Steps in the Right Direction

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Asha We catch an Uber back to our hotel. Instead of sleeping he comes over to my room to watch a movie. I pass out maybe an hour into it and wake up in the morning.   I guess Max tucked me into bed. I am fully clothed and glad he didn’t try to change me into something prior to leaving me. I am, also, glad he isn’t a serial killer or something like that. I just fell asleep with a complete stranger! Things could have gone seriously wrong. What the f**k is wrong with me?    Nothing, I guess. I felt completely safe with Max.  Max She falls asleep before we get to the middle of the movie. We were sitting on a couch, so I just picked her up and tucked her into bed. I place a kiss on her forehead and walk away before I could think another thought.    This was one of the best nights of my life. I don’t think I ever connected with someone to the level I connected with her. I want to say that it’s because she is my mate, but I feel like it has something to do with her. I saw the interaction she had with her friend, her sister, Jake, and Abby. They adored her, joked with her, and just knew her. It’s definitely her.    I go through the adjoining door, into my room. I am tired, so I just get out of my clothes and pass out.    I wake up to a text from Asha:   “Hey Stranger, thanks for putting me to bed last night. Sorry for being that date who fell asleep on you. I promise you weren’t that boring. Hope you have a good morning.”   I respond back via text. “Want to get some breakfast?”   “Sure.”   “I am going to grab a quick shower. Meet me in 5 minutes. I left the door adjoining our room open, so just come on over when you are ready.”   I figured she takes so much longer to get ready that I should be dressed and ready by the time she shows up. I take my sweet ass time.   Asha I get ready and text him. I don’t want to wake him up because I don’t know what time he actually went to sleep.   He texts me back right away. I guess he was up all along. He tells me to meet him in five minutes, so I sit and twiddle my thumbs for six minutes. I try my best not to think about his quick shower. I put my head against the adjoining door to make sure I don’t hear running water.    When I am confident he is moving about in his room, I knock and walk in.   I find him in a towel. Water glistening on his chest, back. s**t! I just stop and stare for a minute or two. I am not sure how long because I am completely mesmerized by how sexy this man is. The beads of water just dripping down the groves of his six pack and down to the visible edge of his v-shape into the towel. The man looks like he was sculpted to perfection. So f*****g sexy!    I look up to meet his eyes. He has this knowing look on his face with a sly smile. Oh s**t! I was totally checking him out in a very indiscreet way. I got caught red handed.    “Umm, I, so. Umm. I thought you were done, but you aren’t. I, just, umm, haven’t seen a naked man in a long time, so umm. I am just going to wait in my room,” I tell him before running out and locking the adjoining door. I slowly slide down to the ground.    Shit! How humiliating! We are supposed to be flying back this afternoon. How am I going to sit in the plane with him after I flat out stared at his naked chest for who knows how long? I remember how he pulled me into his chest while we flew here. How can I not think about what I just saw the next time he pulls me in? s**t! I can’t be just friends with that. No one can!    I call Puffies, “please, take bury me alive right now. I just want to disappear in a hole. And set my ashes to fire.”   “What are you talking about, Asha? I have never heard of anyone setting ashes to fire.” “Well, what are your thoughts about burying me alive? I requested that one too.”  “Girl, I ain’t putting you under yet. What happened?”  “I saw Max half naked and totally ogled his body.”  “Damn, that sounds hot! Just meet us at the airport at 2pm. Gives you plenty of time to do more than ogle.”  She hangs up. Ahh! No one is going to take me out of this.    “I am going down to the lobby,” I shout at the adjoining door. I am not sure if he heard, but I would be glad if he didn’t. I am not ready to face him again. I walk down and start pacing the lobby. I probably look like a crazy person, but I don’t care.    “Sorry, it took me longer than five minutes! Are you ready to find a place to have breakfast?” He asks.    I am not sure how long he has been watching me pace back and forth because I definitely didn’t hear him coming.    “I should, umm, be the one sorry for, umm, barging in your room,” I become such a blubbering i***t when I am nervous.    “It’s okay! I hope you liked what you saw,” he says, winking at me. He has a sexy smile on his face. I just want those lips against mine.    My brain tries it’s best to ignore the feeling he creates within me with these simple gestures. My p***y is another story. It’s already wet and asking for more. I visibly squirm under his gaze. s**t!    “Umm,” I start. He puts his hand out for me to hold. I immediately put my hand in his without thinking. He interlocks his fingers in mine. Somehow despite the jolts this contact sends down below, it also helps me get a grip and calm down.     “Let’s go back to that coffee place from yesterday. We can come back and pack.”   “Yes. We need to be at the airport by 2pm,” is all I can manage to get out.    Max I never expected her to be so prompt. I heard a knock and before I could even place what it was, I felt her presence right behind me. I heard a gasp when she saw me. I slowly turn around and find her staring at me.    I watch her eyes as she slowly rakes up and down my naked chest. She is in some kind of daze that I try not to interrupt. There is nothing hotter than being checked out by that girl. I wish I could stare at her body like she is staring at mine.   I see the moment the realization of what she is doing crosses her face. She looks up at me like a deer in headlights. I give her my most seductive smile because if she feels like she wants to take it to the next level, I am so ready. I am going rip off every single piece of fabric standing in my way as I f**k her against the wall.    To my disappointment, however, she runs out of here. I hear her mumbling something about the lobby. I get dressed and find her pacing the lobby, completely oblivious to everything around her. I watch her for a quick second and try to figure out how to make this situation less awkward for her. I personally loved every second of her staring and would invite her to do it again, anyday.    Maybe I should just joke about or not talk about it or do what she did when I first met her. Tell me it happens all the time to me, just so she doesn’t feel bad about it. I finally interrupt her thoughts. When she starts getting uncomfortable, I do what feels right. I take her hand.    Despite the tingles and sparks I feel whenever I touch this woman, it managed to calm me down. I hope it has the same effect on her. I feel her body relax after a couple of minutes. I try to take charge of the situation and come up for a plan for us to focus on.   Luckily it works! She starts getting her confidence back. We eat, pack and get picked up by Jake and Nori. We head back to our little plane.   This time, without even speaking, Asha places her hand in mine and squeezes during takeoff. I feel content, knowing we crossed some sort of barrier to our relationship. I am not sure what barrier it was, but if it brings this woman comfortable with just holding my hand, it’s a step in the right direction.
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