Chapter 5

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my blurry surroundings. When everything became clear, I immediately closed my eyes due to the sudden brightness of the room. I cautiously peeked again through my eyelashes, and gradually my vision adjusted to the light. The room was stark white with pale blue accents, sterile, and cold. As my senses returned,I became aware of the beeping noises and the slightly unpleasant smell of antiseptic. I was lying in an unfamiliar bed, and I was hooked up to various medical equipment. Panic started to rise in my chest as I struggled to remember how I ended up there. I tried to piece together the events of the previous day, but fear struck my soul when I realized that my mind was blank and that not only could I not remember anything from the previous day, but I also did not remember anything at all. I tried to sit up, but my body was unresponsive and heavy. My ears perked up when I heard some movement and sound from outside the room; there were people having a conversation in front of the door. As I strained to listen, their voices became clearer. It was a voice that I could not recognize, but it was that of a male and a female. There seemed to be an argument taking place between both of them, and it was because of me. “Runia, you are taking this kindness too far. First you say that you just want her to stay till she gets better, but now you are even thinking of keeping her. It is not possible, you can’t just bring in a rogue to the pack: what if she is a spy?”The male voice outside questioned, and the female person was called Runia. “Before she was unconscious, she asked for help, and when I decide to help someone, I help all the way.” Said Runia. “Runia, how do you know she doesn’t have a home? Hmm, how are you sure that she would even want us to keep her? Did she tell you herself?” The man questioned. “No, she didn't, but I can feel it in my spirit, and you know I am never wrong about these things. You know that." “Even if she needs a home, Runia, it does not mean we can just take her in, we do not know her background or her character." “Well we can find that out when she wakes up." “She might be dangerous," he said. “She can't possibly do anything; she is weak," Runia said to reassure Vienn. “You don't know that," Vienn said with a slightly raised tone. “So are you mad at me, V?” From the way her voice was cracking up, it was obvious she was crying. The man outside gave a helpless sigh. “Yes Runia, I am mad at you, you did not even ask me before you brought this rogue into our pack grounds. We are lucky that the rogue lying there and asking for help was not a trap set by the enemy, or else, with your actions, we would have been finished. You could at least tell me," he said in annoyance. I imagined him holding the bridge of his nose. “At least go see how she looks like V, if you see her, I am sure you would have felt the need to rescue her just like I did. I could not help it. I am sorry," Runia said. “It's okay," he said reassuringly. “Thanks, V, Muah," she said happily. “Well let us go see her, she has been clearly awake for a while now. Hearing this, I did not know what to do, I also could not hide, but from the conversation I heard outside, I guessed the lady would not let that roguish man hurt me. As they were about to enter my room, they met a woman in a white robe outside; they addressed her as the pack doctor, and they then decided to enter my room together. When they entered, I looked at them with a confused gaze. I was also defensive in case the woman could not stop her roguish partner from attacking me. When they entered completely, I was able to see them very well. The woman looked about thirty; she had dark brown hair and dark eyes; her round face made her look especially cute, and I felt the need to protect her; while the man, on the other hand, was huge; he had dark green eyes and also dark brown hair. I hissed at him when I caught him looking at me with a murderous gaze. I was so not afraid of his big body. The man looked at me vigilantly, ready to attack at any moment. He was just waiting for me to make a suspicious move; I already understood his intentions from his first look. The pack doctor, who looked completely clueless about the tension in the room, went ahead to check my vitals, and when she confirmed everything was all good, she decided to take her leave. “Wait," I said, which caused the pack doctor to stop. “Why can't I move?” I asked, feeling all nervous. Did they do something to me? I thought. Hearing my question, the pack doctor turned back and smiled. “You are still weak and recovering; when you regain your strength, you will get back your mobility, dear," she said, to which I nodded too. When the pack doctor was finally out, Runia quickly made her way to sit