Chapter 4

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Mum had to control herself not to let out a loud cry so that their hiding place would not be discovered. She placed her hand on her mouth to stop herself from letting out a sob, but she could not control her tears, and her body quivered with each sob, and her gentle, radiant spirit dimmed by the weight of her anguish. “Mum, what's wrong?” I worriedly asked her, as I was confused as to why her mom suddenly started crying. “Your dad...:" " What? What happened to Dad and Mom?”I asked as fear gripped my spirit, for I already feared the worst had happened. “We don't have time, '' my mother said while scanning the ground for a rock. She eventually found one and held my hand. I then dragged her hand away from Mom’s hand. “No, Mom, tell me what happened to Dad," I insisted. “Darling there is no time for this, they will soon find us, and then it is over," Mom said as she grabbed my hand one more time with tears falling down her face. I felt heartbroken, as I knew something must have happened to Dad for Mom to be acting that way. She took the rock and made a deep s***h on my right arm, and she did the same to herself. “Ouch!” I flinched in pain. “What are you doing, mom?" I asked her. “Trust me, honey," she said, to which I nodded. My mom’s diamond orbs suddenly turned a shade of gray, which caused me to look at her in confusion. She started to mumble words that sounded like gibberish to my ears. "Mum?" I called out unsurely, as I had never seen that side of my mom before. Mom then rested her bleeding palm on my bleeding arm and continued with her gibberish sayings. It took a while, and after Mother was done, she lifted up her palm, and what I saw was not the deep gash of the wound; instead, I saw a beautiful moon tattoo, while my mother’s bleeding palm became much worse. I looked at her mom with worry and was confused about what she had done to me. “I have placed a seal on you, darling, to change your scent and your looks." Hearing this, I rushed to the puddle of water near the entrance of the cave and looked at my reflection. I took a step back in fear when I realized that my once beautiful diamond orbs were now black, my white hair had turned ginger, my once beautiful bronze skin had now become pale, and my facial structure was completely different. I touched my face in horror, and I was bewildered by what mom had done to me. I crawled back to my mother and held her hands desperately. “Why did you do all this, Mom?" I asked her. “To protect you, so that they wouldn’t find you, my sweet child." “But protect me from who, mom?" I asked. “Those rogues, Ifrenia, did not just attack out of hatred or coincidence; they were sent to take something from us by a very dangerous person, and he would do anything to get it." But if he gets that thing, the entire werewolf kingdom will be at risk, darling." Said mom, who was now getting weaker and weaker. Seeing this, my sobs grew louder. Mom took off the necklace that has always been on her neck. She opened my palm, placed it in, and closed it. “Promise me, honey, that you will always have this with you and that you will never take it off." " Mu. “Promise me,” she interrupted. “I promise, Mum," I said in between sobs, which caused Mum to finally smile. I then put the necklace around my neck. “This seal, Ifrenia, will make you forget Javiel and everything you have ever known; your wolf will be gone; your mating ceremony with Javiel will not take place." This caused me to look at her in shock. How could she do that to me? "What? Mum, no, you can't do that. You can't do that." I kept on saying that my world suddenly came crashing down, and I couldn't believe what was happening. “Darling you need to forget everything and leave for a better life, and Javiel, Javiel does not deserve you, he rejected my darling daughter," Mom cried. “But I still love him, mom.” “If you do, then you will run as far away from him as you can, if you don't, Frenia, Javiel will die. The person who is responsible for this will do anything to get what he wants, including killing your mate, Frenia. Honey, I want you to be safe. I also want the people around you to be safe, so you have to hide.” She explained with tears streaming down her cheeks. “But mom, I can't survive without everybody," I said. “Honey you have to live for your dad and I, you have to live for us and all the other pack members that died protecting us," she said in a pleading tone while holding my hand as tight as she could. “But mom," I said as tears fell from my eyes. “You can do this, darling; Frenia, darling, I will distract them, and you will run, do not ever look back; just run," Mom said, to which I objected. “I don’t want to do that, mom,”I cried. “You have to, darling, one of us must survive." “You will turn back to your wolf, and you will keep running. Run as far as you can go, don’t stop until you reach somewhere safe. As soon as you find a safe place, you will forget everything, the seal will take effect, and your wolf will be gone." Hearing this, I felt like my life was over. “Now shift one last time and run for your life," Mom said, to which I barely nodded in response. I locked my mom in a deep embrace before I shifted back, and in that dark cave stood my beautiful silver-white wolf. I cried, knowing that it was the last time I was going to shift, maybe the last time I was ever going to have a family, and I was all alone. I watched my mom run out of the cave to go meet the rogues. I took a deep breath before I ran out as fast as I could. I ran in the opposite direction of my pack; I was not meant to ever go back to that pack again or see Javiel. When I thought of Javiel, my already fragile heart once again shattered into a million pieces. He had always been with me since we were little; he did not know, but he was my support system, and the thought alone of not seeing him again hurt every inch of my body. But I knew that by the time I got to my destination, I would forget everything. I abruptly came to a halt when my mother's scream of agony resonated around the forest. I felt terrible goosebumps when I thought of my mother's pain. I felt so empty, but I knew that I had to survive for those who lost their lives in the battle and give them justice. I hoped that one day I would remember once again so that I could give them justice. I ran and ran for days; I only took stops when I needed some rest. My wolf was extremely tired, and it has also been helping me fend off random rogues along the way. I knew my wolf was trying its best to help me one last time before it disappeared. I suddenly reached the border of a pack. I felt safe there; I was already so far from home. With that thought, I collapsed on the thick grass and forcefully opened my eyes when I saw a figure coming my way. It was a she-wolf. I held out my paw and managed to whisper for help before I became unconscious. Knowing that I would forget everything—my mom, my dad, Javiel, my pack, and everyone I had ever loved—it pained me, as I might not be able to get revenge in this life because I would also forget the pain and injustice my parents went through and the trauma that was supposed to follow me for life. When I succumbed to the sweet darkness, I slowly turned back into my human form. *** A She wolf, on the other hand, after sniffing Ifrenia and looking for any form of danger, decided to whisk the unconscious Ifrenia and bring her into the pack, and she took her to see a pack doctor.
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