In The beginning

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Back in my hometown and everything is almost different, key word 'almost'. I pick up the poster I took from the floor on my way to the penthouse and look at it again. My picture with the word missing printed out boldly on it. Ten years and people haven't given up on me yet, it warms up my heart a little. The mushy stuff can wait until later, the first thing I'm here for is revenge and lastly, a reunion with my family. I was having mixed feelings as I overlooked the city from my penthouse. I was happy I was back home but angry that I had been away for so long unwillingly. I could only hope that I hadn't been forgotten the way my mother was. Anger bubbled up within me at the thought of that. I wanted nothing more than to give Mabel a taste of what I become when I'm pushed past the limits of my patience and understanding. I was angry, very angry but not just at Mabel but also at myself because I was warned about her but I brushed everything aside. Having your trust broken by someone you love and cared so much about can hurt a lot. There is always a limit with which the trust can be rebuilt but Mabel exceeded all extents, broke past all limits and she must pay, even if it's the last thing I do. I walked into the kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee. Still lost in my thoughts, I zombie walk back into the balcony. I take a sit and begin to think back to how it all started. **FLASHBACK** JANUARY 16 2011 Walking into school grounds feeling super excited about the beginning of the new quarter, the second half of the winter semester and I'm feeling excited. Finally, in my sophomore year and I can't wait to finally leave high school and get ready for the real world. Halfway through my journey to my locker I spot an unfamiliar face and by the countenance, she is most likely new. "Hey, I'm Amara Tyrese" I say with a smile on my face as I stand beside her. " Hi. Mabel Winters " she replies, a little shyly. "oh, what a coincidence. We are just about to start the second half of winter semester ", I joke slightly trying to make her smile and it works. " So, have you gotten your schedule, locker number and password? " " Yes but I can't find my locker. It's number 677" " That's just five lockers away from mine " I walk her to her locker making small talk but also trying to not scare her away, turns out we have almost all our classes together apart from History and AP Biology. " OK so, our first class is Calculus. Let's go" ********************************************************** Currently in our last class before lunch break and I can barely wait to introduce Mabel to the rest of my friends but I'm guessing they aren't around because I haven't seen anyone of them and I have a few classes with all of them. My line of thought is interrupted when our Chemistry teacher walks in " Good afternoon class. Sorry I'm a little late. I hear we have a new student. Please introduce yourself " " My name is Mabel Winters. I just moved her from New York and I'm an only child". That's the fifth time I'm hearing this statement today. " Welcome to Beverley Hills High School. Hope you have a wonderful stay." Mabel smiles in response and takes her seat beside me. Almost an hour after, I hear the bell ringing, meaning lunch time and I'm really excited about that. " So, it's like my other friends aren't around, the lazy bones didn't come in today but you'll meet them soon but let's to the cafeteria right now because I'm starving " she giggles at my facial expressions. On our way, many people stop to greet me and also ask how my holiday was. What can I say, I'm popular and loved. We joined the line to order and pay for our food. Taking a seat at my usual table I begin to make light conversation with her. " So tell me who Mabel winters is?" " Well, there is really nothing much about me, lead a simple life. My dad is dead, my mum is sick but we are getting be fairly well and we love each other so much. I've moved states three different times this one being the fourth. I love music, food and you can also call me a loner. So, yeah that's all you need to know about boring Mabel " " Oh you aren't boring, just reserved. From your whole countenance I can say you don't talk much, you are closed off, you have a little circle of friends but I like you and we can be great friends, I can tell " ******************************************************** School is over now and I'm super ready to go home. My last class for the day was different from what Mabel had and so I wait for her by her locker. " Hey. How are you getting home?" " I'm taking the bus " "Oh OK, bye. See you tomorrow" I say with hand wave while walking away. I headed to the schools parking lot and my heart breaks into a million pieces. I find my car on the very first day of school bashed in. I stand looking really lost because I have no idea how this can happen. The only reasonable excuse I can come up with is that it's a drunk teenager who did this and I'm sure no one will be drunk on a Monday. I brace myself up for the ones hour thirty minutes walk from the school to my home. Five minutes into my walk and starts pouring, rather heavily. Yep! Today is definitely not my day, the odds are definitely against me. Six thirty-eight in the evening and I finally get home, super drenched from the rain. If I have an asthma attack, I would not be the least bot surprised. " Excuse me Miss Tyrese, would you like me to run a hot water bathe for you? " " No thanks Ayanna. I'm good" I replied one of the many workers in my house. Well, my dads house. I don't live alone. I never knew my mum. My dad on the other hand is a really busy man but always makes time out for me and my brothers or should I say brother. One of them Nicholas is dead while Wyatt is in his final year in college studying engineering. They were both twins. Wyatt took Nicholas death harder. Must be really painful losing your actual other half. And then there is my grandmother. I call her Nana. She's been living with us ever since grandpa died. That's our family system. Twisted but perfect and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. After Nicholas died, I lost it. I used to visit his grave everyday just to remain sane but I only go there once a month. No shrink could help me during that period, it was just my family who kept me going and now I'm glad I'm done with does dark times and days. I quietly tried to sneak up the stairs in order to avoid my Nana but no one can outsmart that woman. "Amara what are doing back so late? did you go out with your friends after school? Why are you soaking wet? Don't tell me you walked home in the rain" " Nana one question at the time. I didn't go out with anyone. I walked home in the rain because my car has been damaged way beyond repair and it has to be towed" " Why didn't you call your dad to send a driver? You silly girl are you trying to have an attack? Oh my goodness", she grabs my hand dragging me into my room and pushing straight into the ensuite and into the shower. " You need a steaming hot shower" " Nana, the water is too hot" the look she gave me made me shut up "It's not that hot, don't be too dramatic." I'm not scared of a lot of things in life but I am terribly afraid of my Nana but in a good way. I love and respect her so much. After my shower, my Nana leaves me and comes back with bowl of hot soup and two bottles of water. " You know, you could have just asked one if the workers to do this " " I prefer handling things that concern you, your brother and father myself. Now take this and drink " " I will drink it Nana, you need to calm down" she gives me a look and I smile back at her " I love you nana" " I love you too my princess" Once I was done with the soup, she covered me with five duvets, I mean FIVE!! How am I supposed to sleep well under this huge materials of heat. " Nana, I'm going to have a heat stroke! " " You should have though about it before you decided to walk home in the rain ", she pecks my forehead and closes my door but not before telling me goodnight. I look at the clock beside my bedside table and it's just eight thirty pm. I began to feel sleepy and so I succumbed to the call of sleep but not before removing four of the duvets.
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