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The door opened and there was a tap on her arm, which made her turn around to find herself looking up at doctor Daniel Craig. “For heaven sake," she hissed, gazing around in terror in case sister was lurking in the near vicinity. “What are you doing here?” Daniel grinned. "I was just on my way to the canteen. When I thought I recognized that mop of hair and it was too good an opportunity to miss.” She found it hard to be annoyed when he looked at her like that. “I have brought a patient down to the x-ray.” “Well this x-ray guy  is my good fortune then. I've been hoping to see you,  I just wanted to make sure you did not get into trouble yesterday when the great white chief bumped into us. I'm sorry, I should have realised ……”     “It  wasn’t your fault,” She protested, while thinkin

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