6. Pain of loving you

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Vienna's POV I was left in Simoun's office dumbfounded. It pains me how fast he left upon hearing news about Sabrina. "Ma'am Mr. Montague informed me that you can go home," one of his employees informed me. I nod my head and gathered all my things before leaving the office. I walked outside the office and just like earlier all eyes are on me. "You're leaving already Ma'am," a short-haired woman dared to ask me. I looked at her from head to toe which made her feel intimidated. "Yes," I uttered coldly. She bowed her head and took a few steps back getting out of my way. I walked outside and grabbed a taxi since I already sold my car to pay for my mother's medication. While I am inside the taxi the driver stared at my face as if he is remembering if he have seen me somewhere? "You are Vienna Calista Caskcut, right? The celebrity with scandal?" he asked and that made me realize that I am not still free with that issue. I shyly nod my head and covered my face using my hands. I bit my lower lip to stop my tears from falling. It feels like I have no place to go. Being Simoun always reminds me that I am just pushing myself just to fit in his world. On the other hand, the public already spits me out, I am nothing but a woman with a scandal. "Where to ma'am?" the driver suddenly asked. I looked at him and gave him the address of Simoun's house. During the drive, music filled my ears and when we reached my destination I abruptly paid my fare and got off from the taxi. "Thank you," I uttered politely and quickly headed towards the house afraid that someone might see me again. I opened the door and headed towards the sala. I am tempted to open the TV to know if the media still talks about me but I don't think I can handle too much stress in one day. I leaned my back on the sofa and closed my eyes when a message came in. From: Brixx Eat your dinner. I just stared at the message and closed my phone again. I have no strength to entertain someone right now. I thought I can rest peacefully but a call came in after a few minutes. It is Samantha. "Hello," I lazily greeted. "They are filing a lawsuit against you," Samantha uttered and I can hear the panic in her voice. I sighed heavily and massaged my head to calm myself down. "I will see them in court," I bravely uttered and drop the call. Samantha called again but this time I didn't answer it and chose to close my eyes. Can't I have peace even just for an hour? My eyes had been closed for too long but no matter how hard I try I can't fall asleep. I breathed deeply and head toward the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I checked my phone if there is a message from Simoun but none came. I sighed heavily as I stared at the screen of my phone. "You must be with Sabrina by now," I uttered and smiled bitterly. I started featuring him and Sabrina spending time together that feels like acid that crept into my system. A tear escaped from my eyes so I quickly wiped it. I thought it will stop but the pain was too much. My knees started to weaken which made me fall from the floor. I hugged my knees then buried my face in the gap and started crying. I am longing for someone's warmth and comfort but I know he can't give me that because he loathes me. He despises me because for him I am nothing but a desperate woman who ruined the life he had planned with Sabrina. Maybe I deserve all of this? Maybe this is my payment for all the damage I have to Sabrina and Simoun. Desperately wanting to hear someone's voice I dialed the number of the nurse who is in charge of my mother. It took a few rings before she answered. "Can I talk to my mother?" I asked. "Yes Ma'am, just wait for a few," she uttered and after a while, I heard my mother's voice. "Ma'am your daughter wants to talk to you," the nurse uttered. "Vienna? Where is my baby?" I heard her voice desperately wanting to see not the present me the child I used to be. When I was just ten years old my father died because his business failed. He took his own life and my mother couldn't accept it. He love my father so much to the point she kept on neglecting the fact that he wasn't her anymore. My mother was diagnosed with BDP or Borderline Personality Disorder so my aunt took me and put me under her care. My mother was sent to a mental hospital and my aunt prohibits me from visiting her. She treats me like her slave and something that she can control so I left her house. I applied as a waitress in a restaurant and that is where Samantha saw me. I was able to visit my mother when I am already making my own money but she failed to recognize me. She's looking for the little Vienna and couldn't accept the fact that her daughter had already grown up. "Mom I need you," my voice broke upon saying those. My mother started humming the song that she used to sing when I am still a kid which made me tear up even more. Simoun's POV It's been an hour since we started searching for Sabrina in Barcelona but it looks like it was misinformation. "You told me that she's here! Now, where is she?!" I asked with gritted teeth and grabbed the collar of the investigator. He nervously looked at me and I saw how his lips quivered in fear. "Sir my informant told me that they saw Ms. Sabrina here," he answered in a shaking voice. I held his collar tightly and looked straight into his eyes. "If I didn't see her here consider yourself fired," I threatened. The investigator nods his head. I loosened my tie and roamed my eyes around the place. It will take some days to search the whole place down. I breathed heavily and messed up my hair. "Where are you, Sabrina?" I whispered and held the ring in my pocket tighter. It is our engagement ring I kept it because some part of me still believes that I can still fix our relationship and put everything in the right places but whenever I think of that Vienna's face always crossed my mind. I can see her eyes looking at me intently as if it was looking at my soul. I took my phone when I remember that I haven't informed Vienna that I will be gone for a few days. My hold on phone tighten when I saw that I run out of battery. I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket. "Let's find a hotel where we can stay for a few days," I uttered and get inside the car. We searched for a place and after a few minutes, we found a well-known hotel in Barcelona. The receptionist gave me the key when I am done booking in. As I walked towards the room some of the guests looked at me maybe because I looked foreign to them. Upon entering the room I quickly removed my tie and remove all my clothes before heading toward the bathroom. I let myself be soaked in the water while my mind is in chaos. I run my fingers through my hair and took a few deep breaths. When I am satisfied and felt a bit calm I got out of the bathroom with a towel hanging loosely on my waist. I took the ring out of the pocket of my pants and stared at it. A tear escaped from my eyes when I remember the plans that we had. Everything used to be perfect not until Vienna came in. She ruined everything I kept on reminding myself but whenever I saw her crying all I wanted to do was too wrapped her inside my arms. I wanted to hate her so badly but whenever I do that guilt always crept into my system. I always feel the urge to take all my words back. I grabbed my phone and charged it. When it opened I pressed the call icon and stared at Vienna's name, contemplating if I should call her or not. I have been staring at it for almost half an hour but I couldn't find the courage the make a call. When I am ready to press it loud knocks from the door interrupted me. I immediately stood up and opened it. The face of the that I hired welcomed me. "Sir Miss Sabrina was spotted in a fancy restaurant near here," he reported. I nod my head and quickly dress. I grabbed my car keys and run toward the parking lot. I drive as fast as I can to address the investigator had given. When we reached the restaurant I run towards the entrance and roamed the whole place. The guard stopped me but I find my way to come inside. I felt my knees weaken when it was full of unfamiliar faces. "Where are you, Sabrina?" I whispered as I roamed my eyes around. "You have to go out," the guard ordered me using his foreign accent. I stand firmly but when I realized that Sabrina wasn't here I let them drag me. When I get inside my car I started punching the steering wheel and started shouting like a mad man. The investigator looked scared but I have no time to waste my energy on his incompetency. My phone rang which stopped me from throwing rage. I took the phone and answered it. "When will you come home?" Vienna's voice enveloped my ear. Anger filled me up and I couldn't f*****g control myself. "Don't f*****g wait for me," I uttered angrily. "I'm sorry," she responded in a small and guilty voice. "f**k," I cursed and dropped the call. I continued banging my head against the steering wheel.
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