Chapter 7-Early Morning

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(Johnnie) "Johnnie..get your ass up! We are going to be late." Ben yelled into my room before flicking the lights on, causing me to groan. "I changed my mind, I don't want to go." I grumbled while shoving the pillow over my head.. It's freaking 4 a.m. and I hate waking up early..I just can't do it..who books a flight for 7 in the morning?! That settles it..Dave King is just as bad as his son..they must've teamed up to torture me. "Jojo, we are not going without's already stressing the hell out and the Kings are on the way. You have fifteen minutes.." Ben said once more, making me turn my head to look at his stupid smiling can he be so happy right now?! "Fine..I will be right down." I grumbled..maybe it didn't help that I stayed up until midnight talking with Anna about my game plan. She helped me pick out the outfit to wear and everything over video chat. I threw the blankets off of me before making my bed really quickly and heading down the hall to the bathroom. We would be staying in Florida for three weeks and I can't lie..I was going to miss our house. On the way to the bathroom, I stopped for a moment, turning towards the framed pictures on the wall. "Love you, dad." I whispered before reaching my hand out and placing my fingers over Dad's smiling face. It was a picture we had taken while camping and my dad had just helped me catch a trout. It was a sense this almost felt like we were truly leaving Dad behind this time..maybe it's because Mom has finally moved on. After coming back home the other night, Mom sat Ben and me down before explaining everything to us. Mom said that earlier this year, she ran into Dave during a work trip coincidentally, and then things just escalated from there. They have officially been dating for three months..three whole freaking can you hide something like that?! But that explains why Viva stopped coming around..Mom didn't talk much about fact..she avoided it altogether. I walked to the bathroom and quickly hopped into the shower before rinsing off. That definitely helped to wake me up even though my stomach started to feel sick. I don't know what it was..but whenever I wake up really early, I feel super nauseated. After toweling off and dressing in the black leggings and blue long-sleeved t-shirt Anna picked, I checked myself out in the mirror. Anna wanted me to wear freaking short shorts and I opted for this. I turned slightly, admiring my curvy hips and firm butt as I brushed out my hair and grabbed my toothbrush, doing that next. "Come on Jo the cars here!" Mom yelled up the stairs as my nerves began to flood through me. This trip was going to be totally different than the past summers..this one would change everything..and I hope at the end of it, I come out in one piece..because I have a feeling Caspian is going to keep his word and try to make my life a living hell..well buckle up buddy, because I won't take it lying down..not this time. I walked out of the bathroom and rushed down the stairs just as I saw Alder step through the front door. His black hair, just like his dad and brother's, was styled perfectly and slicked back. His light brown eyes locked onto mine as the warmest smile filled his face before he looked me up and down. Yeah..Alder was freaking gorgeous..he was a little shorter than Caspian and didn't seem to have as much muscle, but he was definitely fit. "Wow Jo, you look amazing, come here." He said happily before walking up to me and pulling me into a hug. I couldn't help but sigh, his warm hugs always making everything better as I finally felt excited to go on this trip for the first time since mom told us about the wedding. Alder was like another brother to me..he was always so warm and supportive...he even called me every now and then just to check up. We are definitely close..and now that he was going to be my stepbrother..I guess that is one positive out of all of this...but the knowledge that Caspian will be too is still putting that bitter taste in my mouth that I'm trying so hard to swallow. "You don't have a jacket?" He asked with a raised eyebrow before glancing down at me once more. "I can grab one." I responded, feeling my cheeks warm as his gaze seemed to settle on my chest for a moment. The shirt was pretty tight around my bust, but this was the best option out of the others that Anna wanted me to wear.. "Yeah, might be best." He stated before clearing his throat and letting me go. I quickly walked to the coat closet and grabbed one of Dad's black hoodies and slipped it on. "Much better..come on, you can sit by me in the back." He added cheerfully before wrapping an arm around my shoulders and tugging me outside. That's when I saw him.. Caspian was standing by the back of the car and was putting our luggage in. Coincidently, he was also wearing a black hoodie and some sweats..but on him, he looked like he should be modeling the clothes for some type of magazine shoot. His wavy hair appeared to be wet and went past his ears as my eyes traveled to his face, making me almost miss a step as those dark blue orbs snapped over to me. I hastily averted my gaze and was soon left speechless once again when I saw the second person I despised the most in the world standing by the car..freaking Milo Scott..why..why the hell was he here?! I watched as Milo smiled brightly, his green eyes lighting up as I couldn't help but glare at him.. "Turner, long time no see." He said happily as I just nodded my head and ducked into the suv. Inside waiting was Robin and Ben in the third row with Mom and Dave in the front. "Hey kiddo. You excited to go?" Dave suddenly asked, making me nod my head and muster a smile. "Yeah, thanks again for setting all of this up." I said politely, making Dave turn and smile at me happily. He was already holding Mom's hand and I tried so hard not to be weirded out by it. "Scoot over Turner, I will sit by you." Milo suddenly stated before hopping in the car..but before he could jump in fully, someone grabbed his hoodie and yanked him back, making my eyes widen. "No, you are sitting by me." Caspian spoke up, his gaze seeming to avoid me now as he shoved Milo into his designated seat before sliding in next to him. Next Alder came in and sat next to me, making my body relax as I looked over at him and smiled. "This is going to be a great summer..I just know it." Alder whispered close to my ear. His warm breath tickled my neck as I was about to say something but was rudely interrupted by a loud scoff. Caspian turned slightly, his arm resting against the back of the seat as his head was now facing us. I couldn't help but glance at the black ink that was swirling on his neck. The sight of it made my throat go dry as I cursed myself for that reaction..remember Johnnie..he might be hot, but he is also an ass.. "Can we please keep the optimistic outlooks to ourselves..some of us are trying to be realists here." He stated to Alder with a cocky grin before Alder shook his head and laughed. "I am being a realist..MY summer is going to be great..I didn't say s**t about yours." Alder shot back before lifting his arm, placed it over my shoulders, and then pulled me into his side. Alder has always been friendly like this with I didn't feel weird about it at all. Caspian seemed to not like it though..and the only reason I can think of is because he probably thinks I'm trying to get between them or something. I watched as Caspian's jaw ticked before he shot me a nasty look and turned back around. What did I do?! "Yeah..I know one thing that's going to make my summer better.." Caspian grumbled to himself, making me swallow hard as I could only guess what he was talking about..and I'm sure it involved torturing me..
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