Helping Isn't Always The Best

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Amara's  POVMarch 4th 2011 Alcott is one of the funniest people I have ever met. I even introduced him to my group of friends and they all like him. He is a cool guy and plus it makes it easier to link him up with Mabel. Speaking of linking up, I'm seeing some extra closeness between Thea and Cairo. What can I say, cupid has been doing a good job since Valentine's day was just last month. I'll ask her about it later on or I'll just wait to see if she'll tell me herself. I guess I'll wait for her to tell me herself. After all, we are twins, not actual twins but that's what we call ourselves so she is supposed to trust me enough to confide in me. If not anyone else but me because of the level of our closeness. Putting Thea's issue to the back of my mind, I think about Mabel and I get highly worried about her. Ever since the day she spoke to me about her crush on Alcott, she hasn't been to school and I don't know where she lives. I have tried calling her but it isn't going through, I really hope she is okay.  I've been hinting to Alcott about a cute girl having a major crush on him. Also, I asked him what his type was and funny enough, he didn't seem like the type of guy to be interested in certain types of women. He says he is more attracted to personality than physique. The whole Calculus partner thing has been a cool thing because I'm really smart and so is Alcott. Thea has been keeping up really fast with her extra Calculus assignment but at this rate, I think Mabel will probably drown in hers but I'm ready to help in anyway possible.  I'm in the locker room presently getting changed for basketball practice, so I push all irrelevant thoughts to the back of my mind so I can focus fully at practice today. I love playing basketball, it's one thing I really love doing the most and it makes me so happy. You can say I'm a different type of girl. Not really the type of girl to spend all day talking about boys, my preferred style of dressing is what people will call street wear but sometimes I dress in a girly way. I'm interested in basketball and not cheer leading and by the way, I'm very straight. I don't have anything against homosexuals, I'm  not homophobic or anything but it's just that all the things I've listed that I'm interested in doesn't seem so girly so I just had to clear up a few things for you guys.  Anyways, I'm on the court right now and coach isn't in a good mood. You could say I'm the shooting guard on the court. I'm really good at shooting, I'm a good shooter, 3 points, 2 points, but I'm more of a three pointer. I consider myself a good dribbler but coach keeps me here after practice to work on my dunking which I as a person really hate because it takes so much energy.  " Hey coach Vera", I wave at my coach. " Tyrese, hope you surprise me today with some dunking because that's what I'd like to see." I give her a mock salute before taking my place on the court. She gives me a head shake before beginning practice.                                               ******************************************************** After practice and I'm seated in the locker room trying to gather all the strength I have left so I can drive without having any accidents. Coach Vera was extra hard on us today because of our game that's taking place at the end of the semester. Can't blame her. We've won state championships for the past five years in a row so there's a reputation to keep. Thea already told me she'll be sleeping over at my house today, maybe she will tell me about Cairo. Since it's Friday, my best guess is that she probably will spend the weekend at my house. Looking at how much time I spent at practice, she most likely will be at my house already. True to my guess, I drive into the compound and I see her car parked in the garage. Putting my car to a stop beside hers, I get down and head in through the garage door that lead to the kitchen.  "THEA!! Where are you?" " I know you did not just enter this house screaming without even greeting me." I turn and see my Nana seated at the kitchen island seeping tea.  " Hi Nana. How are you doing? I know you missed me so I'm not going to ask if you missed me" "W hat a saucy and proud child", I hear Thea say as she walks into the kitchen.  "Tell me about it." She gives my Nana a long hug before pecking her cheek an telling her she loves her. "Aww, I love you too child" "Hey, stay away from my Nana", I push Thea away, or try to so I can hug my Nana.  "She's mine," I say as I stick my tongue out at Thea. "No, she's mine. You steal my Nana and I steal yours" " Aww girls, I'll be both your Nana. Angelica and I love you so very much." She pecks us both on the cheek before pushing us away. "Alright, nice Nana is gone. You all were just about to squish me to death."  We laugh at her before going up to my room. "Your freaky friend hasn't been to school since. Do you know what happened to her?" "Nope. I don't know where she lives and her lines are not going through." "HAHA. And you say you are friends. There is definitely plenty fishy about everything you have just said" "It could be her parents are not as rich as the rest of us parents are. I mean each and everyone of us parents are well established. It may not be the same story for hers and that could be the reason why she hasn't said where she lives." " You can keep making up silly excuses for your freaky friend but I have told you exactly how it is and if you decide not tot accept it, then it's all on you baby girl." I ignore her and get into the shower because I feel dirty and stinky. Once I'm out, I see Thea laying awkwardly on my bed and that tells me she has something she wants to tell me.  "Mars, I have something I want to tell you." She sits cross-legged and faces me but doesn't start talking until I sit across from her.  "Ok so, I like Cairo and he likes me back but we want to take it slow to get used to each other in the other sense." "What other sense?", I ask her while smirking "You know what I mean. Don't be stupid Mars",  "Well, I have no idea what you are talking about", I say holding in my laughter.  