The Day It Started.

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February 20 2011 Amara's Pov It's been a month since school resumed and Mabel joined and I can say with a confused mind that most people don't like her. My Nana and my friends also dislike her and that's a problem for me because I like Mabel and I won't stop talking to her. I hold the opinions of my friends and family in high esteem but since Mabel hasn't given me a reason to dislike her, I won't cut her off.  Everyone else tries to be polite to her even if they dislike her but Thea is the only one who doesn't hide that fact. Everyone else tries to be discreet about it but no, not Thea. Parking my new car, a Tesla model s in the schools parking lot and I'm getting nothing but stares of admiration from other students. The first time I'm being it to school and I guess I'm the first to bring a Tesla to school. I walked into the schools hallway, headed straight for my locker before I heard my name being called. I turned to look around for who called my name and saw Mabel walking into the schools hallway.   "Hey girl. How are you? Haven't heard from you in a while" "My mum's sickness got worse so I had to stay with her" "Hope she is better. If you had told me, I'd have come with you to visit her" "NO! I mean no, it's not necessary " Her quick response  was a bit suspicious to me but I just let it slide. Before I could comment further, the bell rang and she left for her class faster then ever. I had AP Biology and she had History. I pushed aside thoughts of her as I began walking towards my class.                           ***************************************************************** In my third class of the day and Mabel has been acting even strange with each passing second.  I ignored or rather I was too excited to pay attention to her because Thea is coming back today. She took a five day break from school in other words, one week off to go see her sick grandma but if she is coming back today, that means Angelica is better now. Her grandma makes us call her by her name, she and my Nana are besties and even Nana hasn't been around since.  Anyways, Thea is coming back today and I can't wait for her to come cause she is more than my best friend.  She is literally my twin, we do literally everything together. The bell rings and we have a fifteen minute break before the fourth class of the day. I walk out of class and head straight to my locker to get a few things for the next class. Not so long after I feel someone's body colliding with mine almost making me fall. I turn around ready to shout at whoever it is but the shout turns into a squeal as I see Thea.  "Oh my goodness, I've missed you so much", I say as I hug her "I know, I know" , she says a little cocky and I smack her hand " Says the one who literally jumped on me"  She just sticks her tongue out at me and opens her locker to take things for the next class which happens to be right beside mine. Like I said, we do everything together. Side by side people. While we were catching up, Mabel walked up to us and Thea just glanced at her, looked back at me and said,  " Alright Mars, see you in class." With that she walked away. I turned to Mabel to make up some excuse for Thea's behaviour but she beat me to it.  "Don't bother. I know she doesn't like me, she has never hidden that fact from me. I know even the boys don't like  me but tolerate me because of you." I couldn't say anything again as we walked to out next class of the day which was Calculus. We walked into class and saw Thea saved only a seat for me.  "Where's Mabel seat? " I asked her. She was filing her nails and she stopped just to  look at me and said " Who's Mabel? " before looking back at her nails. I shook my head at her and asked the girl beside me if she could switch seats but Mabel beat me to it and said it was okay, she'll look for another seat. I could not blame her. If I was her, I would not want to be around someone who has made it so clear to me and everyone that they dislike me. I told a seat before turning to face Thea   " Theeeaa, please be polite " " Girl, I cannot be polite to a person I don't like. Oouu, I rhymed" I shook my head at her and dropped the issue. My heart broke for Mabel seeing the hurt on her face when I turned to look at her before tuning my attention back to the teacher.                         ******************************************************************* It's lunch time and I'm headed to the cafeteria. The line is super long so I just went to seat at the table my friends and I usually sit in. Our high school isn't anything cliché like the most popular kids ruling the school and being bullies. Nope, we are not like that. There are lots of groups but obviously, there will definitely be the popular kids, cool kids and all that. No groups rules the school and it's just a nice system. My clique, nope too cliché, my group and just are definitely the cool, popular rich kids but we definitely are not bullies. In my group, we are four guys and three girls. Cairo, Roman, Westin and Vance. Then there is Mabel, Thea and I. Cairo is the nerd but still some elements of cool in him, Roman is a certified clown, Westin is reserved but also crazy and playful at times while Vance is unseriousness personified. Thea is mean, like really mean but nice to her guys but sometimes we aren't spared from her wrath. I'm the sweetheart, an angel but always a vibe and Mabel is quiet, can pass for a loner.  " Guys,  I saw a new Tesla model s outside. Who owns that?", Thea says all excited  "Don't know but I'll love to take a spin in it" Vance replies her with a wishful whistle.  I smile inwardly because they don't know yet that I'm the owner.  " Why don't we go head out to Dine out for lunch", I suggest to them and they all agree.  We head out to the parking lot and I began walking over to my car.  "Yo Mars, what are you doing?" Westin asks me " Getting into my car" I say with a smirk. "WHAT!" they all exclaimed  "No freaking way" Thea said after a few seconds of having her mouth wide open.  " You know it. But we all can't fit" " The boys can with you and I'll sit on anyone's lap." Thea says and everyone agrees with her.  "But what about Mabel?" I ask and Thea just turns to face Mabel who looks uncomfortable and says straight to her face  " You aren't coming with us" " THEA!!" "What? " Mabel just waves it off as she walks back into school.  We all get into my car and I drive out of the schools parking lot  " This car is so sick", Vance literally squealed out like a girl and we all laugh at him.  Halfway through the drive Thea speaks up "Mars, why don't you listen?" Thea asks "What are you talking about?" " Mabel, I'm talking about Mabel. I have a bad feeling about her and I've been telling you to drop her but you just don't want to listen"  I ignore her and Ivan speaks up,  " You know she is right Amara " " Well, I appreciate everything but I like Mabel. She is my friend and it's going to stay that way " I say with finality in my voice but Thea isn't done yet.  " whatever you say but no one is going to take my sister from me and if I find any suspicious and also any substantial evidence to prove my point, whether you like it or not Mars, you'll never talk to her again," Thea says in all seriousness.  "okay mama bear" We arrived at Dine out and we head in. Dine out is a restaurant that has an antique shop, a library and a beer parlour with a pool table. We come here most the OK mess during out free time, if we aren't at each others houses, school, having fun or at the mall. We order and take a seat and I just have to say for the millionth time that this place is unique and super beautiful.  " So what did I miss while I was away? "Thea asks "Nothing much but we have project due in two weeks on one of Shakespeare's works." I reply her.  Out of all of us, Thea and I are the only ones who have all the same classes. Once again, we are glued to each other. Minutes fly and we begin to make our way back to school.                         *************************************************************************** Present Day - 23rd of January 2021 That moment, that period after lunch break was the beginning of it. I lock my doors and head out to meet who I need to meet. There is no time to waste because I'm a woman on a mission and my all black dressing shows it. 
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