beside my bed. Seeing this, the man tried to stop her, but she was too fast. Seeing that he could not restrain his very excited mate, Vienn shook his head at her patronizingly with a smile and decided to keep on standing. He then resumed looking at me with his murderous gaze. Runia then held my dainty-looking hands, and she gave me a warm smile, which made me calm down a little. “What is your name, darling?” She asked me, which earned her another look of confusion from me: What does she mean? What is my name? I did not even know my name "Who are you guys?”I asked in return. “Answer her question first,” Vienn said in an aggressive way, which scared me. Why did he have to be so mean? This caused Runia to look at him accusingly, and he looked at her feeling wronged. “I don't know my name," I told them. “Stop playing games, kid," Vienn said because he thought I was lying. “I am not playing, I can't remember a thing." Now it was Runia and Vienn’s turn to be confused; they looked at each other before they looked back at me. “What do you mean you don't remember anything, darling?” Runia asked. “I am not lying, I don’t remember anything. Did you guys take me?” I asked. This caused Runia to grow concerned for me, she immediately called for the pack doctor, and for the first time since I met them, Vienn supported Runia’s decision. Runia did it out of care, while Vienn just wanted to make sure that I was not lying to them. The pack doctor came in no time and did another checkup on me. After her test, she confirmed to Runia and Vienn that indeed, I could not remember a thing. This made Runia feel sorry for me, and Vienn lowered his guard. “How come” Runia asked? “It is not a medical thing, Luna.By the looks of it, she probably had a spell placed on her by an enemy of hers,” the pack doctor said, which shocked Vienn and Runia. “How do you know an enemy of hers did this?" Vienn asked. “Her wolf is gone, Alpha," the pack doctor said, which shocked Runia and Vienn even more. “This can't be," Runia said, while I grew more scared because of the expression on their faces. Something terrible must have happened to me, I thought. “Yes, Luna, the curse placed on her will cause her to lose her memory and her wolf." This statement caused the kind Runia to cry on my behalf; she was so softhearted. This caused me to be confused. “What is a wolf?” I asked. This caused Runia to tear up even more. “Honey it is a long explanation; all I can say is that it is a huge part of you," said Runia. “So how will I get it back? I asked with tears threatening to fall from my eyes.” I did not know what having a wolf meant, but I just felt unreasonable pain for being told I lost it. “Dear, the only way that I know of is if the person who cast the spell on you retracts it." The pack doctor said this, which made me completely lose hope. Is this how I was going to be clueless for the rest of my life? And my wolf—no wonder I felt a part of me missing. I shed tears of sorrow for my lost wolf and memory. I was in a new place, and I did not even know who to trust. Why did I have to be so unlucky? “Don't cry, darling; everything will be okay." Runia said this in an attempt to comfort me, but this just made me cry even more. “How about we take you in?" Runia asked me, which caused a look of defiance from Vienn. “Common V, she has no home," Runia begged. “We can take her to the human world; she is one of them, and I am sure she will find a family that will take care of her there." Vienn sighed. “You don't get it, V.Even if her wolf is gone, it won't deny the fact that she is one of us, how could we just leave her to those humans?" Runia tried to convince Vienn. “Even though she is one of us, Runia, you don’t know what she had done that caused such punishment on her. What if the person that did this is still out for her? It would bring trouble to the pack." “Well you should have told me so earlier—that you are a coward; you are not even willing to help someone just because you are scared.” Runia said this while looking disappointed at Vienn. "Okay, okay. She can stay." This made Runia beyond satisfied; she looked at me with an anticipating gaze, which scared me a little. “Are you willing to stay with us?" Runia asked once again, to which I nodded in response, not because I liked the couple, especially that man, and I wanted to be far away from him, but because I did not have the luxury to say no. This caused Runia to jump up with joy. “Honey, since you have no name, how about we call you Ava?” She asked. "Ava, hmm. I like it very much.” I said it was a pretty and simple name. “Ava it is!" said the now-clapping Luna; this caused Vienn to roll his eyes at her. After giving me something to eat, they all left my room so that I could have some rest.
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