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Emily. His hand slides up my bare thigh into my skirt, where he moves my panties aside and his fingers slide up my slit. He groans at the wetness already pooled between my legs. “already wet, but not enough. I think we need to fix that.” Before I can say anything, he moves down my body and captures my clit in his mouth, sucking the bundle of nerves until my hips buck and he has to place his hand on my lower belly. “you taste better than I ever could Imagen,” His fingers slide inside of me, making my back arch as I grip hold of his hair. “there’s that sweet spot, huh, baby? “ “yes yes, please don’t stop,” I beg as I move my hips. I cry out as he sucks me harder. My clit throbs and heat shoots up my spine as I get closer to my orgasm “c*m on my face, Emily. Be a good little assistant and show me what you look like when you come undone.” I scream out “oh god Aiden” just as my orgasm hits he says my name over again “Emily” “Emily” I blink my eyes open to find Aiden standing next to the couch, his arms crossed as he stares at me. My cheeks turn red as I look back at him. I just had a dream of my boss eating me out. I have never had a dream of him. I’m losing my mind. The no sleep has made me crazy. He points to the white bag on his desk. “Food is here. “ I clear my throat. “Oh thank you, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. “ With a shrug he says “It’s alright. I was going to leave you, then you moaned. I thought you were having a nightmare.” My face turns even hotter on top of dreaming of him I was moaning out in my sleep I hope I didn’t say his name he would say something if I did one thing is for sure I’m not sleeping again I will eat and wait until I get home I won’t risk dreaming again. After Aiden had got us food, I stayed awake for the rest of my workday. I asked for additional tasks to stay awake, but when it was time to leave. He dropped me home, just like he promised. Upon entering my bedroom, I immediately collapsed onto the bed and fell fast asleep its now afternoon Aiden had an emergency so theres no work. however I have to be at the club. I feel better now. I'm well rested, and I even had a chance for breakfast today. I didn’t wake until 10am. as I'm doing some of my laundry inside my small laundry closet connected to the kitchen. My phone rings. I smile when I see Maggie’s name flash across my screen. She hasn’t called me since the other night answering I say “hello mags hows studying going” She sighs and says, “It’s exhausting. I’m in the middle of a 2000-word sociology essay. Do you want to finish it for me?” “Oh no, not happening. You got this Mags. You’re very smart.” “Right, that’s why i hardly passed with a 50% on my last one.” I place the phone between my shoulder and ear so I can put a clean sheet on my bed. “your doing great mags. just concentrate. Did you find the one?” She lets out a laugh. “your joking. Every girl here is straight or already taken. " Tucking it into the mattress, I advise her “mingle off-campus” “since when have you ever seen me mingle with people?” She hates meeting new people. Unless she is drunk, she has a hard time being around strangers. “we both don’t mingle with people. I'm awkward and anxious while you just don’t trust people.” How's the second job going? I'm sorry you had to take another job. If I could help, I would. But with my studies, I don't have time for a job. Over the summer, when I come and visit, I'll get one and save money to help. I furrow my brows even though she can't see me “no mags I'm the eldest there for I take care of you I just had a bill which I'm still confused on it was for a credit card I have never had one, but I paid it anyway I'm chasing it up with the company,” “it's probably our parents using our names. It wouldn’t surprise me,” Huh, I didn’t think of that. There is a possibility if they need money, I wouldn’t put it past them. However, they would need id. I might have taken out one and forgotten. “I don’t know. We will find out soon enough. Do you have any plans today?,” She sighs. “no, I'm stuck in my room doing my work. It needs to be done by tomorrow.” Grabbing my work clothes for the club, I say, “Focus on your studies and hang up the phone. We can chat later, but I want confirmation that you’ve finished the assignment.” Frustrated, she mutters a curt “fine” before ending with a soft “love you, sissy.” “Love you too, concentrate. Show them what you got, Mags. Use that brain of yours,” She tells me “I will” before she hangs up. I have three hours until I must go, so I'm free for now. Actually talking about bills with Maggie reminded me to check my mail. When I grab the stack, it's flyers, menus, and two envelopes - one in my name, the other for the previous tenant. Placing that one on the table, I grab a pen and write return to sender. I will put it back in the box later when I leave for work. Taking the one with my name on it, I slide it open and scan the paper, only to let out a scream of frustration. "You have got to be f*****g kidding me. " I'm no longer sitting on the couch with my legs crossed. I'm pacing. Why am I getting so many f*****g bills? Rent, internet, and phone bill are my only monthly expenses. It's for another credit card for two thousand five hundred storming over to my bag. I grab my wallet and tip everything out. Am I losing my mind and just forgot I had a card and I've used it for God knows what? Nope, nothing there, only my bank card. I don’t enjoy getting into debt, so I don’t take