiar man wearing a white coat. I stared at him for a second and that is when everything sinks in. "It was you," I pointed at him. He looked at me shocked as well. "Everything is your fault," I uttered and kept on pointing at him. It was the guy who showed up at the bar. The reason who made me panic which is why I accidentally uploaded the s*x video. "s**t," he covered his mouth using his palm while looking at me. "God I am sorry," he uttered but those can't reverse the life that I am living now. "I f*****g hate you," I replied and crossed my arms around my chest while glaring at him. The man moves closer to me and checks my burns. "Did he do this to you?" He asked with concern laced in his voice. I creased my forehead and shook my head. Simoun didn't do this to me. I got all of this because of my stupidity. "Why are you here?" I asked and scanned his whole body. He looked like a doctor in that outfit or maybe he is? "I am your doctor," he extended his hand but I ignored it and kept on glaring at him. When he realized that I wouldn't take his hands he slowly put them down and scratch his nape, embarrassed at what he had just done. "Brixx Lazaro," he added but I kept on ignoring him. He sighed loudly and started checking my condition. He advised me to take a rest for a few days but I didn't respond. When he was done he left the room with a long face maybe because he felt bad about the way I treated him. What can I do if some part of me still blames him even though he was out of this mess but he contributed a little? I busied myself by watching the hands of the clock moves and when it is already afternoon I am ready to leave the hospital. "Let's go," I was shocked when Simoun suddenly showed up wearing his work clothes. I looked at him with my eyes widely open. "Why are you here?" I asked curiously and he looked at me like I asked the dumbest question. "Picking up my wife?" he answered in a questioning tone. Simoun being impatient left the room so I had to make my movements fast. "Thank you," I uttered as we walk side by side. He looked at me for a second but he didn't respond. He continued walking without uttering any words until we reached the parking lot. I hop inside his car and put on my seat belt. "Thank you for bringing me to the hospital," I uttered genuinely. He turned his head in my direction with an irritated look. "Can you shut your mouth?" He asked which made me stunned and embarrassed at the same time. "Sabrina didn't act this way," he added which shattered my heart into pieces. Funny how those few words can shatter my whole being. "I am not Sabrina," I replied in a small voice. "You will never be her," he responded which hurts me even more. He hates me. No scratch that, Simoun loathes me. I kept my mouth shut like what he had instructed. The ride to our house became extremely quiet. I felt uncomfortable but I can't do anything about that. "Simoun," I called his name again and as usual he looked at me like I am a walking headache. "What?" he answered irritated even though he hadn't heard the reason why I called him. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked and bowed my head. I am tired and scared at the same time to see that look over and over again. "Peace," he replied then walked out. I sighed heavily and watched him as he walked toward his room. He shut his door closed leaving me with no choice but to eat alone. While I am busy preparing my dinner my phone rang and it is Samantha calling me. I answered her call and put the phone in my ear. "Are you quitting showbiz?" she asked directly to the point. I don't know how to answer her because I am having a hard time convincing Simoun that I need a job. "Simoun didn't allow me to be in the spotlight again. He told me that if I wanted the issue to be forgotten I should stay away from showbiz," I explained, and it was followed by a long silence. After a few minutes, Samantha spoke up. "You will pay millions for ditching those projects Vienna," she reminded me. I know that but what can I do? I can't keep on making Simoun angry. He is already angry even though I am doing anything, what more if I disobey him. "I want a peaceful life Samantha and Simoun are right maybe it's time to quit showbiz," I replied. "How about your mother's medication?" And that is when I realized that I have other responsibilities to fulfill. "I have savings I think that is enough for now," I uttered and smiled despite the heaviness and worry I have inside me. "You have to think this through. I will call you after a week and by then I hope you have a concrete decision," I thanked Samatha and after that, she dropped the call. I stared at the nothingness while I am eating my bland pasta. I don't know how to cook so I have to settle with this. When I am done eating I was about to put my plate on the sink when Simoun suddenly showed up wearing only his board shorts. I can't help but drool over his body. Those tight and hard abs made me a sinner. "Quit staring," he uttered coldly. I immediately diverted my eyes in the other direction and kept myself busy by washing the dishes. In my peripheral vision, I saw him opening the fridge and taking out bottled water. "Do you want to work?" he asked out of nowhere. I stared at him for a second before nodding my head. "I hate dumb workers Vienna," he uttered which made me bow my head. "But you can undergo some training and maybe after a month you can start working," he explained. "What will be my job Simoun?" I asked and lifted my head anticipating his answer. "My secretary," he replied shortly and left me in the kitchen dumbfounded. I am smiling widely when everything finally sinks in. I will get to work with him. I will spend more time with him and maybe if we do that our relationship would improve. As I am wiping the table I am humming some song because of too much happiness. I felt like I am on cloud nine when Simoun's words kept on repeating in my head. I am too motivated which pushed me to clean the whole house even though it is already late at night. Love can make you crazy. With a smile plastered on my face, I walked towards the sala to fix some mess in it but I stopped walking when U saw Simoun's silhouette. He is talking to someone on the phone. "Have you seen here?" He asked and his voice is laced with worry and voice. I know eavesdropping is not a good thing but I can't help to stay and listen to the conversation he had with someone on the phone. I saw him sitting on the sofa while massaging his head. He looks like he is having a hard and I was about to give him comfort when he added. "If you have to roam the whole world just to find Sabrina then do it," he uttered before dropping the call. He loves her and I can't compete. Would he do that if I was gone? I laughed at myself and slapped it, I am dumb thinking that he will do the same thing if I did what Sabrina has done. He loves Sabrina Vienna and you are nothing but a woman who ruined their perfectly planned future. What made you think that he will do the same thing?
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