Can't Stay Hidden Forever, Or Can I?

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Mabel's POV Present Day Walking out of my home and taking in the scenery, I can't help but feel a pang of worry. Buying a house in the middle of the forest away from the real world and reality thinking I'll be safe but deep down I have no peace of mind. I can't enjoy the view in peace or even stay outside for too long because I feel like someone is watching me. I feel like she'll find me one day and she won't be the Amara I knew.  I sit back and recall all that caused it. The lack of proper communication on my part that made me blindly, foolishly and out of rage betray the one who had been the nicest to me.             ************************************************************************************ February 28th 2011 Mabel's POV Walking into school, I for once felt giddy and excited. A new boy just joined us and he is super cute, very polite and handsome. Oh  before I forget, he has a British accent and I'm a sucker for boys with British accents. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't see Amara walk up to me until she waved her hand in my face.  " Mabel, hey. I've been calling you for almost a minute now, you good?" I just smile at her in response "What have you been thinking about?" I blush unwillingly at the question and she smirks.  "Ouu, you like someone", she states and I have a mini inner battle on whether to tell her or not but then I realize it's Mars and so I tell her. " You know this new boy who joined us a few days ago?' At me question, her face lights up and she puts the pieces all together. "You like Alcott. So, what are you going to do? Are you going to tell him?" "NEVER!! Can't be embarassed" "Aww, don't worry, I gat you. Most times, people need to know us first before they can develop any type of feelings towards us", she says to me and I'm really hopeful. She is the one and only person who has my back and I hope it works because I really like Alcott. I know it's too soon to say but I like him a lot.  The first class of day is Calculus and I have this class with Amara, Alcott, Thea and Westin.  Walking into the class, Amara takes a seat to the left of Thea since Westin was on Thea's right and this leaves Amara right next to Alcott, while I take a seat at Amara's back.  "Hey, I'm Amara Tyrese. Nice to meet you and be seated next to you" she and Alcott both laugh at that. OMG, even his laughter is divine. "Well, that's quite a lovely name Amara. I'm Alcott Knight and it is a pleasure meeting you and being your seat partner for the day." They full on laugh at that, I even giggled a bit at that, but did I already say i love his accent? Anyways, I'm in love with his accent. I'm jolted out of my train of thoughts as I hear our teacher Mr Webster try to quiet us down, key word 'try'. After a few minutes, the class is finally quiet and lectures begin 'Alright class, we don't really have much to do but I'm going to make things a little more fun for us all, well mostly for me because I really don't know how well you guys are going to take it but I really don't care also" "So, I'm going divide the class in groups of twos. You and your partner will submit assignments together, you'll write test and exams together. Almost as if put together, you become one. I'll be picking partners." At that, everyone groans. The worst that could happen was Thea and I becoming partners.  "Oh before I forget, if your partner fails, you fail. The least grade a partner can get is 75 but if the other person gets a higher score, the higher score will be recorded for both. But, if one person gets below 75 even if the other person gets a higher score the lower score will be recorded for both." I zoned out because he started giving too many conditions that everyone was beginning to dislike. I hope I get Amara as my partner.  "Westin, your partner for the year is Kamille. Amara and Alcott, Thea and Mabel, Austin and-' 'WHAT!! I'm sorry sir but there is no way that can ever happen" Thea interrupts him.  A part of Future's song plays in my head, 'ain't no way, ain't no f*****g way'.  " I'm sorry Thea but there is nothing that can be done about it unless you and your partner agree to have extra assignments all through the year. Your partner must also agree" 'She has no choice, she must agree", as she says that she turns to me with her eyebrows raised, waiting for me to even dare say otherwise. "I agree" I say in defeat. She must really hate me for her to choose the second option.                               ************************************************************************ Lunch break and I'm headed to my locker to change my books and get my lunch. I see Amara waving at my while walking up to me.  "Hey, so I was thinking that since Alcott is my partner, I could set you guys up", I smile at her thoughtfulness.  "Yeah, that'll be really great" she beams at my response and she claps her hand before she responds to me "So, it's settled then. By the way, I'm really sorry for how Thea behaved" "You really can't keep apologizing for her. She dislikes me and that's it. She hasn't hidden that fact from me. And besides it wasn't you so there is really no need for you to keep apologizing to me for her." She gives me a sad smile before walking away.  I'm relieved she didn't ask me to sit with them for lunch. Turning her down seems exhausting which leads to me to comply with her request and as a result of that, I get insulted or disrespected by Thea , the boys don't really defend me because they also don't like me. There is only so much Amara can do and at the end of it, I regret sitting with them for lunch. So, I end up eating my lunch on the school's bleacher, alone. Pathetic right? But I'm used to it. Guess our past always catches up to us. I moved here for a fresh and new start but it isn't so fresh now is it?, but it's whatever.                                    ****************************************************************** Last class of the day and I'm trying to escape Amara because I really am in no mood to answer any questions or even hold any conversations. Taking a quick scan of the school's  parking lot, I find the black SUV waiting for me.  "You know I can always find my way home right?" I ask in annoyance not really needing an answer I return "Well Maby, the Misters in the house don't trust you. You could run off or something." Chev answers back in response. I know a lot of things seem confusing right now, but you'll get caught up.  "I really don't give a damn about who trusts me or who doesn't trust me. All I know is that I don't need any personal chauffeur. " With that said, I block my ears with my ear plugs because I'm in no mood to talk to anyone, not even myself.  Getting to the house and I'm not surprised it's noisy. The guys are drinking and are being obnoxiously loud about it, and the music is the most annoying thing. I'm really grateful for the soundproof room.  We work for many rich businessmen but we are currently on a job for an Italian businessman, MR Piero Giovanni. A rich family man, into all kinds of business and also politics but your hands can never stay clean with that kind of money and that many businesses. I'm part of a group which a better word for gang that does all the dirty for this rich, rich men. The story pf my mother was a lie but I couldn't tell Amara the truth because of her own safety. The main reason we moved here is because we have some dirty work to do for MR Giovanni, once that has been done, I'm out like Ciara.  Closing my eyes, I lie back in my head and begin to wonder how I would have been if I had a normal life or if my life would ever become normal with the rate at which it was going. Been f****d up from birth, might as well be till death and even unto death.                                          ****************************************************************** Mabel's POV Present Day I guess I was right when I thought and assumed that I would remain f****d up even unto death, because it's looking like my life is headed in that direction. I hear the trees rustling and that makes me scared even though I know it might be a bird or a monkey because I've seen them a few times, I still get scared.  Amara never showed any signs of being wicked but I know that she would have found out one way or another that it was me and it's only safe to assume she will want revenge after how she treated me despite all the oppositions from people around her. I take another look at the trees when I hear another rustling but see nothing. I'm getting unnerved by that and so I quickly go inside whilst considering how much time I have left to remain hidden because some part of me knows I'll get caught one day, not yet but one day. That will either be by the cops or by Amara herself. Some parts of me, who am I kidding, my whole being hopes and prays the cops do before Amara does because I really don't know what will happen when she does and I know it's going to be anything but good or nice even.
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