Chapter 6

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2 years later—Blue Moon Pack “Javiel'' James called out when he entered Javiel’s office. Javiel was sitting beside the window, deep in a daze, as the moonlight cascaded a layer of frostiness onto his already cold gaze. Hearing James call out for him, Javiel turned around. “Any news?”Javiel asked with no expression on his face. He did not specify, but James knew he was asking about Ifrenia and if they were any closer to finding her. “Sorry Javiel,” hearing this, the room suddenly felt ten times colder. “So you mean to tell me that after two years, two freakin years, you cannot locate a bunch of rogues?” Javiel questioned James in a very low and cold voice. He stood up, and his large frame towered over James. He then looked down at James with a very threatening look. “It's like they disappeared into thin air; we tried our best," James explained. “You will continue searching," Javiel said as he sat back down nonchalantly. “But Javiel," James protested. “You. Will. Continue.The. Search." He said each and every word without giving James any room for objection, which caused James to sigh. The elders called for a council meeting; they are in the meeting room right now," James said, which made Javiel smirk evilly. “Those old farts still don’t know what's good for them," he said before he stood up and strode out. Ever since the incident, a heavy shadow had fallen over Javiel’s heart, and although he was no stranger to darkness, a new level of coldness engulfed him. His temper became worse, and he did nothing but work hard to become more powerful. He lost all of his feelings when he figured out that his mother, whom he had been searching for the whole time, died in the hands of his father due to the torture that his father inflicted on her. Out of anger, Javiel killed his father and officially became the new Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack. Seeing that Javiel was a new Alpha, other packs wanted to use it as an opportunity to intimidate the new Alpha, but Javiel really made them run with their tails between their legs, he had become so powerful that other packs did not dare mess with him. Seeing how he ruled with an iron fist, some elders were dissatisfied, but Javiel always put them in their place. Within the pack, even Javiel’s closest friend James did not dare question Javiel’s decisions or defy his commands, even though he had extreme dissatisfaction with Javiel using half of his power just to search for her. Immediately after Javiel showed up in the meeting room, the air was filled with tension, and the elders looked at each other. The air crackled with invisible energy as Javiel sat on his Alpha’s throne, his cold, dark eyes surveying the room. He lazily rested his arms on the armrest and looked as if he were watching a show. James also took his seat. “Alpha, we as elders have agreed that we should all put a stop to this madness. The energy and warriors that you are mobilizing to search for this mate of yours have been wasted over the years. We could have easily used this powerlessness to make us unmatchable in the werewolf kingdom. We have to put a stop to this." One of the elders said it in a careful tone. “Since you claim that we are not powerful enough, Elder Jonathan, why don’t you tell me which pack dared mess with me in my territory?” Javiel asked with a frightened look on his face. As he released a round of pressure, the elders started to sweat, and it felt like something heavy was pressing down on their heads. Seeing how weak they were, he took back the pressure, which made everyone else in the room sigh in relief. “There will be no further discussions on this issue," Javiel said, standing up to leave. “Javiel" James called out cautiously, which made him stop. “It had been two years since she disappeared. I understand that she was your mate, but you rejected her, Javiel. Using all our manpower to search for someone who does not have any relations to our pack is absurd. Let us not forget the fact that she might already be dead. Our search effort has yielded no results, and the longer we continue, the more lives we put at risk." James said, but what James said hit really deep in Javiel's heart, and he did not want to hear or think of Ifrenia as dead. Javiel's hands tightened into a fist, his knuckles turning white. The silence was deafening, and the air was heavy almost instantly when James said that. Javiel released another round of pressure, only this time it was heavier than the other one he released earlier. The elders and James started sweating, and the air became hard to breathe in. ‘Thump’ James's knees forcefully hit the ground as he was forced to kneel because of the pressure. He started sweating, and it felt like a boulder was pressing on him. That was how powerful Javiel was; the fact that no other werewolf had Javiel’s ability to release pressure was a gift from the moon goddess to Javiel. “You dare question my resolve?” Javiel’s voice sliced through the silence like a blade, and his eyes bore into James, their intensity magnified by his heightened powers. “I, dare not Alpha, am just thinking for your interest and for the pack.”James struggled to speak, as the pressure was still on him. A dangerous glimmer appeared in Javiel’s eyes, and in one swift motion, his hands shot out, wrapping around James' throat, cutting off whatever James wanted to say next. “You think I am not a suitable Alpha hmm?I am distracted by a woman, that is what you all think, right?” He said it in a cold tone, which caused the elder to deny it repeatedly. “We dare not, Alpha." “You fools underestimate the depths of my determination, whether she is dead or alive,rejected or not, you must find her and find those rogues, and if you are dissatisfied with my reign, you can always challenge me to a duel," he said. The room fell into an oppressive silence as Javiel released his hard grip on James neck, allowing James to stumble backwards, gasping for air. The message was clear: disobedience would not be tolerated, even from his closest confidant. Javiel’s icy demeanor and newfound strength had reached an alarming level, striking fear into the hearts of the elders. They were scared about how he got stronger day by day, and they could not even see the depths of his power. They looked at the clear view of Javiel’s back in fear as he walked out nonchalantly, as if he did not terrorize the whole group of elders and his right-hand man. James, on the other hand, looked at Javiel with a hint of sadness. Days turned into weeks and months. Once again, Javiel threw himself into his work, trying to distract himself from his thoughts. He spent long meetings with his advisors, training with his warriors, patrolling the borders of his territory, and fending off rogues. His hatred for rogues grew tenfold after the fall of Ifrenia and her family. So anytime he encountered rogues, he would let his anger take over and let out some anger by ripping them apart. But no matter how hard he tried, how many rogues he killed, or how long he worked, he would always think of Ifrenia and could not shake off the memories of her. The day he was told about her being missing, she hunted him day and night. He just wished he had stopped them from going on a run that day. He regretted rejecting their mate bond, and maybe if he had not, he would have found her by
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