Chapter 3

1182 Words
Ifrenia’s POV “Dad, please don’t be mad at me; I am sorry." I begged my dad with tears in my eyes. A week had already passed since the incident, and the next day was supposed to be the day of my mating ceremony with Javiel. I did not want to leave on bad terms with my dad. " Frenia How could you lower your worth for someone who does not want you? You disgraced the face of our Moonrise Pack," Dad said. “Yes, I agree, dad, I am a disgrace. I have always been strong, but I can’t seem to find the strength when it comes to Javiel. I tried, dad, but I can’t stop my feelings for him," I said, which caused dad to sigh. " Frenia I only want you to be happy; I don’t want my only daughter to discard her dignity because of a man," my dad said. " Dad I won’t, I promise. Maybe I did before, but I will always have my dignity, and I will always be happy," I said with a smile to my dad. “Okay, if you say so." He finally smiled at me, which made me happy. " Dad I am leaving tomorrow, can we go on one last run before I join the Blue Moon Pack?” I asked with an expectant look on my face. *** I felt the sharp wind brush through my silver-white fur as I ran through the deep woods with both my parents, Gavin and Efraya, by my side. Excitement coursed through my veins, and words alone could not tell how I was feeling at that very moment. I howled in exhilaration as we ventured deeper into the woods, and my parents and some of our pack members began howling along with me. Cassidy decided to stay back as she was caught up in some family business, and I knew she would have wanted to do this with me so bad, but she couldn't. I looked at the beautiful wolf running by my side, who was even more majestic than my wolf; her fur was as white as ever with a few silver strands, and her diamond orbs. Feeling others with wonder, I marveled at her beauty. That wolf was my mother, Luna Efraya. My father’s wolf, on the other hand, was fiery red, as was his attitude, which I inherited from him. We were all so excited, but little did we know that a group of rogues had been tracking our every move, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As I and the pack ventured deeper into the woods, a chilling breeze rustled the leaves, signaling the presence of danger. Dad abruptly came to a halt, followed by my mom and the other pack members. He suddenly showed a defensive stance, and the other pack members followed suit, their muscles tense and their fangs bared, while my mother came to the side, trying to lead me away, which I refused. "Show yourselves" Dad growled, while the other pack members growled in response. The pack's glowing, golden eyes surveyed the darkness, their senses heightened, ready to face the threat that awaited them. "He he he" They heard a sinister laugh, and suddenly from the shadows emerged the rogue werewolves, their eyes gleaming with blood thirst and malevolence, their matted fur and wild eyes a stark contrast to the disciplined and formidable pack. The rogues circled cautiously, attempting to intimidate their targets with a display of aggression. The sudden commotion sent chills down my spine, but at the same time, I could not wait to test out all the training Dad has put me through. The leader who gave the sinister laughter was the first to emerge; he had a deep, long scar at the side of his face, and his left eye was gone, which made him look even more sinister. Dad, who was towering over the pack, let out another fierce growl that echoed through the night, commanding both attention and dominance. With an air of authority, he stepped forward to face the leader of the rogues, his massive frame casting a formidable shadow. The few pack members flanked him, positioning themselves strategically to cover all angles. “What do you seek?” Dad asked while standing in a very defensive stance, and his eyes were filled with vigilance. “You know what we seek," said the leader of the rogue. “Rastle kai ra,”he said in a language unknown to all the pack members, but on both Mum's and Dad’s faces were looks of realization. This made me so confused. “Run!" Dad said to me and mom. “No,” mom replied, she couldn't leave him to face those people alone. “You have to,if they get what they are looking for, it's over. Hearing this, Mom grew emotional, she immediately tried to lead me away, but we were blocked by the rogues. We had to fight our way out. Immediately after the battle ensued, I and my mom got into battle mode, as did everyone else. I smirked as I looked at the stupid wolf in front of me. I violently slashed my claws toward his eyes, and when he tried to avoid my attack, I used that as an opportunity to slam him into the ground. Horror flashed through his eyes as I violently bit at him, and in no time I had his throat slashed with my sharp claws. Just as I was about to face the next rogue, Mom came to drag me away, as she had finally found an opening. “What about Dad?” I asked Mom. “He will be okay, darling, but we need to go now, or the consequences will be unimaginable," Mom said. I nodded in response when I heard this, and we both ran from the battle. I looked back at my dad in worry, to which he used his eyes to reassure me, but I just could not leave, so Mom dragged me as we got further and further away from dad. As we both ran, we realized that we were being followed by some of those rogues. We ran faster and faster, trying our best to lose them. Even though I wanted to face them, my mother did not let me. I wondered why Mother was running, as she alone could take on all the wolves who were after us. The moonlight cascaded on our white furs as we ran deeper and deeper into the forest in hopes of finding a hiding place. After a few hours of running, I and Mom eventually found a well-hidden cave and decided to hide there. We were exhausted, and we decided to take a seat when we both transformed into our human forms. All of a sudden, Mom howled in pain. She felt her once-strong connection with Dad, forged through years of loyalty and love, abruptly severed. The realization suddenly hit her like a tidal wave, leaving her gasping for air as tears welled in her eyes.
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