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Emily. when i arrived home, I immediately rushed to get dressed the i made my way to the edge . As I step inside, the smell of booze hits my nose. The thumping of the music causes my bones to feel like they're shaking. The neon strobe lights on stage disorient me. It's empty at the moment. None of the girls are on stage. metal cages to the left and right of the stage are empty also. But, I'm sure the private rooms aren't. Once I go to the back of the club, I reach the room where we keep all our belongings. Going to the club's back, I find the room for our belongings. Did I mention it's a gentlemen's club? I don't remove my clothes; im in charge of drinks. Unfortunately, I don't possess their courage. As I enter, the only person I see is Candy, which is her stage name as place my bag down, she greets me with a "hey." She is wearing a hot pink dress that is way too tight along black stockings and silver heels. She looks quite striking. She won't be wearing that outfit for much longer. She wears a bra. And underwear. on stage Every night, she surveys me and asks, "Why not dance? You would earn so much more. " While an uncomfortable feeling washes over me, I let out a sigh at the mere thought of men seeing me half-naked. It's okay if women do it, as they need to earn a living. It's just not for me. "I lack the same confidence as you The difference is that I can't dance. If I tried to get on the pole like you, I would surely break my neck. I will let the professionals handle it." After shrugging, as she turns round. to looks into the mirror i saunter back out. tables re filled with eager people waiting for the girls to arrive on stage. As I pass by Vinnie, a bouncer with a scar under his left eye, mousey brown hair and green eyes, his body is pure muscle, and that's why I call him a gentle giant, because he in fact looks like a giant. He occasionally checks on me respectfully. i don't know if it's his choice or Marcus the boss. With a smile mirroring mine, he responds to my greeting of "hi, Vin" with a nod as he says "Emily" I walk behind the bar and notice him leaning on his arms. His words echo, "Marcus wants to chat with you."My face pales, my pulse quickening. what does he want to talk about? Noticing my reaction, Vinnie reassures me by saying, "It's nothing to worry about. Go see him in the office. He's waiting." As I walk towards the back of the club again, the rhythm of my heartbeat keeps reverberating. The music is hushed but I feel the thump of the bass, although it may be my heart trying to escape out my chest. The man's dark energy terrifies me. It sends shivers down my spine, especially when I'm alone with him. It makes me terrified and might start a panic attack. As I reach his door, which is the color black, resembling his soul, I knock twice." Come in, Emily" As I slowly open it, a shiver runs down my spine, wondering how he even knows it's me. As I step inside, my hands shake. With a whiskey in one hand and a cigar in the other, he sits at his desk. I notice scars on his face. His rolled-up sleeves show scars on his arms, even with the tattoo. He's obviously a fighter. Taking a deep breath to calm my heart, I ask with as much confidence as I can muster, "Sir, Vinnie said you wanted to see me." Placing his glass down and leaning forward, he sets the cigar on a tray next to him. Under his green gaze, I attempt to not fidget. When his mouth opens, I hear his resonant, authoritative voice saying, "There's a girl who called in sick. I need you to work overtime tonight, and I will pay you double your usual earnings." I am wrestling with myself. thinking about the consequences of not being home until 5am. I work for Aiden at 6am i'll be sleepless yet Getting money sooner means no more sleepless nights or tardiness. As I see his fingers tap on his desk, showing impatience, I clear my throat and say, "Yes, I will do it. Could you let me know what time I leave? " He sips the amber liquid and explains, "When an order comes in on the computer, pour the liquor, deliver it to the table, then go back to the bar. Normally, brandy serves the tables. So, that's your schedule until 5:30" Biting my lip, I nod in agreement. Although I've never served tables, dropping off drinks can't be that difficult, can it? Before he let me go, he said any problems go to Vinnie. I agreed before leaving again. As the night goes on, I keep serving cocktail after cocktail. I end up dropping one which makes me smell like alcohol. This brings back memories of my father, which I would prefer to erase. After receiving an order for table 10, I set out 6 shot glasses. fill them with tequila, salt, and lime. I also set out 5 whiskey tumblers. Then, I balance them on a tray in my palm. I walk towards the table. by passing guys who stare at me. which causes my skin to crawl. Their gazes trail down my body, and I can feel everyone. I hate it. While keeping the smile on my face, I place the tray on the table "If you need anything else, please let me know " As I turn to leave, a hand slides up my thigh. As I turn around, I notice a gentleman with brown hair who is smiling and winking at me He says, "come sit on my lap sweetheart, let's see what pops up. " While the men laugh, I feel my face drain