out credit cards. I shout, "This is bullshit!" Then I grab my phone and dial the number on the letter. I can't afford this. I almost have enough for Maggie. Paying this means I'll work longer at the club, which I don't want. For the next hour, I pace while cursing under my breath as the man tells me I have to pay, or repo will happen. Suppressing frustration, I inquire, "You won't even look up what's happening?" You only want me to pay?” His voice comes out soft “ma’am we have a photocopy of your id along with letters with your name on I'm sorry but there is nothing else I can do,” My voice comes out high pitched as I say, “it's fraud. I didn’t do this. " He sighs and says, "Ma'am, I'll make a claim for fraudulent activity. But for now, please pay to avoid any action against you. Once resolved, your money will be returned to you. " I tilt my head back, closing my eyes, growling in irritation. “fine” I used the money from my account to pay the amount and hang up once it goes through. He wishes me a nice day. Fuck you dude I won't have a nice day asshole some help he was I need to speak with Marcus I'm going to regret doing this, but I have 2 weeks to find the money so I'm going to learn how to use that damn pole. When I walk into the club 15 minutes after calling Marcus, he's already waiting for me along with candy who smiles at me widely. I regret this; I regret this; I repeat to myself as she comes over to me and excitedly takes my hands. “It will be really enjoyable. " I'm going to freak out on stage. She must see my worry. She says, "Don't worry, men will love you. Your figure is perfect. Just be confident and hold your head high." Marcus gestures for us to move to the back. "Change into your bra and underwear, then come on stage." My eyes go wide. "My what? " His cold eyes stare back at me.”Accept that you'll be wearing your bra and underwear. " My breathing picks up and my hands become clammy Grabbing my arm gently he pulls me towards the door once inside he closes it behind us “Emily you will be fine no men will touch you are protected here they will look but won't touch those are the rules all you have to do is dance you don’t have to remove anything,” I search his eyes looking for a lie but I don’t find it so I ask “they can't touch me”. He shakes his head. “No it's not allowed. If they do, you tell me and I will kill them,” he says, the last past so casually it makes a shiver run down my spine. Lowering my head, I say “okay”. “I will watch and see how you do if I feel you are ready. You can go on tonight. That’s if you're strong enough to hold yourself on the pole,” he smirks. I glare at him. "Do I look like I'm not strong?” He stares at me, the smirk still on his lips. “Okay, maybe I do, but I don’t lift weights like you.” He moves his finger up and down my body. “Maybe you should get some meat on your bones,” Is he saying I'm too skinny? "Excuse you, I know you’re a dangerous man, but have some manners. Saying that to a lady isn't nice. " He shrugs. "It was a compliment.” “Then you should return to the class on how to speaking with women,” He glares at me as he says, “dolor en mi culo amor ve a prepararte” he just told me in Spanish “pain in my ass love go get ready” He has never spoken to me in Spanish before so im a little shocked. As I get ready, I feel sick. Candy tells me over again that it's just our boss and Vinnie watching Which doesn’t help. I must be brave and accept this choice. It’s a couple of nights maybe, and then I'm done with it. “Swing your body up so you're hanging Upside-down” candy says as she grabs hold of the pole and shows me she flips herself upside down while her arm and leg on her left side wrap around the pole and she lets go. I point. "I can't," I say as she pulls herself up and slides down. “You can watch” she grabs my hips and positions me by the pole. Vinnie placed a matt down so if I fall, I won't hurt myself. Shaking, I grab hold of it with both hands worrying I will fall with the bandage on my hand before I swing myself like she did, only I don’t have the grace she has, and I end up struggling to wrap my leg around. She helps me grab hold of my leg and moving it “let go” she commands. I hesitate but do as she said, and I'm impressed when I don’t fall. "See you got it “she claps saying “again”. We work on that move for a while until Marcus says, “pirouette. " Candy pouts “but that’s too easy,” He barks, “she needs easy. She is new you're not do as I tell you,” She lowers her head. "Yes, sir. " She walks to the pole extending her right arm above her head as she stands on her tiptoes; she places her hand next to the bar while her left arm crosses her body her left hand grabbing the bar using it she spins her right arm still high as she turns. When she says easy, she really meant easy “okay I get it like a ballerina, I can do that,” my confidence grows after going through many moves, especially with Marcus praising me. As I take a drink of water, he says, “when you're up there em don’t look like you're disgusted. Come here and sit with me watch candy. " I do as he says. Taking the seat at the front of the stage, he nods towards her, and Vinnie turns the music on. "See how confident she owns the stage”? I nod my head as he keeps talking. "Your body is the key move seductively and you will have the men throwing money at you literally,” I just hope tonight I don’t fall flat on my face and end up having to go to the hospital because I need 20 stitches in my head
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