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Aiden. I get to starlight talent at 6 o’clock Emily is already waiting outside for me to open iglance at her with a perplexed look before opening the door. As we enter, I turn on the lights and catch Emily intentionally avoiding eye contact with me. Lately, she’s been acting strange - first coming late, now smelling like beer. I’ve known her for three years, and her behaviour is unusual. As we stand in the elevator, I feel awkward, and I don’t get awkward deciding to break it. I ask “did you sleep well? “ As she looks up at me, I notice her bloodshot, circle-shadowed eyes from lack of sleep. I can’t stop myself from asking, “Emily, what is going on? Are you in trouble? Do you need help?” It’s a dumb question to ask, but she doesn’t seem like the trouble-making type. However, there’s always a first time. She shakes her head at me, her brown curly hair falling into her face as she says, “no I’m not. I’m just having trouble sleeping. “ She bites her bottom lip, and her eye twitches a tell tail sign she’s lying. I’m very observant and I know the signs of her telling the truth and not telling the truth. Pushing the stop button on the elevator, I walk forward, boxing her into the corner. She takes in a shaky breath as she looks at my suit jacket. I feel irritated she won’t look at me. Grabbing her chin, I force her gaze to meet mine as I ask. “I can’t help you em If you don’t tell me, can you explain why you smell like alcohol.” She lets out a sigh, her shoulders slumping. “Someone dropped beer on me when I was on the train,” My eyes stay trained on her face, cheeking for the sign she is lying. “Why have you been having trouble sleeping? “ She stares at me, and I can see she’s getting irritated with my questions. “Sir, I came to work. Why does it matter” I know she's right, but her words have pissed me off through clenched teeth I say “it matters because its affecting your work” She folds her arms across her chest as she glares at me. “You know my work is not affected. Could you please push start instead of asking me questions about my personal life? I have to use the bathroom.“ We have a standoff for a moment both of us glaring at one another until I break the connection and press start, she’s right I shouldn’t be asking her as long as she does her work, I don’t give a f**k If she’s in trouble she can sort it herself I won’t ask again. When the doors open, I storm towards my office, snapping over my shoulder “buy some new clothes, then you can use my bathroom and shower. You can’t smell like that.” I don’t wait for a response as I slam the door. I take my suit jacket off, roll my sleeves up, then sit down. I have calls to make. Kelly wants the role of the main character in a new movie called trapped a women get's kidnapped by some guy who’s stalking her. In the end she. escapes. That’s all I know. About it, she’s an excellent actress, so I know she will land the audition. I need to inform Lucy about her shoot and confirm if it’s what she wants. For the next two hours, Emily will make calls and send them to me while I call Lucy and answer emails. After things settle, she briefly appears in my office, likely following my shower suggestion. The only thing I’ve added was a bathroom in my office. I can’t always go home to change, so I do it here. I act like an asshole. “I didn’t ask for you, so what do you want? “ She steps further inside as she says, “first I want to apologies for the way I spoke to you I know your trying to help but honestly I don’t need it but I appreciate your concern for me and second I got some clothes like you suggested and I would really like to take a shower if the offer is still on the table,” Surprised, I look up at her. Well f**k, she apologized,I did the same “Sorry for asking about your personal life.” I finish and look down at my laptop. “You know where it is. Go ahead.” Her voice is low as she says “thank you Mr Davis” I don’t look up as I hear the door shut. About 2 minutes later, the water switches on and the most unprofessional thought of Emily pops into my mind of her naked body in my shower, her hands lathering her creamy skin with my body wash. My pants tighten. I’ve never had that experience with thinking of Emily before. I shake my head to clear my mind of the inappropriate image. What the f**k is wrong with me today as I’m about to leave my office the phone? Rings, happy about distracting my mind. I answer “hello”. “Mr Davis, it’s security. We have your brother here. He would like to see you should I send him up.” The only brother he would be talking about is Emmet, who has taken up a bad habit ever since my father died drinking and drugs and every two weeks to ask for money “yeah send him up”. “Right away, sir.” When the call ends, I let out a long sigh; I hope Emily is done by the time he gets into my office. He’s become a dirty. fucker the last couple of months, I will. Protect her. Of course he won’t try to touch her while I’m, here but I still don’t trust him. Closing my laptop and moving it aside, I lean forward with my hands clasped together, waiting for him to walk inside, which doesn’t take long. He looks like s**t as usual in a black cotton top and grey sweats. He doesn’t give a f**k any more now all that matters to him is his habits. As he sits down, I stare at him, waiting for him to speak, which takes all of 5 seconds. “How are you, brother?” I raise a brow. He’s asking how I am for a change, yet I’m not in the mood to pretend he cares. “let’s get right to the reason on why you’re here Emmet I’m busy”. He looks around my office while scratching his arm. “Where your lovely assistant" My blood boils at the mention of Emily. Three years of loyalty earns her my friendship. Standing, I lean over him. “This is the only f*****g warning I will give you. Stay away from my assistant. Any attempt to look or touch her, I will f**k you up. Do I make myself clear,” There’s an audible gulp as he holds his hands up in surrender “I didn't mean to upset you it was just a question”. I glare down at him just a question. My ass taking a deep breath, I move away, walking towards my window to see the downtown traffic on the top floor. The cars look small, and so do the people walking along the sidewalk. Placing my hand on the glass I say “how much do you need Emmet£ I see his reflection in the glass as he shifts in his seat. “I won’t ask after this it is just until next week.” getting annoyed, I clench my teeth and say “how much” he clears his throat before he says, “five thousand" Keeping my expression blank, I turn towards him, reach into my drawer and grab my chequebook, writing out the amount for him. I slide it across my desk holding it down with my pointer finger as I look at him. “This is the last time I’m giving you money, Emmet. now I want you to do something. You can either do it or don’t. That’s your choice. I can’t force you” He looks from it to me and asks “what?” Leaning forward, still holding the piece of paper down with my finger “go to f*****g rehab. Get yourself clean Emmet, this has gone on too long. I don’t want to see you dead.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t need to. I’m fine. This isn’t for booze. Just a few debts to pay off. “ I don’t believe him one bit, however I can’t force him. Unless he wants to seeks help, there is nothing more I can do. While releasing the Cheque , the bathroom door opens and Emily emerges, looking much improved. Emmet gives me a knowing look as he says, “no wonder you’re being so protective of her. “ With clenched teeth, I mutter, “You got what you wanted. Now go.” He tilts his head, giving me a smirk. “Does HR know you’re screwing your assistant? It makes sense why you kept her and not all the others is her pus?” I cut him off with, “leave Emmet before I make you. “The reaction I want to give him is a throttling and watch as his face turns blue as the fucker can’t breathe. He laughs as he stands and warns, “Be careful, Aidey. Someone might report this, and she could lose her job while you get written up for s****l harassment.” I ball my hands into fists while I bite my tongue. I struggle to remain still and resist hitting the fucker. I have never had s*x with Emily, and won’t start now. He walks out. I exhale the breath I was holding. She still stands in the doorway, her hair pinned to her head while the makeup she was wearing is completely gone. She looks stunning. Getting irritated with myself, I bark , “what are you still doing in here? Get back to your tasks, miss Anderson,” She jumps and then rushes from the room, her eyes wide. I shake my head as I take a seat thanks to my brother. I’m now in a pissed off mood.
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