Dates with you

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Asha I finally hit some good luck as it's a single bathroom. I rush inside and lock the door. I am panting, and I am pretty sure it isn’t because of the short run it took me to get here. How can I let a stranger get so into my skin? Somehow, deep down inside, I know it’s not because Max is just any stranger. Max is Max. He is dangerously sexy. Just one look into his eyes and I am left wanting. Wanting to feel him touch me. Wanting? Who am I kidding? Needing, needing him to touch me. Needing him to put out the fire that he starts in my core.    I look at my face in the mirror. I completely flushed! It’s in the 60s in Colorado Springs, but I am so hot right now that I strip down to my underwear. I splash some cold water on my face and wait for my body to cool down. When it doesn’t work, I put cold water all over my body.    I must avoid any physical contact with this man because f**k! I don’t know how I will survive this man. I have to keep an arm's length away at least. Any closer than that I get goosebumps. I swear he barely touched me, and I am already going crazy.    Max I watch as Asha quite literally runs away from me. I can’t help smiling ear to ear. The way she responds to me turns me on so much. I just wonder how it will be like when I actually touch her. Feel her soft, bare skin under my hands. Lick that tangerine goodness off of her skin. I can feel my d**k start to twitch as I get lost in my thoughts.    “Where did she runoff to?” Nori asks, suddenly interrupting the direction of my thoughts. Damn. I just started fantasizing about a woman out in broad daylight. The things my mate makes me do! I need to say something to recover from this.    “She had to go to the potty,” I tell her, smiling, trying to keep the situation light.    “She must have eaten something really bad this morning to have the runs already,” Nori jokes.   Usually airports let you rent a car for parking your plane. I help Jake take all the bags to the rental car. By the time we are done, Asha shows up. She looks much more calm, and so am I. Is her hair wet?    I open the car door for her and she gets in. I go around to the other side. Her hair is most definitely wet. I wonder if she showered in that bathroom. My mind starts wandering off to thoughts of my mate showering for the rest of the car ride. Get a grip, Max! You never lose control. That’s just not your thing. This woman just gets me dangerously close to the edge.    We were first going to visit Abby at the hospital, and then Jake will take us to the hotel so we could check in.    We park at the hospital and shuffle out of the car. It is strange for me to be at a human hospital, meeting a complete stranger. However, this is how I get to spend a couple of days with my mate, so I will take whatever I can get.   Abby is a very sweet lady. She has gray hair, brown eyes. She looks younger than she actually is, and she seems like she is a genuinely kind person.   “It’s so good to see you all, but who is that handsome young man?” She asks.   “This is Max. Max is Asha’s date,” Nori says.   “Well, well. I didn’t even know Asha was dating! And now she is bringing boys over to travel with her. That escalated quickly,” Abby teases.    “Umm, actually, I just met Max. We haven’t actually been on a date. He just had some time off, so he decided to tag along,” Asha says.   “Well young man, it is very impolite to sleep with the lady before you take her out!” She admonishes me.   I look on Asha’s face! If I could only take a picture!   I laugh, “I assure you, I would never do that. I am a perfect gentleman, Abby.”   We all laugh together as Asha covers her face with her hands. They tease Asha some more before Jake, Asha, and I head to the hotel. Nori stays behind, she said she will stay with Abby tonight.    Jake has family in town, so once he drops us off, he leaves. He will be staying with them. Now it’s just me and her. We check into our rooms. Hers is right next to mine. There is a connecting door between the two rooms. I guess it’s for kids and parents? Apparently these were the last two rooms they had.    At least we are very close to each other. I don’t have any expectations going into this, but I can tell the prospect of having me so close is making her uncomfortable. I need to give her some space. I help her with her bags and drop them off into her room. I insist she take the room with a large king bed. I take the room with the two double beds or ‘the kids room’. I realize she is probably small enough to fit this bed better than me, but I want her to have all the creature comforts.    We decided to change and meet at the hotel lobby. She said she has some work to do so we can go to a coffee shop. We will have a light, late lunch and walk around town to find a place for dinner.    I decided to dress casual. It’s going down to the late 50s. So jeans, shirt, and a blazer should do. I wait for her downstairs.   Asha Shit! s**t! s**t! This is going awful. He is literally a thin door away from me right now. My mind is screaming danger.    He is very sweet and charming, but he has this dangerous look about him. Like he knows how he is making me feel, and he is seconds away from devouring me whole. Not that I would mind him devouring. Damn it!    Why do my thoughts always go the dirty direction? I look through my clothes. I pick a white, full sleeved sweater dress. It hugs all my curves, but if I wear a coat on top, it looks very modest. I put on a pair of leggings and some brown boots. I look at my reflection and put on some makeup. I leave my curls loosely around my shoulders.    I am probably overthinking everything right now, but I think I look okay for a low key date. I hope I don’t see him in a suit or something downstairs because I really don’t want to do the suit and tie kind of date.    I grab my satchel handbag and put my laptop inside. I have a couple of things to take care of today before the date. He said he didn’t mind if we stopped by a coffee shop for a bit.    I walk downstairs to see him waiting. It’s almost like he can sense I am nearby because he looks up at me the second I see him. Damn he looks sexy.    