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Emily. "Are you ready?" Lilly asks, as I finish applying lipstick. She's our signal to start and informs us of any private room requests. I feel nervous; I have to go on stage after Stacey finishes. She comes up behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders as she looks at me through the mirror. “remember just relax and do the moves you learned from candy. " I nod as I smile at her. "I will try. I can't remember everyone, but I know a couple.” She smiles back. “If you prefer not to use the pole, try getting on your hands and knees, sticking your ass out, and shaking. Then, roll onto your back and thrust your hips. They love that move, trust me. " I laugh. "I will try to remember.” She massages me before she pulls my hair behind my back “you got this honey don’t worry alright if you need to to get a drink from the bar you have 10 minutes alright,” I stand, nod, and follow her advice, going straight to the bar. I'm wearing shorts that show my ass cheeks along with a crop top. However, on stage, I'll wear just a thong and bra, despite my dislike. I rarely dress provocatively, but tonight and tomorrow night I will. It's just for my sister's education, nothing else. Once I have everything, it's done. Vinnie nods at me as I go behind the bar grabbing two shot glasses along with the bottle.of Jagermeister i turn and crook my finger at him which makes him raises a brow yet he come over “have a drink with me I won't tell the boss if you don't tell him I had a drink without paying” He scoffs, saying, "You don't have to pay. I saw you drink without paying the other night. Neither he nor I said anything about it. This job is demanding for many of our girls. If they want to drink, we let them,” I nod. It makes sense when I was a. server they just helped themselves “so will you join me until I have to go on” He looks around for a moment while the bass of the music makes me feel like I'm jumping as I stand still. It's full again tonight. Men and women sit watching Stacey, their dollar bills in the air as they watch her shake her ass. Picking my shot up I say “the things you will do for family, huh,” He turns back towards me, taking the glass I just filled. "Just mean's you love them. I'd do anything for my family if they were alive. " Overwhelmed with sadness, I say, “you have me, Vin. I’ll be your friend and family. I'm very loyal,” He stares at me for a moment, his eyes softening. "I would like that, Emily. Thank you. " With a smile, I lean over and kiss his cheek. "You’re a good man, Vinnie. " He chuckles “you wouldn’t be saying that if you seen what I have to do every day, miss Anderson,” I scratch my head and say, "Let's leave that out. I like to think you’re a knight in shining armour,” he laughs as he shakes his head. We enjoy each other's company for the next six minutes until Lilly come's“You're up, girlie, let's go. " My heart is pounding as Vinnie grabs my hand and helps me off the stool I feel clammy and need to grab the liquid chalk before going onstage. “Boss is in the crowd. He has a meeting, so give it your all and, remember, don’t be. nervous it will be over in minutes. The curtains will close and then one guard will pick up your tips.” I nod as I shake out my shoulder and look ahead. Leaning my head back, I rock from side to side, then step out as soon as they announce my stage name. "Give it up for our new girl, Dove. " The crowded hoots and whistles at the announcement of a new girl coming on stage my heart still pounding feels like it stops when the curtains open making myself look as confident as possible, I walk forward and grab hold of the pole doing the normal walk around before I do the turn that looks like a ballerina move. I go through every move I remember and when I'm hanging upside down on the pole, I nearly have a heart attack when I see Emmet sitting with a man that looks like Aiden, along with my boss Marcus. Emmett's eyes meet my wide ones and I have to grip hold of the pole tighter as my palms become slippy. Pulling myself up, I swing my legs down, lowering myself back to the stage floor. I have two minutes left of this. What the f**k is he doing Here, why is he meeting with Marcus? f**k, I'm f****d. He'll inform Aiden, who will most likely end my employment. I block everything out and finish my dance, letting out a sigh of relief when it's over. I don’t turn around. I walk off stage towards the back. I bend over, struggling to breathe as I panic. Aiden. I told Emily about an emergency, so she didn't need to come to work. It was a lie I thought she could do with having more rest. As I'm leaving the office, I receive a text from Emmet, one that shocks the f**k out of me while I also feel fury. Emmet. “isn’t this your assistant” a picture is attached one of Emily hanging upside down on a stripper pole. this is the reason she was so tired and also why she smelt of booze. Aiden. “what club?” Emmet. “the edge I'm here with Dean. he’s meeting with the owner for some deal,” She's stripping for a mafia boss. My fists clenched I run towards the elevator and towards my car.
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