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Asha Even though I hate to admit it, the trip with Max was amazing. I wanted to hate it. I wanted him to be a complete jerk or do something to screw it up. Instead, he was perfect. I wasn’t prepared for that. Now my frozen solid heart is starting to melt while I try to figure out how to turn it back to frozen.    I think I could build up something if I didn’t have to see him again. I would like to delete his number and I would forget his beautiful face. Maybe I would drink myself to something incoherent, but I am not that lucky. Never have been.    He and his friends are supposed to come over to my house today for my biannual dance off where Nat and I compete against Nori and Lana, my sisters.    The judges are the husbands of Nat and Lana, along with the four of us. We try our best to be impartial, even though we are all biased. This time, however, we have five other people joining us. Max and his friends.    It feels weird to think he will be staring at me as I dance, but it’s not like he hasn’t seen me dance before. I would be lying to myself if I didn’t say that I felt some excitement too. Max excites me, not just down below but in my heart. He seems to wake up parts of me that I thought had died. Died along with..I shake off the direction of my thoughts. These thoughts have never done me any good. I don’t want to dig myself into a hole again, so I focus on what always brightens my mood. Dancing.    I was doing pretty well moving around to imaginary music. No one can judge if I am dancing like a crazy person in my own home. All alone. Despite how crazy it sounds. I hear some ringing in my head as I sway around to the music.    Oh s**t! That’s my doorbell. I clumsily trip but catch myself before I can fall flat on my face. I open the door with poise. I am met with the face of Max.    Seriously, did he really have to be the first person to show up. I am already out of breath from my almost fall, but he takes the of rest it away.    “Max,” I gasp out.     “I almost thought I missed the dancing when I saw you twirling around, but it seems like I came a bit too early,” he says.   I look at him confused, so he points to my window. It was then I realized that my blinds are all the way up. Hand meets the face as I pretend to not exist. World please swallow me whole before this man does. Though I think him swallowing me whole would be a much better experience. I smile at him sheepishly. What the f**k am I doing again?    Max I purposely tell everyone to show up thirty minutes later. I want to get some alone time with her. I drove there thirty minutes before I was actually supposed to be there. I ran up to the door, hoping that no one else was there. I want to treasure the alone time I have with her and hope that it’s enough to make her want to see me again. I know she wants me. I, also, know that she is holding back. Is it because of that other guy I heard her and Nat talk about?    I'm really going to mess him up once I find out who he is. Her window blinds her open. I try not to be a peeping Tom, but I can’t help it. My whole person wants to know what she is up to. I tilt my head and look ok before I can convince my body that this is a big invasion on privacy.    I see her dancing around. I wonder if she is practicing. I don’t hear any music so she must be in her own world. I ring the doorbell and stare at her. Yup, definitely in her own world. Her dancing is so sensual. It could be because she is my mate, but she just oozes sexy. Damn!   She is still dancing, so I ring again. I am pretty sure I don’t hear music so I don’t know what she is dancing to. It’s nice to watch her body move. I wonder how it looks without less clothes. I have to say though her skin type, mid-thigh dress that occasionally lifts up to shower bikini underwear is f*****g  sexy in itself.   After the fourth ring, she abruptly stops dancing and runs to the door. She seems as surprised to see me as I am to see that she finally snapped out of her internal world.   She is definitely embarrassed to see that her window was open. I, however, am not. I loved seeing this woman move.    She greets me and awkwardly starts having a conversation with me. “Umm, yeah. You are a little earlier than I expected. Would you like something to drink? Well, I, umm, don’t drink. Nat was going to bring some later. Umm but yeah. I do have a lot of juice. Would like some juice?”   I can’t help the smile that crosses my face. I think I want to make her sweat just a little more before I give her a break.   “I would love to drink your juice.”   She looks at me, and I swear, all the color leaves her face. I hold my hand out just in case she passes out. She tries to turn around very fast, but fails miserably. She trips on her own legs and almost falls because I catch her.    Her face is now inches from mine as I stare into the deep ends of her soul. I see the need on her face. The animal inside tries to take control.   No Jason, I tell my wolf. I have always been in control. I am proud of this fact. I have always been rational. Yet, the look on her face is about to make me wild. I thought I was going to make her sweat but she sure knows how to play her game. Except, I know she isn’t trying to play. She just oozes sexy.    She scrunches her nose and puts one single finger on my nose and pushes me. I pretend that she is super strong and move my head back as she lightly presses. Let my hands linger on her body as I purposely help her up to her feet as slowly as I can.    She barely moves and is totally dead weight on my hands. I see her swallow whatever saliva she has in her mouth. I just want to lick it all up. I fight all my urges as let her go.    Asha All I can think about when the word ‘juices’ leaves his mouth is that he is definitely not talking about the orange juice I was referring to. In fact, I can feel the rush of juices he is talking about in between my legs. Or I just pissed my pants. Either of those are possible with the look he is giving me right now. f**k!    I try to turn quickly before my mind can run away, but my body is not quite in sync. Even before I can turn I somehow twist myself on my legs and start to fall.    I feel his strong arms catch me, and it doesn’t help the juices situation. The juices are free flowing and my leotard that is covered by my little skirt isn’t much clothing to try to cover up that situation. I try to put my legs together.   My lack of clothing allows me to feel his warm hands. The fabric is so thin it’s like I can feel his hands on me. My mind is going around in loops as my mouth starts salivating. I swallow my spit before I literally start drooling.    Shit! The juices are coming out of all ends of my body. One of his hands slowly goes up to my upper back as the other goes to my hip. He gently lifts me back up on my feet as I try very hard to stay on top of them.   My knees are dangerously close to buckling in, and I know for a fact that I can’t handle being in his arms. Not the way they feel on my body. I am panting by the time he has me back on my feet. His hands hold on to my sides as if he is trying to steady me too. Or maybe he just doesn’t want to let go?    I turn around very slowly this time. I don’t need to fall again. I need to stay far away from those warm arms. I go to the fridge and he follows me. I grab the orange juice out of the fridge and pour him a glass. I smile innocently at him as I start blabbering thoughts as they come into my mind.   “It’s freshly squeezed. I just put through my juicer. Umm. Yeah.” What the f**k? I just made it worse. I just need to shut up. Less words the better.    I look at his face to see the sly smile forming across his face as he takes the glass.   “I love any juice that you have freshly squeezed,” he says in his sexy voice. The way the word juice rolls off his tongue makes my body want that tongue to sucks up all the juices I can squeeze. s**t! Why am I thinking these things? s**t! s**t!   I try to squeeze my legs together to prevent any further juice from being squeezed. I secretly pray for mercy. Or a miracle. Or maybe just him all over my body. Someone else please show up to my house early! 
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