8. Simoun's Child

1788 Words
Vienna's POV Simoun stayed beside me until I was calmed down. He didn't leave my side and for the first, he listened to me when I told him to stay. "Do you feel okay now?" he asked and stared at my face. I nod my head and smiled at him. "Yes, thank you. You can continue your sleep I am fine now," I uttered and gave him a reassuring smile. He left my room and something inside me sank when he did leave but after a while, he came with his pillow and blanket and glass of water in his other hand. He walked toward me and handed me the glass of water. "Thank you," I politely responded after taking the water from him. He nod his head and watched me drink it all. "I will sleep here," he announced before I could even ask him. I bit my lower lip and moved to the other side giving him more space on the bed. "I will sleep on the couch Vienna," he uttered which made me freeze and embarrassed at the same time. I looked at him and smiled awkwardly then took a glance at the space on the bed that I created. "Oh okay, good night!" I uttered then lie on the bed and covered my whole body with the blanket. I am cursing while I am under my blanket and I can help but to slap myself lightly when the embarrassing scene kept on repeating in my head. "Sleep now Vienna," he spoke maybe he have noticed my movement. I took a deep breath and force myself to sleep. It took me a long time but later on, I felt my eyelids getting heavy and after that, I doze off to sleep. "Vienna," a slight tap on my cheek woke me up. I rubbed my eyes to see clearly and I almost scream when Simoun's face welcomed me. "Wake me up, let's have breakfast," he uttered before leaving the room. I immediately stood up and looked at my face in the mirror. I stared at my reflection for almost five minutes and I am glad that I look decent. I decided to take a bath first before going down. I wore my working clothes and when I am ready to go I left my room and head toward the kitchen. I saw Simoun sipping on his coffee while reading something on his phone. "Good morning," I greeted. He looked at me and nod his head then brought his eyes back to his phone. I am disappointed that he didn't greet me back but still thankful that he acknowledged my presence. "Thank you for what you did last night," I uttered before taking a bite of my toasted bread. "Yeah sure," he uttered coldly without tearing his eyes off his phone. I smiled sadly and continued eating my breakfast. It's really hard reading his mood, sometimes he's okay but most of the time he's like this... cold. "Let's go?" he asked so I hurriedly finish my food and put my plate in the sink. He left the kitchen without waiting for me so I decided to leave the plate in the sink and wash it once were home. When I reached the parking lot he is already in his car waiting for me so I walked faster and hastily gets in. "Sorry," I apologized then put my seat belt on. He started driving and just like before the whole drive is quiet. "Simoun," I called his name so he throw a glance in my direction. "Have you found Sabrina?" I asked carefully afraid that my question angers him but when I saw how his eyebrows and forehead I can tell that they did, he is irritated by my question. "Do you see her here?" he fired back sarcastically which made me stunned. "I'm sorry," I uttered then bow my head and played with my fingers. I felt bad giving him a hard time only if I can do something to help him find Sabrina and after that something came inside my mind. I could hire a private investigator to help him find Sabrina, yes it would cost a lot but the money that I will lose is nothing compared to the damage I had done. "Stop asking about Sabrina," he spoke in a firm and cold voice. I nod my head and continued bowing my head until we reached his company. None of us talk until we reach his office. I remained silent while doing my work while he is minding his own business. " Hello, "I raised my head when I heard his voice, he is talking to someone on his phone. "Are you sure about your information this time?" He asked seriously. I stared at him as he listen intently to the person he is talking to. "Where did you last see her? " he asked then leaned his back on his swivel chair. "I'll be there in a few," he announced then grabbed his car keys. "Uhm Simoun," I called his name before he could even leave his office. He looked at me with furrowed brows which made me nervous. "You.... you h-have an important m-meeting with Mr. Lim," I stuttered while saying those. I couldn't take the intensity of his stare. "I'll be back," he responded, and before I could even stop him already left his office. I smiled bitterly and stared at the door. He can drop everything when it comes to Sabrina, I wish I am that lucky. Simoun's POV I am driving fast while talking to my investigator. They told me that they found Sabrina around the city and I hope this time I can see her. "Where is she?" I asked my investigator when I reached the address he had given but all I heard from the other line was a loud sigh. "Someone seen her in a small café Sir," he reported so I nod my head and entered the nearest coffee shop in my location. "Hi sir what's your order?" the waitress asked but I ignored her and roamed my eyes around the cafe. "Have you seen a woman with long brown hair, paper white skin, and 5'6 tall?" I asked. "We have a customer same to your description Sir but she left a few minutes ago," she responded and excused herself. I immediately run outside and get inside my car hoping that I can see her walking on the street. I am eyeing everyone while I am driving but it's been an hour and I am already kilometers away from where Sabrina was last seen but still, I couldn't find her. A call came in so I decided to pull over. "Hello," I answered in an irritated voice. "Uhm Simoun, I-I j-just w-want to r-remind you that y-you has a meeting with Mr. L-Lim," Vienna uttered in a shaking voice I took a deep breath before answering. "I'll be there," I responded and drove back to the company. When I entered my office I saw Mr. Lim sitting on the couch fuming mad while Vienna is doing her best to calm her down. "Sir!" Vienna exclaimed when she saw me enter. I sat across Mr. Lim who is now glaring at me but I have no strength to argue with him. "I am pulling my investment to your company," he announced but that didn't shock me. "Okay," I replied shortly which made him even more pissed. "I'm serious Mr. Montague," he uttered losing all his patience with me. "Uhm I think Mr. Montague is not in a mood to talk about this matter. Can we continue this meeting later this afternoon Sir?" She politely asked. I looked at her and raised my right eyebrow. "Who are you to decide for me?" I mocked her which made her feel embarrassed but she should know where she stands. She's just my secretary she has no right to decide for me. "I'm sorry," she apologized then bow her head. "I am pulling my investment, Mr. Montague," Mr. Lim butted in then walked out leaving me and Vienna in my office alone. "Why do you always involve yourself in matters that don't even concern you?" I asked and looked at her intently even though her head is still hanging low. "I'm sorry. Mr. Lim is one of the company's valued investors and it's a great loss if we lost him," she explained and I am shocked she knew these details I thought all she can think off is her looks. "So you are using your mind after all," I responded. After a while, she lifted her head and looked at me. I moved closer to her and held her chin. I leaned my face closer which made her close her eyes with the thought that I will kiss her. "Stop ruining things Vienna. Stop getting in my way." I uttered when our faces were only inches away. She opened her eyes and I saw how pain crossed them. I stared at her before letting go of her chin. I was about to stand up and leave the office when she spoke. "Are you still mad at me for posting the scandal?" she asked. I turned my head on her. "I am not mad Vienna. I loathe you," I responded. Tears form in the corner of her eyes. "Is there something I can do for you to forgive me?" She asked to hope that she can still change our situation. "Bring Sabrina back," I uttered firmly and looked at her intently. "Why do you want her back so bad? I can dress like her. I can act like her. If you want, I can live like Sabrina," she sounded so desperate while saying those which made me hurt her more. "You can't be like her," I uttered and looked at her intently. "Sabrina is not desperate unlike you," I added and held her face again. "Wanna know why I wanted her back?" I asked and held her chin tightly so she can look at me. "She's carrying my child Vienna," She was shocked upon hearing my news and I saw guilt in her eyes. "I have no idea where she is and I have no idea if my child is still alive." Tears fell from my eyes when the worst scenarios played on my mind. "You ruined everything Vienna and I won't forgive you if my child died because of your desperation." I let go of her chin and walked out leaving her in my office, crying. I can no longer wipe your tears Vienna, I am tired of comforting you when I am also in pain because of your doing.
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