of blood. Again, I move back and dismiss his advance before I return to the bar where Vinnie stands. He is watching the man who touched me without my permission. While he leans over his eyes, scanning my face. "What happened? " he demmands With my hair hiding my face, I shake my head. Unsatisfied, he says, "I saw your face, Emily. What did he do? With a shaky breath, I whisper, "He touched me." His gaze turns cold before he turns and stalks to the table. He grabs the guy by the collar and pulls him to the back. "What did we say about touching our girls?" I flinch from his tone. The guy's face is one of horror, knowing he's caught sounds like it's not the first time. Despite him touching me when he shouldn't have, I still feel fear for him about what will happen to him. after I finally get my s**t together, I serve a customer who has been waiting. Customers' drink orders calm down, eventually. When the girls dance, I stand with my arms folded, observing them just like the men, but I don't get as excited as they do. It's actually impressive how smoothly they move. After wrapping her leg around the pole, Candy grabs hold of it with one hand and leans back, slowly spinning down Expressing their love for it, the men throw money onto the stage kneeling on the floor, she strips her bra and thrusts her hips. She licks her finger and then glides it down her body As she turns; she bends and shakes her ass for them Then; she rolls and opens her legs wide to show her black thong before she closes them. Approaching the bar, an attractive man makes my cheeks blush, asking "enjoying the show? Biting my lip, I let out a nervous laugh before speaking over the music, "I'm admiring her talent." Looking back at her, he nods and says, "She is talented. I wonder how you would be up there. I bet you're as talented." I let out the first genuine laugh tonight." I lack balance. I would fall flat on my face" she hangs upside down with her hands on the pole, her legs in a v shape. He smirks at me, expressing his disbelief, saying "somehow I don't believe that." with a smile i ask "what can I get you handsome?" "3 fingers of whiskey please beautiful" he winks at me and I feel my cheeks heat. After he has the drink, he, continues to flirt with me before returning to his friends. after a while Marcus comes over to the bar sitting he keeps his eyes fixed on me Looking up at him I ask "the usual boss." While his eyes never leave me, he gives one sharp nod and I start to prepare his drink. As I place ice in his glass, he speaks, "Next time something happens, Emily, I need you to tell me or my guard's right away. Do you understand me? Don't play it off as if nothing happened. I'm supposed to protect you girls. I can't do that if you're keeping it from me." I told Vinnie even though I shook my head first, But; I dislike fighting or ratting on people, even if they lack manners. As I place his glass on the bar, I fill it before sliding it over to him. looking up, I meet his green eyes and say, "Yes sir, I apologize. but I did tell him what happened. " He points at me with his glass in hand "You hesitated, don't do it again." His voice is low and commanding. It sends a shiver down my spine as I receive his sharp look. Lowering my head, I say "yes sir, I won't" He scares me. But he is very handsome. He wears a fitted suit and has captivating sleeve tattoo His eyes remind me of moss. As we both stare at the stage with him sipping on his drink I stand awkwardly. "Emily, some men here are not gentlemen. Stay at a distance when serving, alright? " Despite me looking at him, he doesn't look back at me "Yes, I'm sorry I only said if there was anything else, I could get for them. Inform me.but As I turn away, he slid his hand up my thigh. " I hear something that sounds like a low growl, "he's a piece of s**t always touching my f*****g girls. He won't be back again." Honestly, I don't want to know what he means by that. Without saying goodbye, he gets up and walks off. As the hours pass quickly, I find myself already exhausted and my feet hurting even more by 5am. I need to go home and then get ready for work. I won't have enough time to shower. While walking out, I hear a deep voice calling out my name. As I turn, I hold the door open while Vinnie approaches me, holding a white envelope. Wearing a smile, he hands it over to me. "You forgot your wages and boss said take the night off, come back tomorrow get some rest," I huff out a laugh. "No sleep for me. I work in the city until 6 tonight," He narrows his eyes at me. "And you didn't tell boss why." Nonchalantly, I shrug as if it's not a big deal, saying, "I need the money. I'll be fine, regardless I'll rest when I'm dead." In a low tone, he says, "That's not funny." With a smile on my face, I tap his cheek while sarcastically saying, "I'm fine, Dad. See you tomorrow, alright?" He lets out a breath and then shakes his head with a smile. "I'm not that old Emily, I'm thirty six" I playfully say "bye daddy" while wiggling my fingers with a smirk on my face. " Because I feel comfortable around him and we get along very well, I tease him. "Emily, go home or else you'll be grounded," With a loud laugh, I hop into the cab that's already waiting to take me home.
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