5.Sabrina's Location

1620 Words
Vienna's POV It was just five in the morning when I heard knocks from the outside. I lazily opened my eyes and yawned before opening the door. I saw Simoun standing in front of my arm freshly showered. I can smell mint from his body which woke me up. He has a good smell. "You will come with me to the office," he uttered as he stare at my face. I just stared back unable to find any words to respond. "You should get ready we will in six," he added and left. I watched him walk away and that is when everything sinks in. Today is my first day as his secretary. Brixx Lazaro the doctor in the hospital I was admitted advised me to rest for a few days but my body felt fine so I guess I can handle office jobs. I quickly run towards the bathroom since I have only an hour to get ready. I soaked myself in warm water and bath myself. It just took me fifteen minutes to be done. I scanned my closet and I can't find any office clothes since all I am wearing are a bit showy. I sighed and chose a black tight skirt and silky red top. I faced the mirror and stared at my reflection. Damn, I look hot. I applied powder on my face and mascara to help my eyes look awake and red lipstick to feel powerful. I wore my three inches heels, seven inches would be too much for corporate jobs I think. I scanned my whole body and sprayed my signature perfume before going out. I walked towards the kitchen to drink some coffee, Simoun must have heard the sound of my heels which made him turn his head and look in my direction. I saw how his eyes scanned me from heels up to my face. I smiled at him and continued walking full of confidence. His adam's apple move up and down as I got closer in his direction. I grabbed a cup but since it is on his side I extended my hand. I leaned closer so my chest accidentally touch his cheek. "Sorry," I uttered and looked at him but he remained silent. None of us talk and I didn't dare to make a conversation because it might irritate him just like what happened last night. "You done?" he asked and grabbed his car keys. I nod my head and stood up to follow him. When we reach the parking lot I didn't wait for him to open the passenger seat because he won't do it anyway. I hop inside his car and put my seat belt on. "Is my clothes okay?" I nervously asked and look at him. He stared at me and creased his forehead. "No, you are a secretary Vienna, not a stripper," he commented and I wanted to sink in my seat because of embarrassment. "I don't have any corporate clothes but I will buy them later," I explained but he didn't respond. Our whole drive became quiet just like the other rides we had. When we arrived at his company I immediately get off and walked closer to him. I just kept on following him until we reach the lobby. I saw the eyes of his employee looking at me and I even saw some judging look but I ignored it until we reach his office. "That's your table," he pointed at the table a few meters away from his. It's empty so I wonder what I will do on my first day. "Uhm Simoun," I called him so he looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "I'm not familiar with this job may I know what I will do for today?" I asked in a small voice because I am afraid that he might be called me dumb for being clueless in the corporate world. "Just sit there and be quiet," he responded. "Huh?" I asked confused. "And stop questioning my words," he added and walked towards his table. I nod my head and obeyed his words. I sat on the chair quietly and stared at the wall. I turned my head in Simoun's direction and when I saw him reading some documents I fell harder. He looks so f*****g hot with his forehead creased. "Stop staring," he uttered coldly while his eyes are still fixated on the paper he is holding. I immediately diverted my gaze in the other direction and pretended to be busy while looking at the wall. I felt bored so I took out my phone and logged in to my social media accounts. There are still issues about me but I ignored them and kept on scrolling until one message popped out. From: Brixx Lazaro Take a rest Vienna. I stared at his message before replying. To: Brixx Lazaro I'm resting. I replied and after a few seconds, I received a response. From: Brixx Lazaro Good. I scoff and continued scrolling to kill time. Simoun's POV I can see on her face how bored she is but I can't leave her in the house alone. It is much better if she is in my office so I can monitor her condition. "Are you hungry?" I asked which made her look at me. I shouldn't be acting this. I shouldn't be kind to her but she always has her ways to make me feel guilty. "Uhm a bit," she responded shyly. I nod my head. "I will just finish this," I replied and continued signing the papers. After five minutes I am already done with my morning work so I called someone to order us food. "What do you want?" I asked and waited for her answer. "Anything," she replied. "There is no 'anything' on the menu Vienna," I responded sarcastically which made her bit her lip. She looked hot while doing that so I shifted my eyes in the opposite direction. "Steak then," she replied. After a few minutes, our food arrive so we started digging in. She remained silent and it bothers me because she usually talks a lot and utters nonsense words. "Are you okay?" She lifts her head and nod. I stop asking questions and continued eating my food but a notification on her phone stopped me from taking another bite. From: Brixx Lazaro Eat your lunch Vienna. That's what the message says. I am not a nosy type of person but I can't help it. "Who is that?" I asked coldly and I wanted to punch myself because I look affected. "The doctor in the hospital where I was admitted," she replied, I nod my head and gripped the fork tighter. "It is still his job to check on you even though you are no longer admitted to their hospital," Vienna bit the inside of her cheeks trying the urge to smile and it pissed me off that she finds this situation funny. "Something's funny?" I asked which made her fix her posture and act serious. "No I am sorry," she replied without looking at me. "Are you flirting with that doctor?" she shooked her head and looked at me in disbelief. "No," she uttered. "It looks like you're flirting with each other," I uttered and took another bite of my food. "Why would you think that?" she asked. "Because you are a flirt?" that made her shut up and I regretted saying those but I can no longer take my words back. "I'm done," I announced and left the table. I continued doing my work while Vienna kept her silence. Every time I look at her I feel guilty but I have no idea how to apologize. "Vienna," I called her name trying to find the courage to say sorry but I couldn't bring myself to do it. "I," I started but I couldn't finish it. "I need coffee," I said instead of apologizing. She looked stunned maybe because she expected to hear my sorry as well but she nod her head and stand up. "Right away Sir," she replied and left the office. I watched her as she leaves and when she is already gone, I sighed. "f**k it," I cursed and loosened my tie. I waited for her comeback but it's been half an hour and she isn't here yet. I decided to find her so I headed towards the floor cafeteria and there I saw her being surrounded by my men employees. "Vienna," I called her name coldly. She turned her head with fear in her eyes. "I-I'm s-sorry, i-it's just t-that," she stuttered so one of my employees butted in. "Sorry Sir we just want to take a picture with Ms. Vienna," he explained which made me more pissed. "Am I talking to you?" he shut his mouth and back down. I turned my head to Vienna again. "Follow me," I uttered and walked out. I can hear her footsteps following me and when we reached my office I stopped and looked at her. "You are not a celebrity anymore Vienna, you are my secretary you understand?" she nods her head and lowers it. I took a deep breath to stop myself from uttering other hurtful words. I saw tears drop on her hands, I was about to wipe them when a call came in. " Hello, " I uttered. " Sir we have an update on Sabrina's location, " he reported so I immediately grabbed my keys. "Where is she?" I asked full of anticipation in my voice. "Barcelona Spain," he replied. "Where are you going?" Vienna asked before I could even leave the room. "Barcelona Spain, they found Sabrina there," I replied and hastily left the office.
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