Chapter 5-The News

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(Johnnie) I glanced between my mom and Dave King, wondering what he was even doing here. Caspian and Alder's parents had just gone through a divorce this past year but from what I heard, it ended on mutual terms. But I began thinking that maybe Viva hadn't been coming around as much because she was going through a rough time with it lately..I did overhear her telling my mom once that she thinks Dave was having an affair..I was shocked. They seemed so happy for so the perfect family..well, besides Caspian. "Sweetheart wow, look at you!" My mom exclaimed, causing Dave to turn towards me as I swear for a moment their hands had been touching..what the hell was going on? "Sorry, I just had to make a work call..oh..hey Mr. King.." Ben suddenly walked into the room and froze in his tracks as Robin stepped beside him. "Ben, nice to see you. I hope you don't mind me joining you for dinner." Dave said before glancing between my brother and me. "No..of course Alder here too?" Ben asked in confusion, wondering the same thing as me..why would Dave be here alone? "Uh no..I believe he had to go up to the city for something." Dave stated awkwardly before glancing towards my mom. "Come, let's sit down and eat." My mom quickly rushed out as my brother gave me a bewildered look as I just shrugged..that's all I could do. "Heather, let me help you with that." Robin suddenly chirped, her overly sweet tone making me feel sick as I just walked past them and went to the table.. I wanted to hear what Ben and Dave were talking about..that was my top priority right now. "So, are you all excited for the trip?" Dave suddenly asked before glancing towards me as I walked in. I just nodded my head and kept quiet..I guess I almost felt like Dave was kind of a stranger..he would be traveling for work a lot and when he was home, he just seemed to have such a serious presence to him all the time. We mostly dealt with Viva when we were at the seeing him here now..yeah, it was very strange. Even going to Florida, I expected it would be like it always was..My mom and Viva would just lounge around the beach house and drink margaritas all day while Dave went off to do some type of work and we all hung out. "Yeah, I'm really excited to get back on a surfboard, I know Cass was looking forward to it too." Ben said politely as the mention of Caspian made me frown..naturally of course. "What about you Jojo? Are you looking forward to anything?" He suddenly asked me and I swear both Ben and I looked at each other in shock..he has never called me Jojo in my damn life. "Uhh..just being at the beach will be nice." I squeaked, making Dave nod, seeming to be satisfied with my answer. "Okay! It's all ready." My mom said cheerfully before bringing out plates of Chinese food from the restaurant down the street. "It smells wonderful Heth.." Dave complimented her, making my brow furrow with how sweet he was being to her..she didn't even make the food and he was acting like she slaved over the stove all day. "Come on, what are you waiting for? Eat up!" My mom said before clapping her hands and sitting next to Dave. Ben and I shared another look as I was starting to get a sick feeling deep in my stomach. "Are you going to tell us what is going in?" Ben suddenly snapped before looking around the table. Robin just sat there with a smug look on her face..did she already know what was going on? Why was she looking like that? "Well, sweetie..I was thinking after dinner we could..." My mom began, making Ben interrupt her. "Mom..what is this about?" He asked once more..I was proud of Ben for saying what I wish I could..I just felt frozen in usual. "Ben..please don't use that tone of voice with your mother." Dave suddenly butt in, making me look towards him now..what was this? Why was he talking to Ben like a child? He was freaking 25 years old.. "Honey, it's okay." My mom suddenly whispered, making me do a double take..honey?! "Kids..sometimes in life..things don't go exactly the way you expect..and then sometimes, you wake up and realize something amazing has been waiting right in front of you this whole time." My mom began rambling on..making me chew my lip anxiously as my eyes were now glued to the spot where their hands were joined. "You what?!" My brother suddenly shouted before getting up and slamming his palms against the table. "Benjamin Turner, that is enough!" Dave suddenly shouted back before standing and glaring at my brother.. Stupidly the only thing I can think of at that moment was how much Caspian looked like his dad. "What about Viva? She cannot be okay with this!" Ben shouted once again and that's when confusion filled me..okay with what? "We have already spoken to her about it..she has given us her blessing but won't be attending the wedding." My mom spoke softly and that's when I stood now. " wedding?" I asked, making Ben place his hand against his head a she let out a long sigh. "Their wedding Johnnie...they are getting f*****g married in Florida..this whole thing has been a damn setup.." Ben laughed before throwing his hands in the air. I walked around the table, my hand reaching for Ben as I placed it on his arm gently. "Just try to calm down Benji.." I whispered, knowing he had a very bad temper once he reached this point..he kind of had a few instances after Dad died..he had just turned twenty-one and began drinking very heavily..I found him in my room passed out on the foot of my bed on more than one occasion. Ben turned to look me, the anger clearly visible as he slowly began to relax. "Do Alder and Caspian know?" Ben asked more calmly now as my mom and Dave shared a look before nodding. "They are okay with it and will be attending the wedding." Dave informed, making me let out a shuddering breath..did Caspian know earlier? And he didn't even say anything? Maybe that was why he was so mad.. Caspian and his mom were close..really close..and it's hard to believe he would be okay with this. "I can't believe this." Ben sighed, making my mom step towards us. "I know this is hard to accept..but Dave and I..we love one another, and since your dad.." My mom choked out, making my heart ache as Dave went to comfort her. "I just..I never thought I would find love again." She confessed..and I can't lie..I felt conflicted. They are two consenting adults and both single..but still..he was her best friend's husband. How could Mom do this to Viva? "Baby..just give it a can clearly see how happy he makes your mom." Robin suddenly butt in, making Ben look towards her like he just realized she was still here. "Wait..did you..did you know about this?" Ben suddenly asked, causing Robin to open and close her mouth a few times. "Unbelievable..I can't deal with this right now..come on Jo, let's go." Ben suddenly snapped, making me swallow hard before nodding my head and turning towards him. That's when my mom reached out and gripped my hand. " will come to the wedding right? I need you there..I want you to be my maid of honor." She rushed out but before I could answer Ben took my other hand and started pulling. "Just give us a few hours to think..please mom.." He snapped and then we left the house, the sound of my mom crying playing over and over in my mind as I couldn't get what Robin said out of my head. My mom has been happier lately..a lot happier..and I just thought she was finally coming out of the lowest point of her life..was that all thanks to Dave? "Jo..what the hell are we going to do?" My brother rushed out. "Funny..I was just going to ask you that.." I laughed..feeling like our lives had just been flipped upside down once again..
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