All I Ever Was

1320 Words

Max Trevor steps in front of me. “Whatever you are about to do, you need to stop. I hate interrupt anyone’s need to get it on, but you leave me no choice. So here is your reality check. She is HUMAN. She doesn’t understand this mate thing. I am pretty sure you are going to come off as a creepy, rapey stalker. Don’t let a lapse in judgement ruin a good thing. Trust me, I learned that the hard way.” A what? His words are like a slap to my face. I don’t know what a “creepy, rapey stalker” is but that is not ever going to be me. My momma taught me respect, and my mate deserves that and so much more from me. Ugh! I hate admitting that Trevor is right, but he is right. I lost control. Again. And it was another episode too many. I have to be more careful. What’s wrong with me? How can I los

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