Dark blue jeans with a blue shirt really brings out the blue of his eyes. The khaki blazer on top accentuates his blond hair. The way he smiles when he sees me makes my heart melt. It get all giddy inside. I forget for a second that I am not supposed to fall for this guy because damn! Who wouldn’t fall for this guy? Damn!    I give myself a pep talk. I am a fighter. I am going to resist this sexy, scrumptious man in front of me. I will only forward, avoid all eye contact. I will...oh...I don’t know….do whatever it takes! Yeah! Woohoo!   I just need to make it past the next couple of days. After that, he can be as sexy as he wants far away from me. That thought makes me a little sad though, a part of me hopes that isn’t true. Despite how much I want to squash that feeling, I can’t help it. There is something about this man.    “You look beautiful,” he says as soon as I reach him. He kisses me on the cheek and all my pep talk goes out the window. Just like that.  “Thanks.”  Let’s focus on just getting past the next couple of days then. I make sure to keep a healthy distance as we walk to the closest coffee shop. But when his hands brush my shoulder as he holds open the door to the shop, I shiver as I feel a jolt right down to my core. I stifle a moan. What the f**k is wrong with me? He didn’t even touch you, Asha! Get a grip.    We go up to the counter and pick out a couple of sandwiches and coffee. I sit down and try to relax. I practice my 1-2-3 breathing because disappearing in the bathroom and coming back wet can’t be a normal response to someone barely touching you. Once I pull myself into some sort of shape, I take out my laptop and start working.   Max I sit across from Asha as she starts typing away. She occasionally furrows her eyebrow, concentrating hard on whatever she is doing. I have never seen a woman look sexy and adorable all at once, but this woman is one of a kind. I stare at my might. She has little quirks, like she scrunches her nose when she looks at certain things. I am not sure if it’s disgust or surprise yet, but I am going to stare and figure it out. I watch every move she makes.    She was wearing a coat, which she took off. Leaving all the clothes hugging her tightly on. I study all the curves and edges of her body. I want to be able to see this woman every time I close my eyes. I desperately want to touch her again. Feel her shiver again, feel her pant again. Well what I really want, I have to work to get.    She gets a call that she answers immediately. She is discussing shipments to Kenya with someone. I wonder what that is all about. I thought she was an ER doctor. Maybe one day she will tell me more. For now, I am happy to keep her company. Happy to watch her like a stalker.    “Alright, I am done,” she says closing her laptop. She gives me a smile. Just for me. She’s gottle little dimples on both sides of her cheek. And those lips. f**k! I just want to devour her. I try to form a rational thought because I know she is waiting for me to respond.    “Where do you want to go?” “Let’s just walk around and explore. I have never come here before. Maybe we can find a place with a cool vibe and sit and eat dinner.” “Sounds perfect.” We walk together down the streets. I notice that she is keeping an arms length away from me, but she is relaxed and laughing, which means she is comfortable this way.    We walk, talk, and walk some more. It’s like we can do this forever. She is hilarious. Sometimes she says things just for the shock factor, but she is honest. She confesses all the jokes sooner or later.    Finally, close to midnight she says she is hungry. We find this empty burger joint playing some old timey music. It seems local and family owned. Since it’s closing time, only the store owner is inside. He takes our order and goes to prepare it.   “You know this is the perfect dance music. Pre-1990s. Most people don’t know how to dance to it, so it’s comical to watch. But music was made to dance to, so you can dance to anything,” Asha tells me.   “I don’t know if I can dance to this music, so maybe you have to show me. I don’t want to look comical trying to dance to this.”   “It’s easy. I will show you. You will be a pro in no time. Let’s see if the store owner will turn up the music a bit so you can feel the beat.”   “I’ll go ask him. You dance, show me what you’ve got. I have to be able to take some cues.”   I leave as Asha starts dancing to the music. She looks carefree and happy. Twirling around. I go to the owner, ask him to turn up the music and close down the store early. I compensate him for a full house. I don’t want anyone to interrupt my date. He is more than happy to help out. I go back out to get a front seat view of my mate dancing like nobody's watching.    I watch her dance. She gives me her smile when she notices me. She tries to get me to follow her moves. It’s hard to keep up with her because she is so skilled, but I try my best. We both end up laughing at my failed attempts to dance like her, but she actually lets me hold her. Yea, it’s a perfect date.    We leave full, happy. I am so happy.    Asha It’s surprisingly very easy to spend time with Max. I can tell he is attracted to me, but he respects me. He isn’t pushy. He lets me keep my distance or come close to him. No strings attached. I can tell everything about tonight is about what I feel comfortable with. If I wasn’t so attracted to him, he could easily become a good friend.    Actually scratch that, I enjoy his company. We can be good friends! There are plenty of guys and girls who are friends. It doesn’t have to be more than a friendship. We get along too well to not be friends!    I try to convince myself about this good friends concept because I think my life would be dull without a Max in it.    We eat at this burger joint. It’s good food. I know it’s closing time but I am surprised no one else is in here! This place is so good.    We eat, we dance, we laugh. Well Max attempts to dance, but let’s just say, he needs some more practice. For a very randomly put together kind of a date in another city, I would say it went very well.  
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