2120 Words
Emily. Filled with adrenaline, I sprint down the subway steps, skilfully weaving through the crowd of commuters coming out of the train. Despite slipping momentarily on a wet spot, I regain my balance. Running into the train I quickly find a seat and bite my thumb nail the realization of being late hits me like a freight train, panic surges through my veins. How did I not wake for my alarm? A week ago, I had to get a second job. I've never once been late since working at starlight talent. Guess there's a first time Aidan Davis, my boss, won't be happy. I didn't tell him I have another job I didn't think I had to, as long as I'm on time and fulfilling my responsibilities. Despite being paid well I had to pay a bill that I wasn’t aware of The yearly payment, I send of thirty thousand for my sister Maggie’s university payment means I could only give them 25 thousand so that leaves me trying to find the rest shes following her dream to become a doctor. Over the past couple of years, I've been taking care of her ever since we escaped from my parents my father, Logan, is an alcoholic and abusive. And my mother, Amanda, couldn't care less about what he did to us. Despite this, we both carry the weight of the trauma I carry more of it than her because I would make sure he redirected his anger towards me instead of Maggie, in order to shield her. The anxiety I feel sometimes is overwhelming, but I have learned to hide it well, especially when I have to defend myself. My club job is tiring, especially when people don't respect being cut off. Although the tips I receive are not substantial, I am gradually making progress. In two weeks, I'll have enough, which is a relief since I have three weeks to pay. They are nice about it. Allowing me some extra time to gather the money since this is the first occurrence since she started and they already have some of the money. After getting off the train, I notice that I'm sweating from the heat inside the damn thing. Why can't they have air conditioning inside I'm probably going to smell? As soon as I step into the building, I head straight for the elevator while inside I grab a wipe out of my bag swiping at my forehead and armpits. Don't judge. I can't smell of sweat around my boss. He's hot as all sin and it's embarrassing. Upon grabbing my spray, I spritzed my body, resulting in a slight improvement in how I feel. However, I still dont feel one hundred percent. I can't help but feel sorry for whoever enters this lift after me, as all they will smell is strawberries and cream. The ping of the elevator causes me to take a deep breath as the doors open and I step out, feeling anxiety creeping up on me. He hasn't called me yet, which is surprising.yet why would he knowing i would be coming in he can fire you in person. Feeling sick with the realization, I slowly make my way to his door. As I pull my shoulders back and hold my head high, I lift my hand and knock twice. With closed eyes, I wait for the deep masculine voice snap "what" Slowly, I open his door while masking my expression of worry on my face. Finally, seeing him sitting at his desk, his hands clasped in front of him and his brown eyes meeting mine, I hold back the urge to scrunch up my face in discomfort. His face is set to stone as he stares at me Finally, he opens his mouth. "care to explain why you're three hours late, miss Anderson? " I tuck my lower lip into my top teeth and bite down before I say "I'm so sorry Mr Davis, I set my alarm, but it didn't go off. I had a rough night last night," He tilts his head to the side, taking in my appearance before he says "you need to go clean yourself up and also change your blouse" I furrow my brow. Not because he tells me to clean up, but because he's telling me to change . Glancing down at myself, I take in everything, not seeing what he is. "Why?" I ask, looking back up at him. He points one long finger at me. "It's inside out, miss Anderson" i feel my cheeks heat . I was in such a rush I didn't even realize placing my hand to my head I say "I'm sorry sir I will get cleaned up are you going to fire me" his brown eyes burn into mine. "no but if you're late once more, then I will, so don't be late again Do you understand?," I lower my head and stare at my shoes as I say, "yes sir, it won't happen again" His voice is confused , which makes me look at him once more. "three hours, Emily, never in your three years of working for me Have you been late, so tell me why?" I shift from foot to foot before I explain, "sir my alarm just didn't wake me. Next time, I'll set multiple” I don't get out of the club until 2 in the morning when finally someone else takes over and im always so tired that’s why I didn’t wake today I can't risk this happening again, not after his threat of firing me. He continues to stare at me until he looks down at his desk and says, "get to work, I need you to draw up a contract for me I have a meeting in," he checks his very expensive Rolex " 30 minutes so hurry," As I spin to walk out he says "Emily," I pivot once more to face him "if there is something going on and you need help tell me don't think I haven't noticed your worrying," Maintaining my expression neutral, not wanting to reveal the surprise I'm feeling that he has even noticed, I say "no sir everything is fine thank you." I don't want my boss bailing me out of the problem. Besides, I've nearly gathered enough now and I don't want to owe him