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Asha Max meets us out on the tarmac. I am usually not early to things, but my anxiety level prevented me from sleeping last night, so here I am. I am not sure why I am so anxious about going on a date. It’s not like I am getting married or something. It's really just a harmless date. I look at Max as he walks up to us. There is nothing harmless about the look he gives me. I can feel my heart start to race. He is like a shot of adrenalin.  I guess I will do something to distract him. I introduce Max to Jake, our pilot, and Nori, my sister who I refer to as Puffies. I hope one of them keeps him busy while I collect myself.    I feel him say some pleasantries and nice to meet you to them, but I can feel him walking towards me. Well they didn't keep him very busy. I look at Nori, pleading for help, but she just has an amused look on her face.  I gulp and look up to Max. As soon as I look into those blue eyes, I start feeling weak. He comes over and gives me a hug. Innocent move. Friendly one would say. I, however, become jelly in his arms. He holds onto me so I don't fall.   He leans down close to my ear. I feel his breath fanning my neck. It sends a shiver run down my spine. Oh goodness! Someone take me out now before I fall on my face because I don't know how much longer I can stand with him so close to me. I am glad he is literally holding me up.  "It's good to see you, Asha. I have been looking forward to this since I met you," he whispers in my ear. His voice sounds so sexy. I shake again. s**t!    I am fully clothed with a jacket on top. There was no skin touching, aside from his face lightly brushing against mine. Yet, I am already wet and want more. What is it about him? He meets my gaze again as he steps away. His eyes look a little dark, and he has on a sinful smile. Something tells me he knows exactly what is happening down south of my body. I swallow the lump in my throat. I have to resist this! I told myself I would be stronger than this. I nod my head in acknowledgement of his words because I am pretty sure I can't speak right now.    I gather all the strength I have. I force myself to turn around, holding onto the little dignity I have left. I climb into the jet. A little bit of distance, so I can prepare for a long trip to Colorado with this man sitting right next to me.    Max I watch as she walks away. I can’t help the dark thoughts entering my mind when I realized what her reaction is to me getting close to her. I want to push her up against this plane and give her what she really wants. What we both really want.    She sticks her nice, plump ass in the air as she gets into the jet. I imagine running my hands along that naked ass. Better follow her in. I happen to know how tight it is in that plane. If a momentary hug is all it takes for her to get turned on, I want to know what a six hour plane ride will be with her. I want to slowly torture this woman and claim her as mine.    I sit next to her. A bit cramped, but she is right up against me with no room to run. A smile creeps up around the edges on my mouth. She has her headset on already and is doing her best to avoid my face. She is looking out the window in the opposite direction, pretending to be interested in something.    I look out, it’s just the inside of the hanger. Nothing remotely moving to catch anyone’s interest. I chuckle. Jake and Nori get into the plane after me.    Nori is Asha’s sister. Her nickname is Puffies because she used to, apparently, be a fat baby. So Puffies comes from her looking like a cream puff. Nori shares a lot of features with my mate. They have the same type of hair, eye color. The biggest differences are their facial structure and their height. My mate couldn’t be more than five feet, and Nori is, at least, a head taller than her.    Jake, was a friend of Steven, who is apparently Nori’s fiancé. Steven is a pilot in the Air Force. He is currently stationed overseas. Nori is finishing up her masters, so she has not joined him. We are visiting Steven’s mom, Abby, who apparently fell and broke her hip.    I wasn’t sure how I would feel about Jake. I don’t like the fact that my mate is friends with another male that is not me. However, Jake is married with two kids, so I was glad to hear that. Plus, he looks like a easy going guy. His relationship with the girls appear brotherly more than anything.   The plane starts moving. Asha, who is still trying her best to ignore me, stiffens up next to me. Her heart starts accelerating. Is she scared of flying?    She faces forward and closes her eyes. I can tell she is trying really hard to relax. Her hand is gripping her seatbelt, so I grab her hand and give it a squeeze.    “These little planes are more rickety than the bigger jets. The takeoffs and landings are a little rough. Anytime there is turbulence, it’s terrifying,” she says into the headset.   I know those things already given that I am the Vice President of a travel agency, but I smile and put my arm around her, pulling her closer to me. Holding her like I would never let anything happen to her.    “It’s okay. I will protect you,” I tell her, truthfully. I thought she would pull away, but she leans into me and rests her head on my chest. She definitely isn't reacting how she was earlier, which confirms my suspicion that she is scared of flying.    We take off like that. I pull her tighter anytime I feel any turbulence. At some point, her whole body relaxes. I look down to see that she has completely passed out.   Even with her mouth wide open as she sleeps, she is adorable. I adjust her seatbelt a little so she can lie down properly on my lap. It’s probably more comfortable if she could lie down.   As soon as I put her down, I start regretting my decision. I did it thinking about her comfort, but my body becomes very aware of the fact that she is pretty much sleeping on my crotch. I can’t help my reaction to this as my d**k starts to get hard. I try to think about other things, but then she moves her head just a bit and curls up against me. s**t! I thought I was going to make her uncomfortable during the flight, not the other way around!   I try to pick her back up, but she definitely resists moving. She looks very comfortable. So I decide to let her be. Instead, I take off my jacket. She’s getting me hot anyways.   I crumpled up my jacket and put it under her head successfully covering up my hardon. It’s like a pillow, but it will prevent an embarrassing situation when she wakes up. This is going to be one long trip.    Luckily she sleeps the whole trip. My body never adjusted to the fact that her face was just inches from my d**k, but she is a sound sleeper. She barely moved after she got comfortable and I was thankful for that. I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been if she started to wiggle.   As we prepare to land, I gently wake her up. She should be sitting upright and properly buckled for landing. She opens her eyes. She must have realized she is sleeping on me because she suddenly jolts up and looks embarrassed.    “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you,” she says.    Asha How mortifying! I just woke up on this man’s lap. I am glad I was knocked out because I was literally sleeping on his crotch. Way to start off a date Asha! I make an apology to make an excuse for my inexcusable actions.   “I will gladly be your pillow anytime you need it,” he responds.   I try to avoid eye contact. It starts to get shaky as we get ready to land. I squeeze my whole body together as I start getting nervous about the landing. Max pulls me against him, and again, holds me tight. It’s crazy how well he, a complete stranger, could read me.    Once we land, he gets out. I follow after him. I usually have to jump out to reach the bottom. He offers me his hand as I start getting out. I hold onto him to steady myself. As soon as I am out, his strong hands grab my waist and help me down.    Simple movements. Gentlemen gestures. But s**t! I feel every touch like I am naked under his hands. His touch goes straight to my core. It starts a fire inside. I put my legs together as soon as I reach the ground because I am dripping wet.    “Are you alright?” He asks. His voice is a little deep, husky. It doesn’t do anything to comfort the situation in my pants. He sounds so sexy! Even his voice is enough to be my undoing. I am way too turned on right now.    “Yup, I just need to find the ladies room,” I quickly get out as I start running for the bathroom. I need a moment before I combust.
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