1056 Words
Emily. After I took the shower in Aiden’s office, I felt even more dead than before. The heat from the water has made me more tired as I sit at my desk, my eyes close Tapping my cheeks softly I say “don’t fall to sleep Emily” I need coffee and lots of it. I will eat it if I have to, although I don’t think it would taste nice. At least I don’t have to go to the club tonight. I have the night off. Thankfully, I can catch up on some much needed Sleep. if I keep up like this. I will need an entire week to recover. Just a couple more weeks, I tell myself as I stand and go towards the small kitchen on this level. I normally only put one spoon of coffee in my cup, but I have opted for the two. As I’m pouring the hot water into mine and Aiden’s cup, my eyes close once more and I sway on my feet. The only thing that makes my eyes open again is the scolding hot water that i pour over my hand. I let out a yell of pain as tears come to my eyes. Rushing to the sink, I place it under warm water for a couple of minutes, the skin around my thumb and top of my hand red. I hope it doesn’t blister. with my hand under the water I hear Aiden deep voice ask from behind me, “what happened are you alright” Shutting the water off, I turn to face him. “yes fine, I just burnt my hand, that all” He walks towards me, his eyes full of concern as he grabs my hand to examine it. “it’s really not that bad,” I say. As butterfly's erupt in my stomach from his touch. It’s a lie. My skin is on fire and he must know I’m lying because he guides me over to the round table in the middle of the room and pulls a chair out for me to sit. he lets me go, to grab a first aid kit off the wall. Placing it on the table, he flips it open and rummages through. it he pulls out: two things a white tube of something along with a bandage. Looking up at him I say “Mr Davis I really don’t need this. I’m honestly okay,” He shushes me as he takes the lid off the ointment, placing a good amount on the back of my hand. I watch his face as he pats it on, then takes the bandage out of the wrapper and applies it to my hand. When he’s done, he looks up. “You need to be more careful, Emily. You can take this,” he hands me the ointment, “home with you. It will help with the burning sensation,” My heart swells. No one has ever looked after me like he is now. I didn’t even know he could be so sweet. “Thank you” He nods as he asks “what was you doing for this to happen?” I laugh at myself as I say, “I was falling asleep while making us both a coffee.” With his eyes burning into me he says “how are you getting home today the subway?” I nod as I stand to finish adding the creamer to the drinks, only for me to feel dizzy and have to grip on to the edge of the table. “wow easy have you eaten today” he asks me, grabbing hold of my arm. The truth is no; I haven’t since yesterday afternoon. I didn’t have time to have dinner. Giving a guilty smile I say “not since yesterday. “ His eyes narrow as he huffs out a breath, “my office now, “he commands Grabbing the cups, I walk to his office. As he trails behind me, he mutters something under his breath, too low to hear. He heads straight to the couch and pulls something at the side which makes the back drop turning it into a bed confused I ask “what are you doing? “ “you are going to eat, then you will sleep. I will take you home tonight. You’re not going on the train while you’re so tired.” I go to protest but he says, “you won’t tell me what’s going on, so let me at least take care of you, eat, then get a little sleep. There is nothing else I need you to do.” “your not going to take no for an answer, are you Mr Davis?” He shakes his head as he pulls his cell out. “I will order what do you want. “ “anything as long as it’s not expensive because I can’t afford that s**t like you can,” “it on me. I will order from the pasta bar. Is that alright?” I give a nod as I lay on the couch. I just can’t resist. It’s so comfy. As we wait, he sits with me and looks down at me. I smile as I snuggle deeper into the couch. “Thank you for taking care of my hand. I’m so clumsy when I’m tired. “ He places his hand on my thigh, making my skin heat. I stare into his eyes as he lowers himself towards me, his lips going to my ear. “Will you tell me” his breath tickles me while my own hitches. Breathless, I ask, “tell you what“ He kisses my neck, sending goosebumps to break out. What is going? On why am I letting him touch me? “What, you need Emily? “ I lean my head back so he can have better access to my neck. He sucks on the sensitive skin, making my body heat and tingle while I let out a soft moan. He looks up at me, his eyes burning into mine as he says, “tell me to stop“ I don’t want to. I really don’t want to. I need this. It’s been so long and him on top of me feels so right. “No, please don’t”
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