anything in the long run. He may seem like a nice man, but my first year, he was a nightmare. Every ten or twenty minutes, he would demand something. if I didn't finish it within a set time frame, he would lose his s**t. Once he raised his voice at me, only to receive an earful in return. granted I wasn't having the best day. I may be a woman who doesn't find conflict pleasant, but I will stand up for myself and I won't let any man yell at me. However, since then he hasn't done it again. He may still be grumpy, but not aas much . Besides, I believe he was just trying to make me leave. he had 5 assistance before me and they only lasted a couple of days I'm honestly shocked he was so calm about me being late. I would have assumed he would most definitely be angry. At my desk, I immediately get to work drawing up the contract he wants before printing it off and then rushing to the bathroom to pee and change my top from inside out. I freshened up a little and thankfully I always bring my makeup with me. It's a habit so I could re-apply. I feel better now. After 30 minutes, he exits his office and gestures for me to stand doing just that. I speak "Sir." He shows with his head to the lift as he says, "You're coming with me". Aiden, a talent agent, well known in New York, especially among paparazzi, because they have taken countless pictures of him with different women on his arm, which is ridiculous. He's quite the ladies' man, a male slut. But if that's his preference, more for him. Who could blame the women who desire him? He's handsome with black hair that's always slicked back the suits that fit his body to perfection his dress shirt hugs his abs in a way that makes any women swoon, and those chocolaty eyes add to his allure. Holding my tablet, I walk fast to catch up to him. He's six foot two and towers over my petite frame of five foot five, so he arrives at places quicker than I do with those ridiculously long muscular legs. I may have a crush on my boss, but he doesn't need to know It's my little secret, well also my sisters, because I share everything with her. Its silent as we stand in the elevator until he interrupts it with "the meeting is with Lucy Smith she's a model we need to go through what she would prefer to do photo shoot wise and catwalk I don't want her landing a gig that makes her wear hardly anything then I get the backlash for it so take down everything she says miss Anderson," I nod and open the notes page, dividing it into two columns: will and won't I will elaborate on it when I draw it up for him. When we exit the elevator, I walk behind Aiden while Paige, a woman I have chatted with a handful of times, says "hi em. " I offer a smile. "hi" Mr Davis continues walking ignoring the both of us. Paige stares at me and fans herself with wide eyes, pretending to nearly faint, which makes me bark a laugh. He shifts his gaze towards me with a raised brow. I school my features and apologies before I continue walking. When I arrive at the meeting room, I wait for him to open the door and walk inside, only he holds it open, waiting. Me being dumb. I gaze up at him, questioning why he paused until he says "ladies first, miss Anderson." I turn red from embarrassment. How did I not realize he's holding it for me? I'm such an i***t? I express my gratitude, then take a seat next to where he sits. Lucy sits across from us . The room is silent. The sun filters in through the large windows behind us, the heat from it warming my back. I don't mind; I love the sensation. Before we begin the meeting, I ask her politely, "is there anything I can get you, miss smith water maybe?" She offers me a grateful smile but say's "no thank you". I nod and set the tablet on the table as Aiden speaks. He looks over the contract I drew up not 30 minutes ago explaining what's inside and where she needs to sigh before he then asks her about shoots and cat walks. “I wouldn't have any desire to do any naked shoots. I'm not confident enough for that, but I'm fine with swim wear and regular clothing. I won't participate in anything related to calendars My friend amber, went to one, and she had to be naked. Her manager didn't even inform her just that it was for a fashion mag" she scrunches her face and says "disgusting" I furrow my brows, a feeling of disgust filling me. Who lies about what they're doing, assholes? He moves forward, his hands clasped together. "I can guarantee you, miss smith, whatever you want to do is what we do. I won't force you to attend a gig that you haven't approved first. I'm happy as long as my clients are happy. " She gazes up at him with wide eyes. "I can choose what I do." Yet again, I feel my brow pinch as I stare at Lucy. Does she believe she didn't have a choice? Everyone who is signed with Aiden has one who has she worked for before where they didn't give her that? “Miss Smith, you will always have a choice here. Mr. Davis finds it important, as do I. He will never make you do something you don't want to” She nods, and for the next hour; we go through her lists of likes and dislikes. When we are done, I let out a sigh of relief when I finally stretch my legs. The work day quickly passes, and I'm ready to go home only problem is I now have to get ready to work at the club called the edge for the next 8 hours. However, I'm already exhausted and my feet are screaming at me for wearing heels all day.
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