7. For the first time I am chosen

1622 Words
Vienna's POV It's been three days but Simoun isn't yet home. I tried calling him a few days ago but he yelled so I didn't bother to check on him again. Maybe he's busy with Sabrina. I am not even sure if he will come back but despite that, I am still waiting for him because maybe he will...maybe. I am lost in thoughts when I heard the door open. I turned my head and I almost jumped because of too much happiness when I saw Simoun standing at the front door. I walked toward him and was about to hug him when I remembered that I have no right to do that. "Welcome home," I uttered in a small voice afraid that I might irritate him. "Have you found Sabrina?" I asked carefully afraid that it might trigger his anger. I looked at his eyes and later on avoided it when he didn't respond. I felt uncomfortable and embarrassed at the same time which made me bow my head. "No," after a while he responded. I lifted my head and looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry," I uttered and played with my fingers when the guilt started to creep in again. "You should be," he fired back and passed by me. I took a deep breath and chose to smile even though I am hurting. "Did you eat your dinner? I cooked something. " I asked but he continued walking and ignored me completely. I sighed heavily and walked toward the kitchen. I stared at the food that I have been practicing cooking since he left. I sit on the chair and took a bite from the food, tears fell from my eyes when I tasted it. "It's tasty," I commented while sobbing. I looked like an i***t praising the food that I cooked with tears falling from my eyes. There was a lump in my throat which made the food hard to swallow but I forced myself to finish it. I have worked hard to cook this food it's a waste if I will just throw it away. I wiped my tears and put my plates on the sink, then decided to wash them before going to bed. The exact moment I was about to leave the kitchen Simoun came in topless. "Hi," I greeted shyly then bow my head ready to leave when he called me. "Vienna," my name sounded so good when it came from him. I never liked the way my name sounded but when it came from his mouth it sounds beautiful. "Hmm?" I raised my head and looked at him with a smile plastered on my face. "Nothing," he uttered and I felt my heart sink hearing those but I didn't let him know that I am disappointed. "Okay," I replied casually and take another step but before I could fully reach my room, he called me again. "You want to say something?" I asked curiously what is it he's been struggling to say. "I'm..." he thrilled. I walked closer to him to hear his words. "I'm..." I raised my eyebrow waiting for his next words. "I'm hungry," he spoke which made me smile. "What do you want to eat?" I asked. "The one you prepared earlier," he responded. I finished all those but I can cook that again, it won't take too much time since I am already familiar with the procedure. "I finish it all but I can cook it again if you want to," I suggested. He nod his head so I walked back to the kitchen. "I'll be quick I promise," I uttered then started cutting the ingredients. I heat the pan and started cooking. "You learned how to cook?" he asked amused that I am capable of doing something. I turned my head on him and nod my head proudly. "When you were away I have nothing to do so I decided to study some simple recipes," I uttered and I saw how his lips form into a smile. "I'm glad you didn't waste your time waiting for me," he replied. I did Simoun. I waited for your comeback but I didn't consider it a waste of time. "Yeah," I replied and smiled at him. When I am done he helped me fix the table. I put the food on his plates and planned to leave the kitchen because he might like to eat in peace when he called me again. "Stay please," he didn't even have to beg for that because I am willing to do anything he wanted. I sat across from Simoun and watched him eat the food that I have prepared. "Is it good?" I asked and he nod his head as an answer. I smiled and while I am watching him I can't help but imagine the future ahead of us. That may be a few years from now, we'll feel the same way. Our hearts would beat the same way. Simoun's POV As I stared at Vienna who is sitting across from me I felt something strange, something unfamiliar. I took small bites so she could stay longer and I have no idea why I am doing this or maybe I have I am just neglecting that idea because it felt wrong. I saw Vienna yawn maybe because she was already tired so I decided to finish the food quickly. Upon taking my last bite she poured me a glass of water. "Thank you," I uttered before taking a sip. She nods her head happily. "Let's sleep," when I said those Vienna blushed and I can't help but adore those rosy cheeks. She looked like an angel when she smiled but once she's serious she looks f*****g hot, maybe that's one of her assets. "Do you miss acting?" I asked as we walked towards each other's room. She stopped so I did as well. She looked at me and stared into my eyes for a few seconds. "Yes," she uttered sincerely. I saw pain and sadness cross her eyes. My heart ached to see her like that. "Do you want to go back?" I asked carefully but she just shook her head and smiled sadly. "People didn't forget the issue. In the public's eye I am nothing but an actress with a scandal," she smiled sadly and she looked miserable again. "One day they will forget," she chuckled and shook her head disagreeing with my remarks. "They will forget the issue once they forget about my existence," she replied bitterly completely losing her hope. It was me who told her to quit acting but here I am pushing her to come back. "You will give up your passion?" I asked again trying to fish out some information about her and her feelings. "I guess yeah," she responded with pain laced in her voice. I stared at her face before walking toward my room. I quickly opened my door and lay on the bed. I took out my phone and tried searching Vienna's name and she was right she was labeled as a celebrity with a scandal. People on the internet talk ill about her and I can't help but be mad at those remarks. @doughnutxx: Vienna knows her way to men. @liza_09:big boobs small brain @Vienna Calista Caskcut. @troy_xxx: I want to taste you Vienna. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist while reading those comments. I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to dial the number of one of my trusted investigators. It just took a few rings before he answered. "I'll send you some social media account to track the owners of those," I uttered while my teeth were still gritted. "Give me a day Sir," he replied after that I dropped the call. I will make those people pay. I decided to sleep to ease the irritation that I am feeling, but I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard Vienna's shout. I hurriedly run towards her room but it was locked. I run back to my room to grab the keys to the whole house and when I successfully got came in I saw her lying on her bed with beads of sweat on her forehead. "No, please! No please Dad!" those are the word she kept on shouting. I cupped her cheeks and tried waking her up. "Vienna! Vienna wake up! Vienna f*****g wake up!" I shouted and that's when she gained consciousness. I pulled her into a tight hug and caressed her bag. "Daddy," she uttered while sobbing. I hugged her even tighter and kissed the top of her head. "Shush I'm here," I kept on uttering. I felt her hands holding my shirt tightly while her face is buried in my neck. "Daddy," she kept on uttering. I broke off the hug and held her face to check her. "Hey," I called her and that is when she slowly lifted her head to look at me. "Daddy," she uttered like a little kid complaining to me. I wiped her tears and gave her a reassuring smile. "What's wrong?" I asked while cupping her cheeks but she kept on shaking her head refusing to tell me something so I didn't insist, I just pulled her into a tight hug again and caressed her back. "I'll get you some water," I was about to stand up to get her some water when she held me tightly. "Stay please," she begged and held my shirt tightly so I did. I stay by her side. I can feel my phone in my pocket vibrating but I ignored it, for the first time I chose Vienna. For the first time, I chose her over anyone else.
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