Chapter 6-Serious Chats

1351 Words
(Johnnie) "Can I get two number ones with cheese and strawberry milkshakes?" My brother asked the guy at the counter before paying and turning back towards me. We had driven for about an hour and ended up at Dad's favorite burger place, d**k's. The burgers here were greasy and delicious..I swear every bite brings me back to my childhood. " can wear my hoodie." My brother suddenly grumbled while glancing towards a group of guys who seemed to be looking our way. "But then you are going to get cold." I stated, making my brother shove the hoodie over my head quickly before I could protest further. Why the heck was he doing that? "I'll be fine.." He mumbled while stepping closer to me. Our food came out pretty quickly and we decided to sit at a small picnic table off to the side. "What are you thinking?" Ben asked just as I took a bite. I swear it took everything in me not to moan from the taste of this burger dancing on my tongue. I had been eating pretty clean lately and I swear I had starvation dreams about this place. "I don't really know..I'm just shocked to be could mom not tell us? Or how the hell did we not even see it coming?" I scoffed, truly baffled by this whole situation. "I have no f*****g clue..Alder was acting a little odd today and didn't come into the office..was Caspian acting weird?" Ben asked, making me pause mid-chew from Caspian being brought up. "Umm..not that I know of..we don't really see each other very often." I said while looking down at my burger. It wasn't a total lie..I don't see him that much..just when I do he is a total jerk face. "I honestly can't believe Viva would be okay with this... Mom was her best friend! what the hell is she thinking.." Ben began to get angry before crumbling up his burger wrapper and placing it on the table. "Here, you can finish mine too." I said, offering the rest of my burger to him as he gladly took it. "Should we call her? Maybe after speaking to Viva, we will know what to do." I whispered, making Ben nod in agreement before pulling out his be honest, if she isn't okay with this..I don't think I can support the wedding. Viva has always been like family and in this case, my mom is definitely in the wrong. Ben pressed her number and put it on speakerphone as we huddled closer together. "Benji, I had a feeling you would call." Viva answered, her voice sounding somewhat sad. "Viva..we just heard..are you seriously okay with this?!" Ben asked, coming in hot as I heard Viva sigh. "Would Dave be my first choice for your mom? No..but if this is what makes them happy, then who am I to come between them?" She asked softly, and I couldn't help but feel my stomach tie into knots..I felt so bad for her. "We only get one life..and I'm not going to waste mine being petty and living in anger..Dave and I separated for many reasons and he is still the father of my kids. I don't wish him any ill intent." Viva continued and I quickly swiped a tear away that had fallen down my cheek. "Vivi..we are on your side with this... You don't have to hold it together for our sakes..we won't attend the wedding if you.." I tried to rush out before she quickly interrupted me. " have to be there for your know it will hurt her if you guys boycott this..Caspian and Alder will be going and they need your support..please. They need you two more than ever right now." Viva said calmly, making me chew my lip as I glanced up at Ben who looked like he could cry at any moment. It broke my heart...He and Viva became really close after Dad died..she was a huge reason he got over the alcohol abuse while my mom tried to cope with everything. "Fine..but if you at any point aren't okay with this..we aren't going..we support you one hundred percent." Ben concluded, and I nodded my head in agreement even though she couldn't see it. "So you won't be going to Florida at all?" I asked...I know it was selfish of me to want her to go with all of this stuff going on..but it just didn't feel right. She had always been there every summer. "Not this time, but Jo..promise me you will let Caspian teach you how to surf this said you would the last three years." She reminded me, making me frown as Ben raised his eyebrow in amusement. Yeah..I pushed it off the last three years because Caspian wanted nothing to do with me and no way was I going to force him to hang out with me. "Do I have to?" I groaned, realizing I let that slip out as Viva laughed over the phone. "Yes..and I need pictures too, lots of them." She added and I reluctantly could I not? After saying our goodbyes and hanging up, Ben and I shared a collective sigh before looking at one another. "I guess we are going then.." He spoke first, making me nod as I looked down at my hands. "What about Robin?" I asked, causing Ben to frown as he turned towards where the car was parked. "I don't know..for her to keep this from me, it's almost like the final straw, ya know?" He stated, prompting me to reach out and grip his hand. I won't lie..I was kind of hoping he would dump her..but I hate seeing my brother upset. "Whatever makes you happy..but can I be honest?" I asked, feeling my stomach twist from what I was about to say. "Of course Jo." He responded and I quickly took a deep breath, trying to psych myself up. "I just feel like since you have been with aren't as happy as you used to be..You just have to ask yourself if this is the woman you can truly see spending the rest of your life with." I rushed out and peeked up at Ben, hoping I didn't make him too angry. "You know..lately I have been asking myself that same question." He laughed before letting his head fall back as a groan escaped him. It's crazy..I swear Ben looks exactly like dad more and more every time I see him. His Blonde hair went to the tip of his ears and his bright blue-grey eyes were staring up at the sky. He had some stubble on his face which made him look even more manly. My brother was Handsome..and I have been reminded of that many, many times by my best friend Anna..but I guess I don't see it like she does..he is my brother after all..I do see his kind heart and goofy personality though..that I cherish more than anything. "Come on kiddo..I guess we better go won't stop texting me. I'm guessing you left your phone at home?" He laughed and I didn't even realize..I guess I did. We walked to the car and got in before Ben turned to me. "This trip will be the last chance I give her..after that, I will call it off if I'm not feeling it." He declared, making me nod and smile softly at him. "I think that's a good idea..but don't put too much pressure on yourself Ben..let's just try and have a good time. This is our summer vacation too.." I tried to cheer him up, and thankfully he gave me one of those warm smiles I cherished so much. "Yeah, and now we are going on it with our future stepdad and stepbrothers!" He said sarcastically before letting out a very sad woohoo that wasn't meant as a cheer. Then it hit me..Caspian and Alder were going to be our stepbrothers. Okay..I already saw Alder as a brother..but Caspian?! No way in hell..oh god..things just got worse..much much worse.
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