Thea is not the type of person to go deep into details. She prefers to say things while giving hints so you will be able to piece it together yourself and understand what she is saying, but I want her to explain everything to me in details. " Urgh, you insufferable b***h", she says to me. "But that is your title girlfriend", she gives me an eyeroll before moving on. "Anyways, what I meant was yet to understand each other on a romantic level. We are not official yet but we wanted you guys to know first", "Why are you guys waiting for our approval. If it makes you guys happy then so be it. I'm genuinely happy for you guys" She smiles at me and then we begin to talk about random stuffs                                                ******************************************************** It's nine pm currently and there is a crazy ruckus going on downstairs. I go downstairs about to shout on Wyatt because it will most likely be him making such loud noise this late. He has been home for the past week and is going back on Monday. I go downstairs with Thea on my tail and to my surprise, I see my brother with the boys watching  a match on the television.  "When did you guys get here?", I ask them "We actually have been here since six pm but we saw Wyatt who invited us to come watch the game. We actually would have come up to your room but the match comes up first." I roll my eyes at Vance and take a seat on the floor in front of my brother, while Thea takes a seat beside Cairo. I'll tease her about that later.  We ordered pizza, Dr. pepper and wings so our mouths won't be bored. Halfway through, Roman speaks up "OK, I'm sorry but I can not keep quiet any longer. What is going on between Cairo and Thea? I'm sorry I just have to know." Thea goes red at his question which is a first and I burst out laughing "Well. why don't you guys answer us." I urge them  "Wow, Thea is red.That's a first", we all laugh at Vance's comment.  "We were actually going to tell you guys that we are about to go official," Cairo speaks up first "What do you mean by official? Did you guys get a job or something as partners?" "My goodness Roman, are you so dumb or what?" Westin exclaims "I just want to be sure it's what I'm actually thinking it is before i jump into conclusions" "Yes Roman it is what you are thinking. Thea and I are dating but we wanted to let you guys know first before going official" "Well, we wish you guys best of luck together as one but as a brother to a brother, your girl is one crazy lady", Roman says to Cairo while fake whispering the last part "Hey!! I heard that dumbass".  "Do you see what I'm saying bro. I wish you best of luck", he says with a fake cracked voice. We all burst out laughing at his theatrics. "Ya'll are one cool but crazy bunch", my brother says to us. Wyatt leaves us after sometime to go to bed and we just turn off the television and joke around with ourselves.                                                                                                          ****************************************************  I wake up with a serious neck discomfort and that is not so shocking considering where and how I slept off. I push Vance's leg off of me and go into the kitchen to get a class of water. I head back into the lounging room and a smile makes its way to my face because I just had a great idea on how to wake up my friends. I stand on the center table and scream at the top of my lungs. "FIREE!!! FIREE!!! EVERYONE OUT NOW!!", they all jump up and begin to run around screaming. I could not help but scream laugh and that makes them all stop in their tracks. "OH my goodness. Ya'll should have seen you faces. HAHA!! Westin, you turn into an actual woman whenever we are in a dangerous situation. Oh my goodness, that was golden. Thankful for the cctv because I'm going to get this video off of it and post it straight on my i********: story", I walk out of the room while wiping away tears from my eyes. I don't even get to take two more steps before I'm being dragged back into the room and gang beaten up by all of them with pillows. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," After they were satisfied, I was let go.  "Why don't we all spend the day out. From breakfast to dinner", Vance suggest and everyone agrees with him "Yeah, all except Mara because she is on the ignore list for the day", and everyone agrees with Roman.  "Aww come on. It was a pretty good thing though. Don't worry, when I post the video, you'll see."  They all ignore me and agree we are leaving for I-hop first in about one hours time. They all are being babies but the will get over it in a few minutes. I head up to my room to get dressed and changed and Thea tells me straight up how dope my pants and shoes are. I'm wearing an army cargo pants, with an armless tube top and nike air force. I finish off my look with a bucket hat. I love those. "Thanks, you look fresh too", I told you they'll get over it soon. Thea is almost wearing the same thing except she is wearing a turtle neck top.  We all meet again in the lounge and head out in my dad's SUV because that's what we all can fit into. Cairo takes the wheel while we all file in to the back and let Thea have the passenger seat.                                              ********************************************************* We've had breakfast and now it's almost three. Currently at the mall about to watch a movie before something catches my eye. I see a girl wearing all black in the midst of three guys who also are wearing all black. The thing that really catches my eye is the fact that she looks so much like Mabel. I'm about to walk up to her before I hear Roman shout my name and ask me what snack I want for the movie. By the time I'm through with him, I turn back and the girl and the dudes are gone. I follow them and see them all pile into a black range. At this point, I press pause on my investigative instincts and head back into the mall. I can't help but feel like that girl was actually Mabel. I head back to my friends but keep quiet on what I saw because this will just be a other reason for them to tell me to stop hanging with her.                                       ********************************************************* Present Day Amara's POV I did actually start getting suspicious of Mabel at that point because everything about the dressing and their looks and aura didn't seem so casual or innocent but I foolishly decided to trust her since she was my 'friend'. That has always been a weakness of mine. Always being able to see the good in people regardless of anything until I have been able to prove with credible evidence that such person was just plain bad news. I kept everything about that day till this moment a secret from everyone, even from my brother.  I push memories about the past to the back of my mind when I hear the phone ring. "Genesis, what do you have for me?"
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